# encoding: utf-8 require "timber/cli/io/ansi" require "timber/cli/os_helper" module Timber class CLI class IO module Messages extend self APP_URL = "https://app.timber.io" DOCS_URL = "https://timber.io/docs" OBTAIN_KEY_DOCS_URL = "https://timber.io/docs/app/obtain-api-key/" REPO_URL = "https://github.com/timberio/timber-ruby" SUPPORT_EMAIL = "support@timber.io" TWITTER_HANDLE = "@timberdotio" WEBSITE_URL = "https://timber.io" MAX_LENGTH = 80.freeze def application_details(app) message = <<-MESSAGE Woot! Your API 🔑 is valid: #{app.name} (#{app.environment}) on #{app.platform_type} MESSAGE message.rstrip end def edit_app_url(app) "#{APP_URL}" end def bad_experience_message message = <<-MESSAGE Bummer! That is certainly not the experience we were going for. Could you tell us why you a bad experience? (this will be sent directly to the Timber engineering team) MESSAGE message.rstrip end def git_commands message = <<-MESSAGE #{ANSI.colorize("git add config/initializers/timber.rb", :blue)} #{ANSI.colorize("git commit -am 'Install the timber logger'", :blue)} MESSAGE message.rstrip end def console_url(app) message = <<-MESSAGE Your console URL: https://app.timber.io/organizations/timber/apps/#{app.slug}/console MESSAGE end def contact message = <<-MESSAGE Website: #{WEBSITE_URL} Documentation: #{DOCS_URL} Support: #{SUPPORT_EMAIL} MESSAGE message.rstrip end def copied_to_clipboard IO::ANSI.colorize("(✓ copied to clipboard)", :green) end def http_environment_variables(api_key) command = "export TIMBER_API_KEY=\"#{api_key}\"" copied = OSHelper.copy_to_clipboard(command) message = <<-MESSAGE Great! Add this variable to your environment: #{ANSI.colorize(command, :blue)} MESSAGE message = message.rstrip if copied message << "\n #{copied_to_clipboard}" end message end def free_data message = <<-MESSAGE Get free data: * Get ✨ 250mb✨ for starring our repo: #{IO::ANSI.colorize(REPO_URL, :blue)} * Get ✨ 250mb✨ for tweeting your experience to #{IO::ANSI.colorize(TWITTER_HANDLE, :blue)} MESSAGE message.rstrip end def header message = <<-MESSAGE 🌲 Timber.io Ruby Installer - Great Ruby Logging Made *Easy* ^ ^ ^ ^ ___I_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ /|\\/|\\/|\\ /|\\ /\\-_--\\ /|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\/|\\ /|\\ / \\_-__\\ /|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\/|\\ /|\\ |[]| [] | /|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\/|\\ /|\\/|\\ MESSAGE message.rstrip end def heroku_install(app) command = "heroku drains:add #{app.heroku_drain_url}" copied = OSHelper.copy_to_clipboard(command) message = <<-MESSAGE First, let's setup your Heroku drain. Run this command in a separate window: #{ANSI.colorize(command, :blue)} MESSAGE message = message.rstrip if copied message << "\n #{copied_to_clipboard}" end message end def no_api_key_provided message = <<-MESSAGE Hey there! Welcome to Timber. In order to proceed, you'll need an API key. If you already have one, you can run this installer like: #{ANSI.colorize("bundle exec timber install my-api-key", :blue)} #{obtain_key_instructions} MESSAGE message.rstrip end def obtain_key_instructions message = <<-MESSAGE Don't have a key? Head over to: #{ANSI.colorize(APP_URL, :blue)} For a simple guide, checkout out: #{ANSI.colorize(OBTAIN_KEY_DOCS_URL, :blue)} If you're stuck, contact us: #{ANSI.colorize(SUPPORT_EMAIL, :blue)} MESSAGE message.rstrip end def separator "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" end def spinner(iteration) rem = iteration % 3 case rem when 0 "/" when 1 "-" when 2 "\\" end end def failed "Failed :(" end def success "✓ Success!" end def task_complete(message) remainder = MAX_LENGTH - message.length - success.length dots = "." * remainder "\r#{message}#{dots}#{success}" end def task_failed(message) remainder = MAX_LENGTH - message.length - failed.length dots = "." * remainder "\r#{message}#{dots}#{failed}" end def task_start(message) remainder = MAX_LENGTH - message.length - success.length "\r#{message}" + ("." * remainder) end def we_love_you_too "Thanks! We 💖 you too!" end end end end end