--- layout: post title: "Typography" categories: layout permalink: /layout/typography/ --- We have two core fonts: `Realtime Text` and `Proxima Nova`. Realtime Text is used for titles and elements (such as buttons), whereas Proxima Nova is used for paragraph text. Title classes use the Greek alphabet as a naming convention. This allows the styled heading to be seperated from the semantic tag. For example, an H1 and an H6 with a `title--gamma` class, will both visually look the same. <div class="pattern"> <h1 class="title--alpha pattern-item">Page title (28px)</h1> <br> <h2 class="title--beta pattern-item">Section title - (24px)</h2> <br> <h3 class="title--gamma pattern-item">Section sub-title - (22px)</h3> <br> <h4 class="title--delta pattern-item">Paragraph title - (18px)</h4> <br> <h5 class="title--epsilon pattern-item">Paragraph sub-title - (16px)</h5> <br> <h6 class="title--zeta pattern-item">Paragraph heading - (12px)</h6> </div> ``` html <h1 class="title--alpha">H1 - Page title</h1> <h2 class="title--beta">H2 - Section title</h2> <h3 class="title--delta">H3 - Section sub-title</h3> <h4 class="title--gamma">H4 - Paragraph title</h4> <h5 class="title--epsilon">H5 - Paragraph sub-title</h5> <h6 class="title--zeta">H6 - Paragraph heading</h6> ``` * * * ## Utility Classes These classes provide a quick way to change text color and alignment. <div class="pattern"> <span class="u-color-primary">I will always be colored with the primary color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-developer">I will always be colored with the developer color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-beta">I will always be colored with the beta color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-snow">I will always be colored with the neutral snow color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-smoke">I will always be colored with the neutral smoke color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-silver">I will always be colored with the neutral silver color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-slate">I will always be colored with the neutral slate color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-black">I will always be colored with the neutral black color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-danger">I will always be colored with the ui danger color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-warning">I will always be colored with the ui warning color</span> <br> <br> <span class="u-color-success">I will always be colored with the ui success color</span> </div> ```html <span class="u-color-primary">I will always be colored with the primary color</span> <span class="u-color-developer">I will always be colored with the developer color</span> <span class="u-color-beta">I will always be colored with the beta color</span> <span class="u-color-snow">I will always be colored with the neutral snow color</span> <span class="u-color-smoke">I will always be colored with the neutral smoke color</span> <span class="u-color-silver">I will always be colored with the neutral silver color</span> <span class="u-color-slate">I will always be colored with the neutral slate color</span> <span class="u-color-black">I will always be colored with the neutral black color</span> <span class="u-color-danger">I will always be colored with the ui danger color</span> <span class="u-color-warning">I will always be colored with the ui warning color</span> <span class="u-color-success">I will always be colored with the ui success color</span> ``` <div class="pattern u-text-align-center"> <span>I will be aligned centrally on desktop and tablet, and left aligned on mobile</span> </div> ```html <div class="u-text-align-center"> <span>I will be aligned centrally on desktop and tablet, and left aligned on mobile</span> </div> ``` <div class="pattern u-text-align-right"> <span>I will be aligned to the right</span> </div> ```html <div class="u-text-align-right"> <span>I will be aligned to the right</span> </div> ```