# Abstractions for the window manager. require 'rumai/fs' require 'enumerator' class Object # @private # prevent these deprecated properties # from clashing with our usage below undef id if respond_to? :id undef type if respond_to? :type end module Rumai IXP_FS_ROOT = Node.new('/') FOCUSED_WIDGET_ID = 'sel'.freeze FLOATING_AREA_ID = '~'.freeze CLIENT_GROUPING_TAG = '@'.freeze CLIENT_STICKY_TAG = '/./'.freeze #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # abstraction of WM components #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # @note Inheritors must override the {Chain#chain} method. # module Chain ## # Returns an array of objects related to this one. # def chain [self] end ## # Returns the object after this one in the chain. # def next sibling(+1) end ## # Returns the object before this one in the chain. # def prev sibling(-1) end private def sibling offset arr = chain if pos = arr.index(self) arr[(pos + offset) % arr.length] end end end ## # The basic building block of the WM hierarchy. # # @note Inheritors must define a {curr} class method. # @note Inheritors must override the {focus} method. # module WidgetImpl attr_reader :id def == other @id == other.id end ## # Checks if this widget currently has focus. # def current? self == self.class.curr end alias focus? current? end ## # A widget that has a corresponding representation in the IXP file system. # class WidgetNode < Node include WidgetImpl def initialize id, path_prefix super "#{path_prefix}/#{id}" if id == FOCUSED_WIDGET_ID and ctl.exist? @id = ctl.read.split.first super "#{path_prefix}/#{@id}" else @id = id.to_s end end end ## # A graphical program that is running in your current X Windows session. # class Client < WidgetNode def initialize client_id super client_id, '/client' end ## # Returns the currently focused client. # def self.curr new FOCUSED_WIDGET_ID end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include Chain #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns a list of all clients in the current view. # def chain View.curr.clients end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WM operations #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Focuses this client within the given view. # def focus view = nil if exist? and not focus? (view ? [view] : self.views).each do |v| if a = self.area(v) and a.exist? v.focus a.focus # slide focus from the current client onto this client arr = a.client_ids src = arr.index Client.curr.id dst = arr.index @id distance = (src - dst).abs direction = src < dst ? :down : :up distance.times { v.select direction } break end end end end ## # Sends this client to the given destination within the given view. # def send area_or_id, view = View.curr dst = area_to_id(area_or_id) view.ctl.write "send #{@id} #{dst}" end alias move send ## # Swaps this client with the given destination within the given view. # def swap area_or_id, view = View.curr dst = area_to_id(area_or_id) view.ctl.write "swap #{@id} #{dst}" end ## # Moves this client in the given direction on the given view. # def nudge direction, view = View.curr reshape :nudge, direction, view end ## # Grows this client in the given direction on the given view. # def grow direction, view = View.curr reshape :grow, direction, view end ## # Terminates this client nicely (requests this window to be closed). # def kill ctl.write :kill end ## # Terminates this client forcefully. # def slay ctl.write :slay end ## # Maximizes this client to occupy the # entire screen on the current view. # def fullscreen ctl.write 'Fullscreen on' end ## # Restores this client back to its original size on the current view. # def unfullscreen ctl.write 'Fullscreen off' end ## # Toggles the fullscreen status of this client on the current view. # def fullscreen! ctl.write 'Fullscreen toggle' end ## # Checks if this client is currently fullscreen on the current view. # def fullscreen? # # If the client's dimensions match those of the # floating area, then we know it is fullscreen. # View.curr.manifest =~ /^# #{FLOATING_AREA_ID} (\d+) (\d+)\n.*^#{FLOATING_AREA_ID} #{@id} \d+ \d+ \1 \2 /m end ## # Checks if this client is sticky (appears in all views). # def stick? tags.include? CLIENT_STICKY_TAG end ## # Makes this client sticky (appears in all views). # def stick tag CLIENT_STICKY_TAG end ## # Makes this client unsticky (does not appear in all views). # def unstick untag CLIENT_STICKY_TAG end ## # Toggles the stickyness of this client. # def stick! if stick? unstick else stick end end ## # Checks if this client is in the floating area of the given view. # def float? view = View.curr area(view).floating? end ## # Puts this client into the floating area of the given view. # def float view = View.curr send :toggle, view unless float? view end ## # Puts this client into the managed area of the given view. # def unfloat view = View.curr send :toggle, view if float? view end ## # Toggles the floating status of this client in the given view. # def float! view = View.curr send :toggle, view end ## # Checks if this client is in the managed area of the given view. def manage? view = View.curr not float? view end alias manage unfloat alias unmanage float alias manage! float! #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WM hierarchy #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the area that contains this client within the given view. # def area view = View.curr view.area_of_client self end ## # Returns the views that contain this client. # def views tags.map! {|t| View.new t } end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tag manipulations #------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAG_DELIMITER = '+'.freeze ## # Returns the tags associated with this client. # def tags self[:tags].read.split TAG_DELIMITER end ## # Modifies the tags associated with this client. # # If a tag name is '~', this client is placed # into the floating layer of the current view. # # If a tag name begins with '~', then this # client is placed into the floating layer # of the view corresponding to that tag. # # If a tag name is '!', this client is placed # into the managed layer of the current view. # # If a tag name begins with '!', then this # client is placed into the managed layer # of the view corresponding to that tag. # def tags= *tags float = [] manage = [] inherit = [] tags.join(TAG_DELIMITER).split(TAG_DELIMITER).each do |tag| case tag when '~' then float << Rumai.curr_tag when /^~/ then float << $' when '!' then manage << Rumai.curr_tag when /^!/ then manage << $' else inherit << tag end end self[:tags].write((float + manage + inherit).uniq.join(TAG_DELIMITER)) float.each do |tag| self.float View.new(tag) end manage.each do |tag| self.manage View.new(tag) end end ## # Evaluates the given block within the # context of this client's list of tags. # def with_tags &block arr = self.tags arr.instance_eval(&block) self.tags = arr end ## # Adds the given tags to this client. # def tag *tags with_tags do concat tags end end ## # Removes the given tags from this client. # def untag *tags with_tags do tags.flatten.each do |tag| delete tag.to_s end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # multiple client grouping #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Checks if this client is included in the current grouping. # def group? tags.include? CLIENT_GROUPING_TAG end ## # Adds this client to the current grouping. # def group with_tags do push CLIENT_GROUPING_TAG end end ## # Removes this client to the current grouping. # def ungroup untag CLIENT_GROUPING_TAG end ## # Toggles the presence of this client in the current grouping. # def group! if group? ungroup else group end end private def reshape method, direction, view area = self.area(view) index = area.client_ids.index(@id) + 1 # numbered as 1..N view.ctl.write "#{method} #{area.id} #{index} #{direction}" end ## # Returns the wmii ID of the given area. # def area_to_id area_or_id if area_or_id.respond_to? :id id = area_or_id.id id == FLOATING_AREA_ID ? :toggle : id else area_or_id end end end ## # @note Inheritors should override the {client_ids} method. # module ClientContainer ## # Returns the IDs of the clients in this container. # def client_ids [] end ## # Returns the clients contained in this container. # def clients client_ids.map! {|i| Client.new i } end # multiple client grouping %w[group ungroup group!].each do |meth| define_method meth do clients.each do |c| c.__send__ meth end end end ## # Returns all grouped clients in this container. # def grouping clients.select {|c| c.group? } end end ## # A region that contains clients. This can be either # the floating area or a column in the managed area. # class Area attr_reader :view ## # @param [Rumai::View] view # the view object which contains this area # def initialize area_id, view = View.curr @id = Integer(area_id) rescue area_id @view = view end ## # Checks if this area is the floating area. # def floating? @id == FLOATING_AREA_ID end ## # Checks if this is a managed area (a column). # def column? not floating? end alias managed? column? #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include WidgetImpl #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the currently focused area. # def self.curr View.curr.area_of_client Client.curr end ## # Returns the floating area in the given view. # def self.floating view = View.curr new FLOATING_AREA_ID, view end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include Chain #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns a list of all areas in the current view. # def chain @view.areas end ## # Checks if this object exists in the chain. # def exist? chain.include? self end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include ClientContainer #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the IDs of the clients in this area. # def client_ids @view.client_ids @id end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include Enumerable #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Iterates through each client in this container. # def each &block clients.each(&block) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WM operations #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Puts focus on this area. # def focus @view.ctl.write "select #{@id}" end ## # Sets the layout of clients in this column. # def layout= mode case mode when :stack then mode = 'stack-max' when :max then mode = 'stack+max' end @view.ctl.write "colmode #{@id} #{mode}" end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # array abstraction: area is an array of clients #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the number of clients in this area. # def length client_ids.length end ## # Inserts the given clients at the bottom of this area. # def push *clients clients.flatten! return if clients.empty? insert clients # move inserted clients to bottom clients.reverse.each_with_index do |c, i| until c.id == self.client_ids[-i.succ] c.send :down end end end alias << push ## # Inserts the given clients after the # currently focused client in this area. # def insert *clients clients.flatten! return if clients.empty? clients.each do |c| import_client c end end ## # Inserts the given clients at the top of this area. # def unshift *clients clients.flatten! return if clients.empty? insert clients # move inserted clients to top clients.each_with_index do |c, i| until c.id == self.client_ids[i] c.send :up end end end ## # Concatenates the given area to the bottom of this area. # def concat area push area.clients end ## # Ensures that this area has at most the given number of clients. # # Areas to the right of this one serve as a buffer into which excess # clients are evicted and from which deficit clients are imported. # def length= max_clients return unless max_clients > 0 len, out = length, fringe if len > max_clients out.unshift clients[max_clients..-1] elsif len < max_clients until (diff = max_clients - length) == 0 importable = out.clients[0, diff] break if importable.empty? push importable end end end private ## # Moves the given client into this area. # def import_client c if exist? c.send self else # move the client to the nearest existing column src = c.area dst = chain.last c.send dst unless src == dst # slide the client over to this column c.send :right @id = dst.id.next raise 'column should exist now' unless exist? end end ## # Returns the next area, which may or may not exist. # def fringe Area.new @id.next, @view end end ## # The visualization of a tag. # class View < WidgetNode def initialize view_id super view_id, '/tag' end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include WidgetImpl #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the currently focused view. # def self.curr new FOCUSED_WIDGET_ID end ## # Focuses this view. # def focus IXP_FS_ROOT.ctl.write "view #{@id}" end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include Chain #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns a list of all views. # def chain Rumai.views end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include ClientContainer #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the IDs of the clients contained # in the given area within this view. # def client_ids area_id = '\S+' manifest.scan(/^#{area_id} (0x\S+)/).flatten end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- include Enumerable #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Iterates through each area in this view. # def each &block areas.each(&block) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # WM operations #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the manifest of all areas and clients in this view. # def manifest index.read || '' end ## # Moves the focus from the current client in the given direction. # def select direction ctl.write "select #{direction}" end #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # WM hierarchy #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the area which contains the given client in this view. # def area_of_client client_or_id arg = if client_or_id.respond_to? :id client_or_id.id else client_or_id end manifest =~ /^(\S+) #{arg}/ if area_id = $1 Area.new area_id, self end end ## # Returns the IDs of all areas in this view. # def area_ids manifest.scan(/^# (\d+)/).flatten.unshift(FLOATING_AREA_ID) end ## # Returns all areas in this view. # def areas area_ids.map! {|i| Area.new i, self } end ## # Returns the floating area of this view. # def floating_area Area.floating self end ## # Returns all columns (managed areas) in this view. # def columns areas[1..-1] end alias managed_areas columns ## # Resiliently iterates through possibly destructive changes to # each column. That is, if the given block creates new # columns, then those will also be processed in the iteration. # def each_column starting_column_id = 1 i = starting_column_id loop do a = Area.new i, self if a.exist? yield a else break end i += 1 end end alias each_managed_area each_column #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # visual arrangement of clients #----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Arranges the clients in this view, while maintaining # their relative order, in the tiling fashion of LarsWM. # # Only the first client in the primary column is kept; all others # are evicted to the *top* of the secondary column. Any subsequent # columns are squeezed into the *bottom* of the secondary column. # def arrange_as_larswm maintain_focus do # keep only one client in the primary column main = Area.new(1, self) main.length = 1 main.layout = :default # collapse remaining areas into secondary column extra = squeeze_columns(1..-1) if dock = extra.first dock.layout = :default end end end ## # Arranges the clients in this view, while maintaining # their relative order, in a (at best) square grid. # def arrange_in_grid max_clients_per_column = nil # compute client distribution unless max_clients_per_column num_clients = num_managed_clients return unless num_clients > 0 num_columns = Math.sqrt(num_clients) max_clients_per_column = (num_clients / num_columns).round end return if max_clients_per_column < 1 # apply the distribution maintain_focus do each_column do |a| a.length = max_clients_per_column a.layout = :default end end end ## # Arranges the clients in this view, while maintaining # their relative order, in the given number of columns. # def arrange_in_stacks num_stacks return if num_stacks < 1 # compute client distribution num_clients = num_managed_clients return unless num_clients > 0 stack_length = num_clients / num_stacks return if stack_length < 1 # apply the distribution maintain_focus do each_column do |a| a.length = stack_length a.layout = :stack end squeeze_columns num_stacks-1..-1 end end ## # Arranges the clients in this view, while # maintaining their relative order, in a (at # best) equilateral triangle. However, the # resulting arrangement appears like a diamond # because wmii does not waste screen space. # def arrange_in_diamond num_clients = num_managed_clients return unless num_clients > 1 # determine dimensions of the rising sub-triangle rise = num_clients / 2 span = sum = 0 1.upto rise do |h| if sum + h > rise break else sum += h span += 1 end end peak = num_clients - (sum * 2) # quantify overall triangle as a sequence of heights rise_seq = (1..span).to_a fall_seq = rise_seq.reverse heights = rise_seq heights << peak if peak > 0 heights.concat fall_seq # apply the heights maintain_focus do each_column do |col| if h = heights.shift col.length = h col.layout = :default end end end end private ## # Squeezes all columns in the given index range into a single one. # def squeeze_columns range extra = columns[range] if extra.length > 1 extra.reverse.each_cons(2) do |src, dst| dst.concat src end end extra end ## # Executes the given block and restores # focus to the client that had focus # before the given block was executed. # def maintain_focus c, v = Client.curr, View.curr yield c.focus v end ## # Returns the number of clients in the non-floating areas of this view. # def num_managed_clients manifest.scan(/^\d+ 0x/).length end end ## # Subdivision of the bar---the thing that spans the width of the # screen---useful for displaying information and system controls. # class Barlet < Node attr_reader :side def initialize file_name, side prefix = case @side = side when :left then '/lbar' when :right then '/rbar' else raise ArgumentError, side end super "#{prefix}/#{file_name}" end COLORS_REGEXP = /^\S+ \S+ \S+/ def label case read when /^label (.*)$/ then $1 when /#{COLORS_REGEXP} (.*)$/o then $1 end end def colors case read when /^colors (.*)$/ then $1 when COLORS_REGEXP then $& end end # detect the new bar file format introduced in wmii-hg2743 temp_barlet = IXP_FS_ROOT.rbar["temp_barlet_#{object_id}"] begin temp_barlet.create SPLIT_FILE_FORMAT = temp_barlet.read =~ /\Acolors/ ensure temp_barlet.remove end def label= label if SPLIT_FILE_FORMAT write "label #{label}" else write "#{colors} #{label}" end end def colors= colors if SPLIT_FILE_FORMAT write "colors #{colors}" else write "#{colors} #{label}" end end end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # access to global WM state #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the root of IXP file system hierarchy. # def fs IXP_FS_ROOT end ## # Returns the current set of tags. # def tags ary = IXP_FS_ROOT.tag.entries.sort ary.delete FOCUSED_WIDGET_ID ary end ## # Returns the current set of views. # def views tags.map! {|t| View.new t } end ## # Returns a list of all grouped clients in # the currently focused view. If there are # no grouped clients, then the currently # focused client is returned in the list. # def grouping list = curr_view.clients.select {|c| c.group? } list << curr_client if list.empty? and curr_client.exist? list end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- include ClientContainer #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## # Returns the IDs of the current set of clients. # def client_ids ary = IXP_FS_ROOT.client.entries ary.delete FOCUSED_WIDGET_ID ary end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shortcuts for interactive WM manipulation (via IRB) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def curr_client ; Client.curr ; end def next_client ; curr_client.next ; end def prev_client ; curr_client.prev ; end def curr_area ; Area.curr ; end def next_area ; curr_area.next ; end def prev_area ; curr_area.prev ; end def curr_view ; View.curr ; end def next_view ; curr_view.next ; end def prev_view ; curr_view.prev ; end def curr_tag ; curr_view.id ; end def next_tag ; next_view.id ; end def prev_tag ; prev_view.id ; end # provide easy access to container state information [Client, Area, View].each {|c| c.extend ExportInstanceMethods } def focus_client id Client.focus id end def focus_area id Area.focus id end def focus_view id View.focus id end # provide easy access to this module's instance methods extend self end