RSpec::Matchers.define :have_fracture do |*fracture_labels| match do |page| @results = Fracture.test_fractures page, false, fracture_labels, nil @results[:passed] end match_for_should_not do |page| @results = Fracture.test_fractures page, true, fracture_labels, nil @results[:passed] end failure_message_for_should { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } failure_message_for_should_not { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_all_fractures do match do |page| @results = Fracture.test_fractures page, false, Fracture.all.keys, nil @results[:passed] end match_for_should_not do |page| @results = Fracture.test_fractures page, true, Fracture.all.keys, nil @results[:passed] end failure_message_for_should { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } failure_message_for_should_not { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_all_fractures_except do |*fracture_labels| match do |page| @results = Fracture.have_all_except_test(page, false, fracture_labels) @results[:passed] end match_for_should_not do |page| @results = Fracture.have_all_except_test(page, true, fracture_labels) @results[:passed] end failure_message_for_should { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } failure_message_for_should_not { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_only_fractures do |*fracture_labels| match do |page| @results = Fracture.have_only_test(page, false, fracture_labels) @results[:passed] end match_for_should_not do |page| @results = Fracture.have_only_test(page, true, fracture_labels) @results[:passed] end failure_message_for_should { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } failure_message_for_should_not { |actual| common_error(actual, @results) } end def common_error(actual, results) errors = "" unless results[:should].empty? errors += "expected to find '#{results[:should].map { |i| i[:label] }.join(", ")}'" end unless results[:should_not].empty? errors += "expected not to find '#{results[:should_not].map { |i| i[:label] }.join(", ")}'" end errors += "\non page of\n #{actual}" end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_a_form do match do |page| page = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(page) @edit_found ="input[type='hidden'][name='_method'][value='put']") @has_form ="form[method='post']") #TODO refactor this #@found_action ="form[action]").try(:attributes).try(:fetch, "action", nil).try(:value) @found_action ="form[action]") &&"form[action]").attributes &&"form[action]").attributes.fetch("action", nil) &&"form[action]").attributes.fetch("action", nil).value @has_form && !(@new_form && @edit_found) && (!@edit_form || @edit_found) && (!@expected_path || (@found_action == @expected_path)) end match_for_should_not do |page| raise "Cannot use should_not chained with .is_for, .that_is_edit or .with_path_of " if @new_form || @edit_form || @expected_path page = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(page) !"form[method='post']") end #chain(:for_action) { |action #new:edit| @new_form = true } chain(:that_is_new) { @new_form = true } chain(:that_is_edit) { @edit_form = true } #chain(:with_path) { |path| @expected_path = path } chain(:with_path_of) { |path| @expected_path = path } failure_message_for_should do ret = case when !@has_form "expected to find a form on the page\n" when @new_form && @edit_found 'Form is an edit' when @edit_form && !@edit_found 'Form is not an edit' when @expected_path "Expected to find forms action of '/#{@expected_path}' but found '/#@found_action'" else raise "Unexpected have_form state." end ret end failure_message_for_should_not { "expected not to find a form on the page" } end