# Ribose

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The Ruby Interface to the Ribose API.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "ribose"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ribose

## Configure

We need to setup Ribose API configuration before we can perform any request
throughout this client, and to request an API Key please contact Ribose Inc.
Once you have your API key then you can configure it by adding an initializer
with the following code

Ribose.configure do |config|
  config.api_token = "SECRET_API_TOKEN"
  config.user_email = "your-email@example.com"

  # There are also some default configurations, normally you do not need to
  # change those unless you have some very specific use case scenario.
  # config.debug_mode = false
  # config.api_host = "www.ribose.com"


Ribose.configuration.api_token = "SECRET_API_TOKEN"
Ribose.configuration.user_email = "your-email@example.com"

## Usage

### App Data

Ribose API provides an easier way to retrieve the list of App data, and to
retrieve the list of app data we can use the `AppData.all` interface.


### App Relation

#### List app relations

To retrieve the list of app relations we can use the `AppRelation.all` interface


#### Fetch an app relation

To retrieve the details for a specific app relation, we can use the following


### Profile

#### Fetch user profile


#### Update user profile

Ribose::Profile.update(first_name: "John", last_name: "Doe")

#### Set user login


### Settings

#### List user's settings

To list user's settings we can use the `Setting.all` interface, and it will
return all of the user's settings.


#### Fetch a setting

To fetch the details for any specific settings we can use the `Setting.fetch`
interface and it will return the details for that setting.


#### Update a setting

Ribose::Setting.update(setting_id, **new_updated_attributes_hash)

### Spaces

#### List user's spaces

To list user's spaces we can use the `Space.all` interface, and it will retrieve
all of the spaces for the currently configured user.


#### Fetch a user space

To retrieve the details for a space we can use the `Space.fetch(space_id)`.


#### Create a user space

To create a new user space we can use

  access: "private",
  space_category_id: 12,
  name: "The amazing Ribose Space",
  description: "Description about your space"

#### Update a user space

Ribose::Space.update("space_uuid", name: "New updated name", **other_attributes)

#### Remove a user space

To remove an existing space and we can use the following interface

Ribose::Space.remove(space_uuid, confirmation: true)

### Members

The members endpoint are space specific, to retrieve the member details under
any specific space we can use this interface.

### List of Members

To retrieve the list of members, we can use the following interface.

Ribose::Member.all(space_id, options)

### Files

#### List of Files

To retrieves the files for any specific space we can use the following interface

Ribose::SpaceFile.all(space_id, options)

### Create a file upload

Ribose::SpaceFile.create(space_id, file: "The complete file path", **attributes)

### Conversations

#### Listing Space Conversations

Ribose::Conversation.all(space_id, options = {})

#### Retrieve a conversation details

Ribose::Conversation.fetch(space_id, conversation_id)

#### Create A New Conversation

  space_id, name: "Sample conversation", tag_list: "sample, conversation"

#### Update a conversation

Ribose::Conversation.update(space_id, conversation_id, new_attributes_hash)

#### Remove A Conversation

Ribose::Conversation.destroy(space_id: "space_id", conversation_id: "12345")

### Message

#### List Conversation Messages

Ribose::Message.all(space_id: space_uuid, conversation_id: conversation_uuid)

#### Create a new message

  space_id: space_uuid,
  conversation_id: conversation_uuid,
  contents: "Provide your message body here",

#### Update an existing message

  space_id: space_uuid,
  message_id: message_uuid,
  conversation_id: conversation_uuid,
  contents: "The new content for message",

#### Remove a message

  space_id: space_uuid,
  message_id: message_uuid,
  conversation_id: conversation_uuid,

### Feeds

#### List user feeds

To retrieve the list of user feeds, we can use the `Feed.all` interface


### Widgets

#### List widgets

To retrieve the list of widgets we can use the `Widget.all` interface


### Stream

#### List of stream notifications

To retrieve the list of notifications we can use the `Stream.all` interface


### Leaderboard

#### Retrieve the current leadership board

To retrieve the current leadership board, we can use the `Leaderboard.all`
interface and it will return the details.


### Connections

### List of connections

To retrieve the list of connections, we can use the `Connection.all` interface
and it will return the connection as `Sawyer::Resource`.


#### Connection suggestions

To retrieve the list of connection suggestions we can use the following
interface and it will retrieve the suggested users.


### Invitations

#### List connection invitations


#### List space invitations


#### Fetch a connection invitation


#### Create mass connection invitations

  emails: ["email-one@example.com", "email-two@example.com"],
  body: "This contains the details message about the invitation",

#### Accept a connection invitation


#### Reject a connection invitation


#### Cancel a connection invitation


#### Invite user to a space

  state: "0",
  space_id: "123_456_789",
  invitee_id: "456_789_012",
  type: "Invitation::ToSpace",
  body: "Please join to this amazing space",

#### Create space invitation - Mass

  emails: ["email-one@example.com"],
  role_ids: ["role-for-email-address-in-sequance"],
  body: "The complete message body for the invitation",

#### Update a space invitation

Ribose::SpaceInvitation.update(invitation_id, new_attributes_hash)

#### Accept a space invitation


#### Resend a space invitation


#### Reject a space invitation


#### Cancel a space invitation


### Join Space Request

#### List join space requests


#### Create a join space request

  state: 0,
  space_id: 123_456_789,
  type: "Invitation::JoinSpaceRequest",
  body: "Hi, I would like to join to your space",

#### Accept a join space request


#### Reject a join space requests


#### Update an join space requests

Ribose::JoinSpaceRequest.update(invitation_id, new_attributes_hash)

### Calendar

#### List user calendars

To retrieve the list of user calendar, we can use the `Calendar.all` and it will
fetch the calendar details for the currently configured user.


#### Fetch a calendar


#### Create a calendar

  owner_type: "User",
  owner_id: "The Owner UUID",
  name: "The name for the calendar",

#### Delete a calendar


### User

#### Create a signup request

Ribose::User.create(email: "user@example.com", **other_attributes)

#### Activate a signup request

  email: "user@example.com",
  password: "ASecureUserPassword",
  otp: "OTP Recived via the Email",

### Wikis

#### List wiki pages

Ribose::Wiki.all(space_id, options = {})

#### Fetch a wiki page

Ribose::Wiki.fetch(space_id, wiki_id, options = {})

#### Create a wiki page

  space_id, name: "Wiki Name", tag_list: "sample", **other_attributes_hash

### Update a wiki page

  space_id, wiki_id, **updated_attributes_hash

### Remove a wiki page

Ribose::Wiki.delete(space_id, wiki_id)

## Development

We are following Sandi Metz's Rules for this gem, you can read the
[description of the rules here][sandi-metz] All new code should follow these
rules. If you make changes in a pre-existing file that violates these rules you
should fix the violations as part of your contribution.

### Setup

Clone the repository.

git clone https://github.com/riboseinc/ribose-ruby

Setup your environment.


Run the test suite


## Contributing

First, thank you for contributing! We love pull requests from everyone. By
participating in this project, you hereby grant [Ribose Inc.][riboseinc] the
right to grant or transfer an unlimited number of non exclusive licenses or
sub-licenses to third parties, under the copyright covering the contribution
to use the contribution by all means.

Here are a few technical guidelines to follow:

1. Open an [issue][issues] to discuss a new feature.
1. Write tests to support your new feature.
1. Make sure the entire test suite passes locally and on CI.
1. Open a Pull Request.
1. [Squash your commits][squash] after receiving feedback.
1. Party!

## Credits

This gem is developed, maintained and funded by [Ribose Inc.][riboseinc]

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).

[riboseinc]: https://www.ribose.com
[issues]: https://github.com/riboseinc/ribose-ruby/issues
[squash]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/guides/tree/master/protocol/git#write-a-feature
[sandi-metz]: http://robots.thoughtbot.com/post/50655960596/sandi-metz-rules-for-developers