Feature: Generating new project files at the command line In order to add features to a gigantron project A user should be able to generate new models, migrations, and tasks Scenario: generate model Given a working directory When I use the gigantron command to generate a project named "new-project" And I use script/generate to make a model named "bar" Then a file named "new-project/models/bar.rb" is created Then a file named "new-project/test/models/test_bar.rb" is created And a file named "new-project/db/migrate/001_create_bars.rb" is created Scenario: generate migration Given a working directory When I use the gigantron command to generate a project named "new-project" And I use script/generate to make a migration named "bar" Then a file named "new-project/db/migrate/001_bar.rb" is created Scenario: generate task Given a working directory When I use the gigantron command to generate a project named "new-project" And I use script/generate to make a task named "bar" Then a file named "new-project/tasks/bar.rake" is created And a file named "new-project/test/tasks/test_bar.rb" is created