require 'ish/premium_item' require 'ish/utils' class ::Gameui::Map include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps include Ish::PremiumItem include Ish::Utils has_many :markers, :class_name => '::Gameui::Marker', inverse_of: :map has_many :from_markers, :class_name => '::Gameui::Marker', inverse_of: :destination has_many :newsitems, inverse_of: :map, order: :created_at.desc field :deleted_at, type: Time, default: nil field :slug validates :slug, uniqueness: true, presence: true field :parent_slug belongs_to :parent, class_name: '::Gameui::Map', inverse_of: :childs, optional: true has_many :childs, class_name: '::Gameui::Map', inverse_of: :parent has_one :image, class_name: '::Ish::ImageAsset', inverse_of: :location belongs_to :creator_profile, class_name: '::Ish::UserProfile', inverse_of: :my_maps has_and_belongs_to_many :bookmarked_profiles, class_name: '::Ish::UserProfile', inverse_of: :bookmarked_location has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, class_name: 'Tag', inverse_of: :map # shareable, nonpublic field :is_public, type: Boolean, default: true has_and_belongs_to_many :shared_profiles, :class_name => 'Ish::UserProfile', :inverse_of => :shared_locations field :version, type: String, default: '0.0.0' ## @TODO: what is this? field :map_slug def map ::Gameui::Map.where( slug: map_slug ).first end field :name field :description RATED_OPTIONS = [ 'pg-13', 'r', 'nc-17' ] field :rated, default: 'pg-13' # 'r', 'nc-17' ## Possible keys: description, map, markers, newsitems, field :labels, type: Object, default: {} ## Possible keys: ## config.description.collapsible field :config, type: Object, default: {} # @deprecated, dont use! field :img_path field :w, type: Integer validates :w, presence: true field :h, type: Integer validates :h, presence: true ## @TODO: abstract this into a module field :x, :type => Float field :y, :type => Float # @TODO: this is shared between map and marker, move to a concern. before_validation :compute_w_h def compute_w_h return if !image ## @TODO: test this begin geo = Paperclip::Geometry.from_file(Paperclip.io_adapters.for(image.image)) self.w = geo.width self.h = geo.height rescue Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError => e puts! e, 'Could not #compute_w_h' # @TODO: do something with this end end ORDERING_TYPE_ALPHABETIC = 'alphabetic' ORDERING_TYPE_CUSTOM = 'custom' ORDERING_TYPE_TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp' ORDERING_TYPES = [ ORDERING_TYPE_ALPHABETIC, ORDERING_TYPE_CUSTOM, ORDERING_TYPE_TIMESTAMP ] field :ordering_type, type: String, default: 'custom' # timestamp, alphabetic, custom validates :ordering_type, presence: true def self.list conditions = { is_trash: false } out = self.order_by( created_at: :desc ) [[nil, nil]] + { |item| [, ] } end def breadcrumbs out = [{ name:, slug: self.slug, link: false }] p = self.parent while p out.push({ name:, slug: p.slug }) p = p.parent end out.reverse end def empty_export return { galleries: {}, image_assets: {}, maps: {}, markers: {}, newsitems: {}, photos: {}, profiles: {}, reports: {}, videos: {}, } end def self.empty_export;; end def empty_export_arr return { galleries: [], image_assets: [], maps: [], markers: [], newsitems: [], photos: [], profiles: [], reports: [], videos: [], } end def self.export_key_to_class end def export_key_to_class return { galleries: 'Gallery', image_assets: 'Ish::ImageAsset', maps: 'Gameui::Map', markers: 'Gameui::Marker', newsitems: 'Newsitem', photos: 'Photo', profiles: 'Ish::UserProfile', reports: 'Report', videos: 'Video', # 'galleries' => 'Gallery', # 'image_assets' => 'Ish::ImageAsset', # 'maps' => 'Gameui::Map', # 'markers' => 'Gameui::Marker', # 'newsitems' => 'Newsitem', # 'photos' => 'Photo', # 'profiles' => 'Ish::UserProfile', # 'reports' => 'Report', # 'videos' => 'Video', }.with_indifferent_access end def export_fields %w| creator_profile_id config deleted_at description h is_public labels map_slug name ordering_type parent_slug rated slug version w | end ## This is the starting point _vp_ 2022-03-12 ## def export_subtree collected = collect(empty_export) exportable = empty_export_arr do |k, v| if v.present? do |id| id = id[0] item = export_key_to_class[k].constantize.unscoped.find id export = item.export exportable[k].push( export ) end end end JSON.pretty_generate exportable end def collect export_object map = self export_object[:maps][] = if map.markers.present? do |marker| id = if !export_object[:markers][id] marker.collect( export_object ) end export_object[:markers][id] = id end end if map.newsitems.present? do |newsitem| id = export_object[:newsitems][id] = id newsitem.collect export_object end end ## @TODO: maybe implement this later, maybe not. _vp_ 2022-03-12 # if map.childs.present? # export_object[:maps].push( &:id ) # do |child| # child.collect export_object # end # end if map.creator_profile.present? export_object[:profiles][] = end if map.image.present? export_object[:image_assets][] = end export_object end end Location = ::Gameui::Map Map = Gameui::Map