# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require "fat_free_crm/view_factory" describe FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory do before(:each) do FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.send(:class_variable_set, '@@views', []) end describe "initialization" do before(:each) do @view_params = {:name => 'brief', :title => 'Brief View', :icon => 'fa-bars', :controllers => ['contacts'], :actions => ['show', 'index']} end it "should initialize with required parameters" do view = FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.new @view_params view.name.should == 'brief' view.title.should == 'Brief View' view.controllers.should include('contacts') view.actions.should include('show') view.actions.should include('index') end it "should register view with ViewFactory" do FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.send(:class_variable_get, '@@views').size.should == 0 FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.new @view_params FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.send(:class_variable_get, '@@views').size.should == 1 end it "should not register the same view twice" do FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.new @view_params FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.new @view_params views = FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.send(:class_variable_get, '@@views') views.size.should == 1 end end describe "views_for" do before(:each) do @v1 = FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.new :name => 'brief', :title => 'Brief View', :controllers => ['contacts'], :actions => ['show', 'index'] @v2 = FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.new :name => 'long', :title => 'Long View', :controllers => ['contacts'], :actions => ['show'] @v3 = FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.new :name => 'full', :title => 'Full View', :controllers => ['accounts'], :actions => ['show'] end it "should return 'brief' view for ContactsController#index" do FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.views_for(:controller => 'contacts', :action => 'index').should == [@v1] end it "should return 'brief' and 'long' view for ContactsController#show" do views = FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.views_for(:controller => 'contacts', :action => 'show') views.should include(@v1) views.should include(@v2) end it "should return 'full' view for AccountsController#show" do FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.views_for(:controller => 'accounts', :action => 'show').should == [@v3] end it "should return no views for TasksController#show" do FatFreeCRM::ViewFactory.views_for(:controller => 'tasks', :action => 'show').should == [] end end end