import Migration from 'contentful-migration-cli' export = function (migration: Migration) { const menu = migration.createContentType('menu') .name('Menu') .description('A Menu contains a number of Menu Buttons or other Menus, which ' + 'will be rendered as drop-downs.') .displayField('name') menu.createField('name') .name('Menu Name') .type('Symbol') .required(true) menu.createField('topButton') .name('Top Button') .type('Link') .linkType('Entry') .validations([ { linkContentType: [ 'menuButton' ], message: 'The Top Button must be a button linking to a URL or page. ' + 'If the menu is a dropdown, this button is visible when it is collapsed.' } ]) menu.createField('items') .name('Items') .type('Array') .items({ type: 'Link', linkType: 'Entry', validations: [ { linkContentType: [ 'menu', 'menuButton' ], message: 'The items must be either buttons or drop-down menus' } ] }) const menuButton = migration.createContentType('menuButton') .name('Menu Button') .description('A Menu Button is a clickable button that goes on a Menu. ' + 'It has a link to a Page or a URL.') .displayField('text') menuButton.createField('text') .name('Text') .type('Symbol') .required(true) .validations([ { size: { min: 1, max: 60 }, message: 'A Menu Button should have a very short text field - ideally a ' + 'single word. Please limit the text to 60 characters.' } ]) menuButton.createField('icon') .name('Icon') .type('Link') .linkType('Asset') .validations([ { linkMimetypeGroup: ['image'] } ]) menuButton.createField('externalLink') .name('External Link') .type('Symbol') .validations([ { regexp: { pattern: "^(ftp|http|https):\\/\\/(\\w+:{0,1}\\w*@)?(\\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\\/|\\/([\\w#!:.?+=&%@!\\-\\/]))?$" }, message: "The external link must be a URL like ''" } ]) menuButton.createField('link') .name('Page Link') .type('Link') .linkType('Entry') .validations([ { linkContentType: [ 'page' ], message: 'The Page Link must be a link to a Page which has a slug.' } ]) }