require 'nokogiri' module Mondrian module OLAP class SchemaElement def initialize(name = nil, attributes = {}, &block) # if just attributes hash provided if name.is_a?(Hash) && attributes == {} attributes = name name = nil end @attributes = {} if name if self.class.content @content = name else @attributes[:name] = name end end @attributes.merge!(attributes) self.class.elements.each do |element| instance_variable_set("@#{pluralize(element)}", []) end @xml_fragments = [] instance_eval &block if block end def self.attributes(*names) names.each do |name| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}(*args) if args.empty? @attributes[:#{name}] elsif args.size == 1 @attributes[:#{name}] = args[0] else raise ArgumentError, "too many arguments" end end RUBY end end def self.data_dictionary_names(*names) return @data_dictionary_names || [] if names.empty? @data_dictionary_names ||= [] @data_dictionary_names.concat(names) end def self.elements(*names) return @elements || [] if names.empty? @elements ||= [] @elements.concat(names) names.each do |name| attr_reader pluralize(name).to_sym class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{name}(name=nil, attributes = {}, &block) @#{pluralize(name)} << Schema::#{camel_case(name)}.new(name, attributes, &block) end RUBY end end def self.content(type=nil) return @content if type.nil? @content = type end attr_reader :xml_fragments def xml(string) string = string.strip fragment = Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(string) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid XML fragment:\n#{string}" if fragment.children.empty? @xml_fragments << string end def to_xml(options={}) options[:upcase_data_dictionary] = @upcase_data_dictionary unless @upcase_data_dictionary.nil? do |xml| add_to_xml(xml, options) end.to_xml end protected def add_to_xml(xml, options) if self.class.content xml.send(tag_name(, @content, xmlized_attributes(options)) else xml.send(tag_name(, xmlized_attributes(options)) do self.class.elements.each do |element| instance_variable_get("@#{pluralize(element)}").each {|item| item.add_to_xml(xml, options)} end @xml_fragments.each do |xml_fragment| xml.send(:insert, Nokogiri::XML::DocumentFragment.parse(xml_fragment)) end end end end private def xmlized_attributes(options) # data dictionary values should be in uppercase if schema defined with :upcase_data_dictionary => true # or by default when using Oracle or LucidDB driver (can be overridden by :upcase_data_dictionary => false) upcase_attributes = if options[:upcase_data_dictionary].nil? && %w(oracle luciddb).include?(options[:driver]) || options[:upcase_data_dictionary] self.class.data_dictionary_names else [] end hash = {} @attributes.each do |attr, value| value = value.upcase if upcase_attributes.include?(attr) hash[ # camelcase attribute name attr.to_s.gsub(/_([^_]+)/){|m| $1.capitalize} ] = value end hash end def self.pluralize(string) string = string.to_s case string when /^(.*)y$/ "#{$1}ies" else "#{string}s" end end def pluralize(string) self.class.pluralize(string) end def self.camel_case(string) string.to_s.split('_').map{|s| s.capitalize}.join('') end def camel_case(string) self.class.camel_case(string) end def tag_name(string) string.split('::').last << '_' end end end end