require 'spec_helper' describe Noodall::Node do before(:each) do @valid_attributes = { :title => "My First Node" } end it "should create a new instance given valid attributes" do Noodall::Node.create!(@valid_attributes) end it "should be invalid if attributes are incorrect" do c = Noodall::Node.create c.valid?.should == false end it "should know it's root templates" do class LandingPage < Noodall::Node root_template! end Noodall::Node.template_classes.should include(LandingPage) end it "should know what class it is" do page = Page.create!(@valid_attributes) page.reload page.class.should == Page node = Noodall::Node.find( node.class.should == Page end it "should be found by permalink" do page = Factory(:page, :title => "My Page", :publish => true) Noodall::Node.find_by_permalink('my-page').should == page end it "should allow you to set the number of slots" do class NicePage < Noodall::Node wide_slots 3 small_slots 5 end NicePage.slots_count.should == 8 end describe "within a tree" do before(:each) do @root = Page.create!(:title => "Root") @child = Page.create!(:title => "Ickle Kid", :parent => @root) @grandchild = Page.create!(:title => "Very Ickle Kid", :parent => @child) end it "should list the roots" do Page.create!(:title => "Root 2") Noodall::Node.roots.should have(2).things end it "should know about it's siblings" do 3.times do |i| Page.create!(:title => "Sibbling #{i}", :parent => @root) end @child.siblings.should have(3).things @child.self_and_siblings.should have(4).things end it "should create permlink based on tree" do @grandchild.permalink.to_s.should == "root/ickle-kid/very-ickle-kid" @grandchild.reload @grandchild.permalink.to_s.should == "root/ickle-kid/very-ickle-kid" end it "should be under the correct path once moved" do grand_child_2 = Page.create!(:title => "Ickle Kid", :parent => @child) root_2 = Page.create!(:title => "Root 2") grand_child_2.parent = root_2! grand_child_2.path.should_not include( grand_child_2.path.should include( end it "should be under the correct path once it's parent is moved" do grand_child_2 = Page.create!(:title => "Ickle Kid 2", :parent => @child) root_2 = Page.create!(:title => "Root 2") @child.parent = root_2 => false) grand_child_2.reload grand_child_2.path.should_not include( grand_child_2.path.should include( end it "should allow parent to be set to nill using a the string 'none' to make it easy to set via forms" do @grandchild.update_attributes!(:parent => 'none') @grandchild.reload @grandchild.parent.should be(nil) end end describe "Publish dates" do before(:each) do @node = Factory(:page, :published_at => 3.days.ago, :published_to => 3.days.since) end it "should be able to be published now" do node = Factory(:page, :publish => true) node.published?.should == true end it "should be able to be hidden now" do @node.hide = true @node.published?.should == false end it "should determine if it is published" do @node.published?.should == true end it "should know it it is to be published" do @node.published_at = 1.hour.since @node.published?.should == false @node.pending?.should == true @node.expired?.should == false end it "should know it has been published" do @node.published_to = 1.hour.ago @node.published?.should == false @node.pending?.should == false @node.expired?.should == true end it "should allow you to clear published to" do @node.published_to = 1.hour.ago @node.published?.should == false @node.published_to = nil @node.published?.should == true end it "should be findable by publish dates" do nodes = Noodall::Node.published nodes.should have(1).things nodes = Noodall::Node.all(:published_at => { :$lte => 4.days.ago }, :published_to => { :$gte => 4.days.ago }) nodes.should have(0).things nodes = Noodall::Node.all(:published_at => { :$lte => 4.days.since }, :published_to => { :$gte => 4.days.since }) nodes.should have(0).things end end it "should update the global update timestamp" do Noodall::GlobalUpdateTime::Stamp.should_receive(:update!) p = Factory(:page) end it "should be able to list all slots" do ObjectSpace.each_object(Class) do |c| next unless c.ancestors.include?(Noodall::Node) and (c != Noodall::Node) be_instance_of(Array) end node = Factory(:page) node.small_slot_0 = => "Some text") node.small_slot_1 = => "Some more text")! node.slots.should have(2).things node.slots.first.body.should == "Some text" node.slots.last.body.should == "Some more text" end it "should use a tree structure" do root = Page.create!(@valid_attributes) child = Page.create!(:title => "Ickle Kid", :parent => root) grandchild = Page.create!(:title => "Very Ickle Kid", :parent => child) child.parent.should == root grandchild.root.should == root root.children.first.should == child sec_child = Page.create!(:title => "Ickle Kid 2", :parent => root) child.siblings.first.should == sec_child root.children.last.should == sec_child sec_child.position = 0 root.children.first.should == sec_child child.reload child.position.should == 1 third_child = Page.create!(:title => "Ickle Kid 3", :parent => root, :position => 0) root.children.first.should == third_child sec_child.reload sec_child.position.should == 1 child.reload child.position.should == 2 last_child = Page.create!(:title => "Ickle Kid 4", :parent => root, :position => 33) last_child.reload root.children.should have(4).things root.children.last.should == last_child last_child.position.should == 3 end it "shold allow groups to be set by strings for easy form access" do node = Factory(:page) node.destroyable_groups_list = 'Webbies, Dudes,Things, Dudes, ,' node.destroyable_groups.should == ['Webbies', 'Dudes', 'Things'] node = Factory(:page, :destroyable_groups_list => 'Webbies, Dudes,Things, Dudes, ,') node.destroyable_groups.should == ['Webbies', 'Dudes', 'Things'] end it "should restrict user accces by groups" do # Stub a simple user model class ::User include MongoMapper::Document include Canable::Cans key :name, String key :groups, Array key :admin, Boolean end john = User.create!(:name => 'John', :groups => ['Webbies','Blokes']) steve = User.create!(:name => 'Steve', :groups => ['Dudes']) ruby = Factory(:page, :updatable_groups => ['Dudes'], :destroyable_groups => ['Webbies', 'Dudes'], :publishable_groups => ['Dudes'] ) ruby.all_groups.should have(2).things john.can_create?(ruby).should == true steve.can_create?(ruby).should == true ruby.creator = john john.can_view?(ruby).should == true steve.can_view?(ruby).should == true john.can_update?(ruby).should == false steve.can_update?(ruby).should == true john.can_destroy?(ruby).should == true steve.can_destroy?(ruby).should == true end it "should be searchable" do 3.times do |i| Factory(:page, :title => "My Searchable Page #{i}") end top_hit = Factory(:page, :title => "My Extra Searchable Page", :description => "My Extra Searchable Page") 3.times do |i| Factory(:page, :title => "My Unfit Page #{i}") end results ="Searchable") results.should have(4).things results.first.should == top_hit results ="Searchable", :per_page => 2) results.should have(2).things results.total_pages.should == 2 results.first.should == top_hit results ="supercalifragilistic") results.should have(0).things end it "should return related" do Factory(:page, :title => "My Page 1", :tag_list => 'one,two,three') Factory(:page, :title => "My Page 2", :tag_list => 'two,three,four') Factory(:page, :title => "My Page 3", :tag_list => 'three,four,five') ref = Factory(:page, :title => "My Page 4", :tag_list => 'five,nine') ref.related.should have(1).things Factory(:page, :title => "My Page 5", :tag_list => 'nine') ref.related.should have(2).things end it "should know who can be a parent" do class LandindPage < Noodall::Node sub_templates Page end class ArticlesList < Noodall::Node sub_templates LandindPage end Page.parent_classes.should include(LandingPage) Page.parent_classes.should_not include(ArticlesList) end it "should fall back to title for link name if it is blank" do page = Factory(:page, :title => "My Long Title that is long") == "My Long Title that is long" = "Shorty" == "Shorty" end end