# Highcharts-Rails This gem just includes [Highcharts](http://highcharts.com/) as an asset in the Rails 3.1 (or newer) asset pipeline. Highcharts is not free for commercial use, so make sure you have a [valid license](http://highcharts.com/license) to use Highcharts. ## Installation Add the gem to the Gemfile gem "highcharts-rails", "~> 3.0.0" # The gem version mirrors the included version of Highcharts ## Changes We have a tiny changelog for this gem, but since it's just a tiny wrapper gem, refer to the [Highcharts changelog](http://www.highcharts.com/documentation/changelog#highcharts) for the important things. ## Usage In your JavaScript manifest (e.g. `application.js`) //= require highcharts //= require highcharts/highcharts-more # to get the new features in 2.3.0 To include one of the other adapters //= require highcharts/adapters/mootools //= require highcharts/adapters/prototype Or the modules //= require highcharts/modules/canvas-tools //= require highcharts/modules/data //= require highcharts/modules/exporting //= require highcharts/modules/funnel Or one of the themes //= require highcharts/themes/dark-blue //= require highcharts/themes/dark-green //= require highcharts/themes/gray //= require highcharts/themes/grid //= require highcharts/themes/skies Other than that, refer to the [Highcharts documentation](http://docs.highcharts.com/#home) ## Licensing Highcharts, which makes up the majority of this gem, has [its own, separate licensing](http://shop.highsoft.com/highcharts.html). The gem itself is released under the MIT license ## Signing Release tags and all released gems (from 3.0.0 onwards) is signed using [rubygems-openpgp](https://www.rubygems-openpgp-ca.org/) using [my personal key](https://eastblue.org/blag/contact/), and the fingerprint is also included below. pub 4096R/CCFBB9EF 2013-02-01 [expires: 2017-02-01] Key fingerprint = 6077 34FC 32B6 6041 BF06 43F2 205D 9784 CCFB B9EF uid Per Christian Bechström Viken uid [jpeg image of size 6240] sub 4096R/13C6EED7 2013-02-01 [expires: 2017-02-01]