# This file provided many common build-related tasks and helper methods from # the SIMP Rakefile ecosystem. require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' require 'rake/tasklib' require 'fileutils' require 'find' require 'simp/relchecks' require 'simp/rpm' require 'simp/rake/helpers/rpm_spec' module Simp; end module Simp::Rake class Pkg < ::Rake::TaskLib include Simp::Rake::Helpers::RPMSpec # path to the project's directory. Usually `File.dirname(__FILE__)` attr_accessor :base_dir # the name of the package. Usually `File.basename(@base_dir)` attr_accessor :pkg_name # path to the project's RPM specfile attr_accessor :spec_file # path to the directory to place generated assets (e.g., rpm, tar.gz) attr_accessor :pkg_dir # array of items to exclude from the tarball attr_accessor :exclude_list # array of items to additionally clean attr_accessor :clean_list # array of items to ignore when checking if the tarball needs to be rebuilt attr_accessor :ignore_changes_list attr_reader :spec_info def initialize( base_dir, unique_namespace = nil, simp_version=nil ) @base_dir = base_dir @pkg_name = File.basename(@base_dir) @pkg_dir = File.join(@base_dir, 'dist') @pkg_tmp_dir = File.join(@pkg_dir, 'tmp') @exclude_list = [ File.basename(@pkg_dir) ] @clean_list = [] @ignore_changes_list = [ 'Gemfile.lock', 'dist/logs', 'dist/tmp', 'dist/*.rpm', 'dist/rpmbuild', 'spec/fixtures/modules' ] # This is only meant to be used to work around the case where particular # packages need to ignore some set of artifacts that get updated out of # band. This should not be set as a regular environment variable and # should be fixed properly at some time in the future. # # Presently, this is used by simp-doc if ENV['SIMP_INTERNAL_pkg_ignore'] @ignore_changes_list += ENV['SIMP_INTERNAL_pkg_ignore'].split(',') end FileUtils.mkdir_p(@pkg_tmp_dir) local_spec = Dir.glob(File.join(@base_dir, 'build', '*.spec')) unless local_spec.empty? @spec_file = local_spec.first else @spec_tempfile = File.open(File.join(@pkg_tmp_dir, "#{@pkg_name}.spec"), 'w') @spec_tempfile.write(rpm_template(simp_version)) @spec_file = @spec_tempfile.path @spec_tempfile.flush @spec_tempfile.close FileUtils.chmod(0640, @spec_file) end ::CLEAN.include( @pkg_dir ) yield self if block_given? ::CLEAN.include( @clean_list ) if unique_namespace namespace unique_namespace.to_sym do define end else define end end def define # For the most part, we don't want to hear Rake's noise, unless it's an error # TODO: Make this configurable verbose(false) define_clean define_clobber define_pkg_tar define_pkg_rpm define_pkg_check_version define_pkg_compare_latest_tag define_pkg_create_tag_changelog task :default => 'pkg:tar' Rake::Task['pkg:tar'] Rake::Task['pkg:rpm'] self end # Ensures that the correct file names are used across the board. def initialize_spec_info unless @spec_info # This gets the resting spec file and allows us to pull out the name @spec_info ||= Simp::RPM.new(@spec_file) @spec_info_dir ||= @base_dir @dir_name ||= "#{@spec_info.basename}-#{@spec_info.version}" @full_pkg_name ||= "#{@dir_name}-#{@spec_info.release}" _rpmbuild_srcdir = `rpm -E '%{_sourcedir}'`.strip unless File.exist?(_rpmbuild_srcdir) sh 'rpmdev-setuptree' end @rpm_srcdir ||= "#{@pkg_dir}/rpmbuild/SOURCES" FileUtils.mkdir_p(@rpm_srcdir) @tar_dest ||= "#{@pkg_dir}/#{@full_pkg_name}.tar.gz" if @full_pkg_name =~ /UNKNOWN/ fail("Error: Could not determine package information from 'metadata.json'. Got '#{@full_pkg_name}'") end end end def define_clean desc <<-EOM Clean build artifacts for #{@pkg_name} EOM task :clean do |t,args| # this is provided by 'rake/clean' and the ::CLEAN constant end end def define_clobber desc <<-EOM Clobber build artifacts for #{@pkg_name} EOM task :clobber do |t,args| end end def define_pkg_tar namespace :pkg do directory @pkg_dir task :initialize_spec_info => [@pkg_dir] do |t,args| initialize_spec_info end # :pkg:tar # ----------------------------- desc <<-EOM Build the #{@pkg_name} tar package. EOM task :tar => [:initialize_spec_info] do |t,args| target_dir = File.basename(@base_dir) Dir.chdir(%(#{@base_dir}/..)) do require_rebuild = false if File.exist?(@tar_dest) Find.find(target_dir) do |path| filename = File.basename(path) Find.prune if filename =~ /^\./ Find.prune if ((filename == File.basename(@pkg_dir)) && File.directory?(path)) to_ignore = @ignore_changes_list.map{|x| x = Dir.glob(File.join(@base_dir, x))}.flatten Find.prune if to_ignore.include?(File.expand_path(path)) next if File.directory?(path) if require_rebuild?(@tar_dest, path) require_rebuild = true break end end else require_rebuild = true end if require_rebuild sh %Q(tar --owner 0 --group 0 --exclude-vcs --exclude=#{@exclude_list.join(' --exclude=')} --transform='s/^#{@pkg_name}/#{@dir_name}/' -cpzf "#{@tar_dest}" #{@pkg_name}) end end end end end def define_pkg_rpm namespace :pkg do desc <<-EOM Build the #{@pkg_name} RPM. By default, the package will be built to support a SIMP-6.X file structure. To build the package for a different version of SIMP, export SIMP_BUILD_version=<5.X,4.X> EOM task :rpm => [:tar] do |t,args| rpm_opts = [ %(-D 'buildroot #{@pkg_dir}/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT'), %(-D 'builddir #{@pkg_dir}/rpmbuild/BUILD'), %(-D '_sourcedir #{@rpm_srcdir}'), %(-D '_rpmdir #{@pkg_dir}'), %(-D '_srcrpmdir #{@pkg_dir}'), %(-D '_build_name_fmt %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm') ] Dir.chdir(@pkg_dir) do # Copy in the materials required for the module builds # The following are required to build successful RPMs using # the new LUA-based RPM template puppet_module_info_files = [ Dir.glob(%(#{@base_dir}/build/rpm_metadata/*)), %(#{@base_dir}/CHANGELOG), %(#{@base_dir}/metadata.json) ].flatten puppet_module_info_files.each do |f| if File.exist?(f) FileUtils.cp_r(f, @rpm_srcdir) end end # Link in any misc artifacts that got dumped into 'dist' by other code extra_deps = Dir.glob("*") extra_deps.delete_if{|x| x =~ /(\.rpm$|(^(rpmbuild|logs|tmp$)))/} Dir.chdir(@rpm_srcdir) do extra_deps.each do |dep| unless File.exist?(dep) FileUtils.cp_r("../../#{dep}", dep) end end end FileUtils.mkdir_p('logs') FileUtils.mkdir_p('rpmbuild/BUILDROOT') FileUtils.mkdir_p('rpmbuild/BUILD') srpms = [@full_pkg_name + '.src.rpm'] if require_rebuild?(srpms.first, @tar_dest) # Need to build the SRPM so that we can get the build dependencies %x(rpmbuild #{rpm_opts.join(' ')} -bs #{@spec_file} > logs/build.out 2> logs/build.err) srpms = File.read('logs/build.out').scan(%r(Wrote:\s+(.*\.rpm))).flatten if srpms.empty? raise <<-EOM Could not create SRPM for '#{@spec_info.basename} Error: #{File.read('logs/build.err')} EOM end end # Collect the built, or downloaded, RPMs rpms = [] @spec_info.packages expected_rpms = @spec_info.packages.map{|f| latest_rpm = Dir.glob("#{f}-#{@spec_info.version}*.rpm").select{|x| # Get all local RPMs that are not SRPMs x !~ /\.src\.rpm$/ }.map{|x| # Convert them to objects x = Simp::RPM.new(x) }.sort_by{|x| # Sort by the full version of the package and return the one # with the highest version Gem::Version.new(x.full_version) }.last if latest_rpm && ( Gem::Version.new(latest_rpm.full_version) >= Gem::Version.new(@spec_info.full_version) ) f = latest_rpm.rpm_name else f = "#{f}-#{@spec_info.full_version}-#{@spec_info.arch}.rpm" end } if expected_rpms.empty? || require_rebuild?(expected_rpms, srpms) expected_rpms_data = expected_rpms.map{ |f| if File.exist?(f) f = Simp::RPM.new(f) else f = nil end } require_rebuild = true # We need to rebuild if not *all* of the expected RPMs are present unless expected_rpms_data.include?(nil) # If all of the RPMs are signed, we do not need a rebuild require_rebuild = !expected_rpms_data.compact.select{|x| !x.signature}.empty? end if !require_rebuild # We found all expected RPMs and they all had valid signatures # # Record the existing RPM metadata in the output file rpms = expected_rpms else # Try a build %x(rpmbuild #{rpm_opts.join(' ')} --rebuild #{srpms.first} > logs/build.out 2> logs/build.err) # If the build failed, it was probably due to missing dependencies unless $?.success? # Find the RPM build dependencies rpm_build_deps = %x(rpm -q -R -p #{srpms.first}).strip.split("\n") # RPM stuffs this in every time rpm_build_deps.delete_if {|x| x =~ /^rpmlib/} # See if we have the ability to install things unless Process.uid == 0 unless %x(sudo -ln) =~ %r(NOPASSWD:\s+(ALL|yum( install)?)) raise <<-EOM Please install the following dependencies and try again: #{rpm_build_deps.map{|x| x = " * #{x}"}.join("\n")} EOM end end rpm_build_deps.map! do |rpm| if rpm =~ %r((.*)\s+(?:<=|=|==)\s+(.+)) rpm = "#{$1}-#{$2}" end rpm.strip end yum_install_cmd = %(yum -y install '#{rpm_build_deps.join("' '")}') unless Process.uid == 0 yum_install_cmd = 'sudo ' + yum_install_cmd end install_output = %x(#{yum_install_cmd} 2>&1) if !$?.success? || (install_output =~ %r((N|n)o package)) raise <<-EOM Could not run #{yum_install_cmd} Error: #{install_output} EOM end end # Try it again! # # If this doesn't work, something we can't fix automatically is wrong %x(rpmbuild #{rpm_opts.join(' ')} --rebuild #{srpms.first} > logs/build.out 2> logs/build.err) rpms = File.read('logs/build.out').scan(%r(Wrote:\s+(.*\.rpm))).flatten - srpms if rpms.empty? raise <<-EOM Could not create RPM for '#{@spec_info.basename} Error: #{File.read('logs/build.err')} EOM end end # Prevent overwriting the last good metadata file raise %(Could not find any valid RPMs for '#{@spec_info.basename}') if rpms.empty? Simp::RPM.create_rpm_build_metadata(File.expand_path(@base_dir), srpms, rpms) end end end end end def define_pkg_check_version namespace :pkg do # :pkg:check_version # ----------------------------- desc <<-EOM Ensure that #{@pkg_name} has a properly updated version number. EOM task :check_version do |t,args| require 'json' # Get the current version if File.exist?('metadata.json') mod_version = JSON.load(File.read('metadata.json'))['version'].strip success_msg = "#{@pkg_name}: Version #{mod_version} up to date" # If we have no tags, we need a new version if %x(git tag).strip.empty? puts "#{@pkg_name}: New Version Required" else # See if the module is newer than all tags matching_tag = %x(git tag --points-at HEAD).strip.split("\n").first if matching_tag.nil? || matching_tag.empty? # We don't have a matching release # Get the closest tag nearest_tag = %x(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags).strip if mod_version == nearest_tag puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: metadata.json needs to be updated past #{mod_version}" else # Check the CHANGELOG Version if File.exist?('CHANGELOG') changelog = File.read('CHANGELOG') changelog_version = nil # Find the first date line changelog.each_line do |line| if line =~ /\*.*(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(-\d+)?\s*$/ changelog_version = $1 break end end if changelog_version if changelog_version == mod_version puts success_msg else puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: CHANGELOG version #{changelog_version} out of date for version #{mod_version}" end else puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: No CHANGELOG version found" end else puts "#{@pkg_name}: Warning: No CHANGELOG found" end end else if mod_version != matching_tag puts "#{@pkg_name}: Error: Tag #{matching_tag} does not match version #{mod_version}" else puts success_msg end end end else puts "#{@pkg_name}: No metadata.json found" end end end end def define_pkg_compare_latest_tag namespace :pkg do desc <<-EOM Compare to latest tag. ARGS: * :tags_source => Set to the remote from which the tags for this project can be fetched. Defaults to 'origin'. * :verbose => Set to 'true' if you want to see detailed messages NOTES: Compares mission-impacting (significant) files with the latest tag and identifies the relevant files that have changed. Fails if (1) There is any version validation or changelog parsing failure that would prevent an annotated changelog tag from being created. (See pkg::create_tag_changelog) (2) A version bump is required but not recorded in both the CHANGELOG and metadata.json files. (3) The latest version is < latest tag. Changes to the following files/directories are not considered significant: - Any hidden file/directory (entry that begins with a '.') - Gemfile - Gemfile.lock - Rakefile - spec directory - doc directory EOM task :compare_latest_tag, [:tags_source, :verbose] do |t,args| tags_source = args[:tags_source].nil? ? 'origin' : args[:tags_source] if args[:verbose].to_s == 'true' verbose = true else verbose = false end Simp::RelChecks::compare_latest_tag(@base_dir, tags_source, verbose) end end end def define_pkg_create_tag_changelog namespace :pkg do # :pkg:create_tag_changelog # ----------------------------- desc <<-EOM Generate an appropriate changelog for an annotated tag from a component's CHANGELOG or RPM spec file. The changelog text will be for the latest version and contain 1 or more changelog entries for that version, in reverse chronological order. ARGS: * verbose => Set to 'true' if you want to see non-catestrophic warning messages. NOTES: * Changelog entries must follow the following rules: - An entry must start with * and be terminated by a blank line. - The first line must be of the form * Wed Jul 05 2017 Author Name - 1.2.3-4 - The date string must be RPM compatible. - Dates must be in reverse chronological order, with the newest dates occurring at the top of the changelog. - Both an author name and email are required. - The author email must be contained in < >. - The version is required and must be of the form ... - The version may contain a release qualifier. - When the release qualifier is present, it must appear at the end of the version string and be separated from the version by a '-'. * This task will fail if any of the following occur: - The metadata.json file for a Puppet module component cannot be parsed. - The CHANGELOG file for a Puppet module component does not exist. - The CHANGELOG entries for the latest version are malformed. - The RPM spec file or a non-Puppet module component does not exist. - More than 1 RPM spec file for a non-Puppet module component exists. - No valid changelog entries for the version specified in the metadata.json/spec file are found. - The latest changelog version is greater than the version in the metadata.json or the RPM spec file. - The RPM release specified in the spec file does not match the release in a changelog entry for the version. - Any changelog entry below the first entry has a version greater than that of the first entry. - The changelog entries for the latest version are out of date order. - The weekday for a changelog entry for the latest version does not match the date specified. EOM task :create_tag_changelog, [:verbose] do |t,args| if args[:verbose].to_s == 'true' verbose = true else verbose = false end puts Simp::RelChecks::create_tag_changelog(@base_dir, verbose) end end end # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # helper methods # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Return True if any of the 'old' Array are newer than the 'new' Array def require_rebuild?(new, old) return true if ( Array(old).empty? || Array(new).empty?) Array(new).each do |new_file| return true unless File.exist?(new_file) return true unless uptodate?(new_file, Array(old)) end return false end end end