= Changelog 0.4.3 (May 2nd, 2009) * adding text/plain as an allowed mime-type for Yajl::HttpStream for webservers that respond with it instead of application/json (ahem...Yelp...) * renamed specs folder to spec for no reason at all 0.4.2 (April 30th, 2009) * Yajl::HttpStream is now sending "proper" http request headers * Yajl::HttpStream will request HTTP-Basic auth if credentials are provided in the passed URI * cleanup requires 0.4.1 (April 30th, 2009) * fixed a typo in the stream.rb benchmark file * fixed a bug in Yajl::Stream.parse that was causing "strange" Ruby malloc errors on large files, with large strings * added Yajl::GzipStreamReader as a wrapper around Zlib::GzipReader to allow for standard IO#read behavior ** this allows Yajl::Stream to read off of a Gzip stream directly 0.4.0 (April 29th, 2009) * NOTE: Breaking API change: ** refactored Stream parsing methods out of Yajl::Native into Yajl::Stream ** removed Yajl::Native namespace/module * Addition of Yajl::HttpStream module ** This module is for streaming JSON HTTP responses directly into Yajl (as they're being received) for increased awesomeness ** it currently supports basic get requests with Yajl::HttpStream.get(uri) ** it also supports (and prefers) output compressed (gzip) responses * Addition Yajl::Chunked module ** This module is for feeding Yajl JSON pieces at a time, instead of an entire IO object ** This works very well in environments like an EventMachine app where data is received in chunks by design * decreased read buffer for Yajl::Stream from 8kb to 4kb 0.3.4 (April 24th, 2009) * turned Unicode checks back on in the Yajl parser now that it's fixed (thanks Lloyd!) ** this also bumps the yajl version dependency requirement to 1.0.4 * better guessing of Integer/Float from number found instead of just trying to create a BigNum no matter what * changed extconf.rb to fail Makefile creation if yajl isn't found * added a test to check for parsing Infinity due to a Float overflow 0.3.3 (April 24th, 2009) * 1.9 compatibility 0.3.2 (April 24th, 2009) * version bump: forgot to include yajl.c in the gem 0.3.1 (April 23rd, 2009) * fixed borked gemspec 0.3.0 (April 23rd, 2009) * slight refactor of ActiveSupport tests to better reflect how they actually exist in ActiveSupport * typo correction in the changelog which had the years in 2008 * added some initial spec tests ** ported some from ActiveSupport to ensure proper compatibility ** included 57 JSON fixtures to test against, all of which pass * changed parser config to not check for invalid unicode characters as Ruby is going to do this anyway (?). This resolves the remaining test failures around unicode. * changed how the parser was dealing with numbers to prevent overflows * added an exception class Yajl::ParseError which is now used in place of simply printing to STDERR upon a parsing error * renamed a couple of JSON test files in the benchmark folder to better represent their contents * misc README updates 0.2.1 (April 23rd, 2009) * fixed parsing bug - also fixed failing ActiveSupport test failures (except for the unicode one, which is an issue in Yajl itself) 0.2.0 (April 22nd, 2009) * updated gemspec and README 0.1.0 (April 21st, 2009) * initial release - gemified