module Taggable class RedirectRequired < StandardError def initialize(message = nil); super end end module FacetedPage # This module can be mixed into any Page subclass to give it mystical web 2.0 faceting powers. # Any nonexistent child path is assumed to be a tag set, and methods are provided for reading # that set, and adding and removing tags. # def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods base.class_eval { include InstanceMethods alias_method_chain :path, :tags } end module ClassMethods end module InstanceMethods # Faceted pages map nicely onto urls and are cacheable. # There can be redundancy if tags are specified in varying order, # but the site controller tries to normalize everything. # def cache? true end # We override the normal Page#find_by_path mechanism and treat nonexistent child paths # are understood as tag sets. Note that the extended site_controller will add to this set # any tags that have been supplied in query string parameters. This may trigger a redirect # to bring the request path into line with the consolidated tag set. # def find_by_path(path, live = true, clean = false) path = clean_path(path) if clean return false unless path =~ /^#{Regexp.quote(self.path)}(.*)/ tags = $1.split('/') if slug_child = children.find_by_slug(tags[0]) found = slug_child.find_by_url(path, live, clean) return found if found end remove_tags, add_tags = tags.partition{|t| t.first == '-'} add_request_tags(add_tags) remove_request_tags(remove_tags) self end alias_method :find_by_url, :find_by_path # The set of tags attached to the page request. # def requested_tags @requested_tags ||= [] end # The normal `path` method is extended to append the (sorted and deduped) tags attached to the page request # def path_with_tags(tags = requested_tags) clean_path( path_without_tags + '/' + ) end private # @requested_tags is the set of Tag objects attached to the page request. # def requested_tags=(tags) @requested_tags = tags end # We hold in memory a list of the tags that were appended to the path when this page was selected. # This method adds tags to that list. It is normally called only once, to populate the list. # def add_request_tags(tags=[]) if tags.any? tags.collect! { |tag| Tag.find_by_title(Rack::Utils::unescape(tag)) } self.requested_tags = (self.requested_tags +{|t| !t.nil?}).uniq end end # This method removes tags from the appended list. Normally only used to handle defaceting links # (in the form /path/to/page/tag1/tag2/tag3/-tag2). # def remove_request_tags(tags=[]) if tags.any? tags.collect! { |tag| tag.slice!(0) if tag.first == '-' Tag.find_by_title(Rack::Utils::unescape(tag)) } self.requested_tags = (self.requested_tags - tags.compact).uniq end end end end end