require 'logger' require 'rails/commands/server' module RailsSemanticLogger #:nodoc: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie #:nodoc: # Make the SemanticLogger config available in the Rails application config # # Example: Add the MongoDB logging appender in the Rails environment # initializer in file config/environments/development.rb # # Rails::Application.configure do # # Add the MongoDB logger appender only once Rails is initialized # config.after_initialize do # config.semantic_logger.add_appender # :db =>['development_development'] # ) # end # end config.semantic_logger = ::SemanticLogger # Initialize SemanticLogger. In a Rails environment it will automatically # insert itself above the configured rails logger to add support for its # additional features # Replace Rails logger initializer Rails::Application::Bootstrap.initializers.delete_if { |i| == :initialize_logger } initializer :initialize_logger, group: :all do config = Rails.application.config # Set the default log level based on the Rails config SemanticLogger.default_level = config.log_level # Existing loggers are ignored because servers like trinidad supply their # own file loggers which would result in duplicate logging to the same log file Rails.logger = config.logger = begin # First check for Rails 3.2 path, then fallback to pre-3.2 path = ((config.paths.log.to_a rescue nil) || config.paths['log']).first unless File.exist? File.dirname path FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname path end # Set internal logger to log to file only, in case another appender # experiences errors during writes appender =, config.log_level) = 'SemanticLogger' SemanticLogger::Logger.logger = appender # Add the log file to the list of appenders # Use the colorized formatter if Rails colorized logs are enabled formatter = SemanticLogger::Appender::Base.colorized_formatter unless config.colorize_logging == false SemanticLogger.add_appender(path, nil, &formatter) SemanticLogger[Rails] rescue StandardError => exc # If not able to log to file, log to standard error with warning level only SemanticLogger.default_level = :warn SemanticLogger::Logger.logger = SemanticLogger.add_appender(STDERR) logger = SemanticLogger[Rails] logger.warn( "Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that #{path} exists and is chmod 0666. " + "The log level has been raised to WARN and the output directed to STDERR until the problem is fixed.", exc ) logger end # Replace Rails loggers [:active_record, :action_controller, :action_mailer, :action_view, :active_job].each do |name| ActiveSupport.on_load(name) { include SemanticLogger::Loggable } end [:action_cable].each do |name| ActiveSupport.on_load(name) { self.logger = SemanticLogger['ActionCable'] } end end # Support fork frameworks config.after_initialize do # Passenger provides the :starting_worker_process event for executing # code after it has forked, so we use that and reconnect immediately. if defined?(PhusionPassenger) PhusionPassenger.on_event(:starting_worker_process) do |forked| ::SemanticLogger.reopen if forked end end # Re-open appenders after Resque has forked a worker if defined?(Resque) Resque.after_fork { |job| ::SemanticLogger.reopen } end # Re-open appenders after Spring has forked a process if defined?(Spring) Spring.after_fork { |job| ::SemanticLogger.reopen } end end # Before any initializers run, but after the gems have been loaded config.before_initialize do # Replace the Mongoid Logger Mongoid.logger = SemanticLogger[Mongoid] if defined?(Mongoid) Moped.logger = SemanticLogger[Moped] if defined?(Moped) # Replace the Resque Logger Resque.logger = SemanticLogger[Resque] if defined?(Resque) && Resque.respond_to?(:logger) # Replace the Sidekiq logger Sidekiq::Logging.logger = SemanticLogger[Sidekiq] if defined?(Sidekiq) # Replace the Sidetiq logger Sidetiq.logger = SemanticLogger[Sidetiq] if defined?(Sidetiq) # Replace the Bugsnag logger Bugsnag.configure { |config| config.logger = SemanticLogger[Bugsnag] } if defined?(Bugsnag) # Set the logger for concurrent-ruby Concurrent.global_logger = SemanticLogger[Concurrent] if defined?(Concurrent) end end end # Patch the Rails::Server log_to_stdout so that it logs via SemanticLogger module Rails #:nodoc: class Server #:nodoc: private def log_to_stdout SemanticLogger.add_appender($stdout, &SemanticLogger::Appender::Base.colorized_formatter) end end end # Patch ActiveJob logger if Rails.version.to_f >= 4.2 require 'active_job/logging' module ActiveJob::Logging private def tag_logger(*tags, &block) logger.tagged(*tags, &block) end end end