# language: en Feature: Open Blocks In order to group content in a generic container As a writer I want to be able to wrap content in an open block Scenario: Render an open block that contains a paragraph to HTML Given the AsciiDoc source """ -- A paragraph in an open block. -- """ When it is converted to html Then the result should match the HTML source """

A paragraph in an open block.

""" Scenario: Render an open block that contains a paragraph to DocBook Given the AsciiDoc source """ -- A paragraph in an open block. -- """ When it is converted to docbook Then the result should match the XML source """ A paragraph in an open block. """ Scenario: Render an open block that contains a paragraph to HTML (alt) Given the AsciiDoc source """ -- A paragraph in an open block. -- """ When it is converted to html Then the result should match the HTML structure """ .openblock .content .paragraph p A paragraph in an open block. """ Scenario: Render an open block that contains a paragraph to DocBook (alt) Given the AsciiDoc source """ -- A paragraph in an open block. -- """ When it is converted to docbook Then the result should match the XML structure """ simpara A paragraph in an open block. """ Scenario: Render an open block that contains a list to HTML Given the AsciiDoc source """ -- * one * two * three -- """ When it is converted to html Then the result should match the HTML structure """ .openblock .content .ulist ul li: p one li: p two li: p three """