# Various helpers available for use in your view module CalendarDateSelect::FormHelpers # Similar to text_field_tag, but adds a calendar picker, naturally. # # == Arguments # # +name+ - the html name of the tag # +value+ - When specified as a string, uses value verbatim. When Date, DateTime, Time, it converts it to a string basd off the format set by CalendarDateSelect#format= # +options+ - ... # # == Options # # === :embedded # # Put the calendar straight into the form, rather than using a popup type of form. # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "name", "2007-01-01", :embedded => true %> # # === :hidden # # Use a hidden element instead of a text box for a pop up calendar. Not compatible with :embedded => true. You'll probably want to use an onchange callback to do something with the value. # # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "hidden_date_selector", "", :hidden => "true", :onchange => "$('cds_value').update($F(this));" %> # # === :image # # Specify an alternative icon to use for the date picker. # # To use /images/groovy.png: # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "altered_image", "", :image => "groovy.png" %> # # === :minute_interval # # Specifies the minute interval used in the hour/minute selector. Default is 5. # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "month_year_selector_label", "", :minute_interval => 15 %> # # === :month_year # # Customize the month and year selectors at the top of the control. # # Valid values: # * "dropdowns" (default) - Use a separate dropdown control for both the month and year # * "label" - Use static text to show the month and the year. # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "month_year_selector_label", "", :month_year => "label" %> # # === :popup => 'force' # # Forces the user to use the popup calendar by making it's text-box read-only and causing calendar_date_select to override it's default behavior of not allowing selection of a date on a target element that is read-only. # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "name", "2007-01-01", :popup => "force" %> # # === :time # # Show time in the controls. There's three options: # # * +true+ - show an hour/minute selector. # * +false+ - don't show an hour/minute selector. # * +"mixed"+ - Show an hour/minute selector, but include a "all day" option - allowing them to choose whether or not to specify a time. # # === :year_range # # Limit the year range. You can pass in an array or range of ruby Date/Time objects or FixNum's. # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => 10.years.ago..0.years.from_now %> # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => [0.years.ago, 10.years.from_now] %> # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => 2000..2007 %> # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "e_date", nil, :year_range => [2000, 2007] %> # # == CALLBACKS # # The following callbacks are available: # # * before_show / after_show # * before_close / after_close # * after_navigate - Called when navigating to a different month. Passes first parameter as a date object refering to the current month viewed # * onchange - Called when the form input value changes # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "event_demo", "", # :before_show => "log('Calendar Showing');" , # :after_show => "log('Calendar Shown');" , # :before_close => "log('Calendar closing');" , # :after_close => "log('Calendar closed');", # :after_navigate => "log('Current month is ' + (param.getMonth()+1) + '/' + (param.getFullYear()));", # :onchange => "log('value changed to - ' + $F(this));" # # }}} # # All callbacks are executed within the context of the target input element. If you'd like to access the CalendarDateSelect object itself, you can access it via "this.calendar_date_select". # # For example: # # <%= calendar_date_select_tag "event_demo", "", :after_navigate => "alert('The current selected month is ' + this.calendar_date_select.selected_date.getMonth());" , def calendar_date_select_tag( name, value = nil, options = {}) image, options, javascript_options = calendar_date_select_process_options(options) value = CalendarDateSelect.format_time(value, javascript_options) javascript_options.delete(:format) options[:id] ||= name tag = javascript_options[:hidden] || javascript_options[:embedded] ? hidden_field_tag(name, value, options) : text_field_tag(name, value, options) calendar_date_select_output(tag, image, options, javascript_options) end # Similar to the difference between +text_field_tag+ and +text_field+, this method behaves like +text_field+ # # It receives the same options as +calendar_date_select_tag+. Need for time selection is automatically detected by checking the corresponding column meta information of Model#columns_hash def calendar_date_select(object, method, options={}) obj = options[:object] || instance_variable_get("@#{object}") if !options.include?(:time) && obj.class.respond_to?("columns_hash") column_type = obj.class.columns_hash[method.to_s].type if obj.class.columns_hash.include?(method.to_s) options[:time] = true if column_type == :datetime end use_time = options[:time] if options[:time].to_s=="mixed" use_time = false if Date===(obj.respond_to?(method) && obj.send(method)) end image, options, javascript_options = calendar_date_select_process_options(options) options[:value] ||= if(obj.respond_to?(method) && obj.send(method).respond_to?(:strftime)) obj.send(method).strftime(CalendarDateSelect.date_format_string(use_time)) elsif obj.respond_to?("#{method}_before_type_cast") obj.send("#{method}_before_type_cast") elsif obj.respond_to?(method) obj.send(method).to_s else begin obj.send(method).strftime(CalendarDateSelect.date_format_string(use_time)) rescue nil end end tag = ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag.new_with_backwards_compatibility(object, method, self, options.delete(:object)) calendar_date_select_output( tag.to_input_field_tag( (javascript_options[:hidden] || javascript_options[:embedded]) ? "hidden" : "text", options), image, options, javascript_options ) end private # extracts any options passed into calendar date select, appropriating them to either the Javascript call or the html tag. def calendar_date_select_process_options(options) options, javascript_options = CalendarDateSelect.default_options.merge(options), {} image = options.delete(:image) callbacks = [:before_show, :before_close, :after_show, :after_close, :after_navigate] for key in [:time, :valid_date_check, :embedded, :buttons, :clear_button, :format, :year_range, :month_year, :popup, :hidden, :minute_interval] + callbacks javascript_options[key] = options.delete(key) if options.has_key?(key) end # if passing in mixed, pad it with single quotes javascript_options[:time] = "'mixed'" if javascript_options[:time].to_s=="mixed" javascript_options[:month_year] = "'#{javascript_options[:month_year]}'" if javascript_options[:month_year] # if we are forcing the popup, automatically set the readonly property on the input control. if javascript_options[:popup].to_s == "force" javascript_options[:popup] = "'force'" options[:readonly] = true end if (vdc=javascript_options.delete(:valid_date_check)) if vdc.include?(";") || vdc.include?("function") raise ArgumentError, ":valid_date_check function is missing a 'return' statement. Try something like: :valid_date_check => 'if (date > new(Date)) return true; else return false;'" unless vdc.include?("return"); end vdc = "return(#{vdc})" unless vdc.include?("return") vdc = "function(date) { #{vdc} }" unless vdc.include?("function") javascript_options[:valid_date_check] = vdc end javascript_options[:popup_by] ||= "this" if javascript_options[:hidden] # surround any callbacks with a function, if not already done so for key in callbacks javascript_options[key] = "function(param) { #{javascript_options[key]} }" unless javascript_options[key].include?("function") if javascript_options[key] end javascript_options[:year_range] = format_year_range(javascript_options[:year_range] || 10) [image, options, javascript_options] end def calendar_date_select_output(input, image, options = {}, javascript_options = {}) out = input if javascript_options[:embedded] uniq_id = "cds_placeholder_#{(rand*100000).to_i}" # we need to be able to locate the target input element, so lets stick an invisible span tag here we can easily locate out << content_tag(:span, nil, :style => "display: none; position: absolute;", :id => uniq_id) out << javascript_tag("new CalendarDateSelect( $('#{uniq_id}').previous('input'), #{options_for_javascript(javascript_options)} ); ") else out << " " out << image_tag(image, :onclick => "new CalendarDateSelect( $(this).previous('input'), #{options_for_javascript(javascript_options)} );", :style => 'border:0px; cursor:pointer;', :class=>'calendar_date_select_popup_icon') end out end def format_year_range(year) # nodoc return year unless year.respond_to?(:first) return "[#{year.first}, #{year.last}]" unless year.first.respond_to?(:strftime) return "[#{year.first.year}, #{year.last.year}]" end end # Helper method for form builders module ActionView module Helpers class FormBuilder def calendar_date_select(method, options = {}) @template.calendar_date_select(@object_name, method, options.merge(:object => @object)) end end end end