# Tablesaw
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A set of plugins for responsive tables.
* [Getting Started](#getting-started)
* [Stack Mode](#stack-mode)
* [Column Toggle Mode](#column-toggle-mode)
* [Swipe Mode](#swipe-mode)
* [Mini-Map](#mini-map)
* [Mode Switcher](#mode-switcher)
* [Sortable](#sortable)
* [Kitchen Sink Example](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/kitchensink.html)
* [Check All](#check-all)
* [Internationalization i18n](#internationalization-i18n)
* [Limitations](#limitations)
* [Run Tests](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/test-qunit/tablesaw.html)
* [Browser Support](#browser-support)
* [Bundler Compatibility](#bundler-compatibility)
## Roadmap and Enhancement Queue
This repository is now using [lodash style issue management](https://twitter.com/samselikoff/status/991395669016436736) for enhancements. This means enhancement issues will be closed instead of leaving them open.
* Look through [the enhancement backlog](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/issues?q=label%3Aneeds-votes+is%3Aclosed+sort%3Areactions-%2B1-desc) and vote for your favorite features by adding a đź‘Ť to the top comment.
## Stack Mode
* [Stack Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/stack.html) and [Stack-Only Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/stackonly.html)
The Stack Table stacks the table headers to a two column layout with headers on the left when the viewport width is less than `40em` (`640px`).
If you only want to use the Stack Table and don’t want all the extra features below (save yourself some bytes), Tablesaw provides a Stack-Only version.
| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Opt out of inline labels | To opt-out of inline label creation (the table header cell text that shows at small breakpoints) on a per-table basis, use `
`; on a per-row basis, use `
`; on a per-cell basis, use `
` (added in v3.1.0) |
| Hide headers for empty body cells | When the table cell is empty, use `
` to hide the header when stacked. |
## Column Toggle Mode
* [Column Toggle Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/toggle.html)
The Column Toggle Table allows the user to select which columns they want to be visible.
| Option | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Add a Mini-Map | The little dots that appear next to the column toggle popup. Use the `data-tablesaw-minimap` attribute: `
` |
The user always has the option to select all columns. If the table gets too wide for the viewport, it can overflow and cause a page-level scrollbar. To combat this issue, we recommend wrapping your table in a `
` element to restrict scrolling to the table-only. The [toggle demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/toggle.html) has one such example.
Advanced Option: Prioritize Columns
Table headers must have a `data-tablesaw-priority` attribute to be eligible to toggle. `data-tablesaw-priority` is a numeric value from 1 to 6, which determine default breakpoints at which a column will show. The breakpoint defaults are:
Keep in mind that the priorities are not exclusive—multiple columns can reuse the same priority value.
## Swipe Mode
* [Swipe Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/swipe.html)
Allows the user to use the swipe gesture (or use the left and right buttons) to navigate the columns.
| Options | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Persist a Column | Columns also respect the `data-tablesaw-priority="persist"` attribute: `
` |
| Add a Mini-Map | The little dots that appear next to the column navigation buttons. Use the `data-tablesaw-minimap` attribute: `
` |
| All columns visible class | Tablesaw also exposes a `tablesaw-all-cols-visible` class that is toggled on when all of the table columns are visible (and off when not). You can use this in CSS to hide the minimap or navigation buttons if needed. |
| Disable swipe touch events | Use the `
` attribute to opt-out of swiping left or right to navigate columns. Users will need to use the provided buttons instead. |
Advanced Option: Configure Swipe Thresholds
Add a `TablesawConfig` object to your page in a `
* [Configure Swipe Threshold Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/swipe-config.html)
## Mini Map
Use `data-tablesaw-minimap` to add a series of small dots to show which columns are currently visible and which are hidden. Only available on `swipe` and `columntoggle` tables. Examples available above.
## Mode Switcher
* [Mode Switcher Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/modeswitch.html)
## Sortable
* [Sortable Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/sort.html)
The “sortable” option allows the user to sort the table data by clicking on the table headers. Since all the columns may not be visible on smaller breakpoints (or not there at all if using the “stack” table mode), relying solely on the column headers to choose the table sort isn’t practical. To address this, there is an optional `data-tablesaw-sortable-switch` attribute on the table that adds a select menu auto-populated with the names of each column in the table with options for choosing ascending or descending sort direction. Data options on table headers can be used to control which columns are sortable (`data-tablesaw-sortable-col`) and the default sort order (`data-tablesaw-sortable-default-col`).
Movie Title
Use `data-tablesaw-sortable-switch` to add a select form element to manually choose the sort order.
Advanced Option: Custom Sort Functions
Tablesaw provides two methods of sorting built-in: string and numeric. To use numeric sort, use the `data-tablesaw-sortable-numeric` class as shown in the above sorting markup example. Otherwise, tablesaw uses a case insensitive string sort.
All other types of sorting must use a Custom Sort function on the individual columns ([working example](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/sort-custom.html)). In the contrived example below, we want to sort full dates (e.g. `12/02/2014`) just on the year.
// Add a data function to the table header cell
$( "th#custom-sort" ).data( "tablesaw-sort", function( ascending ) {
// return a function
return function( a, b ) {
// Ignore rows with data-tablesaw-ignorerow (leave them where they were)
if( a.ignored || b.ignored ) {
return 0;
// use a.cell and b.cell for cell values
var dateA = a.cell.split( "/" ),
dateB = b.cell.split( "/" ),
yearA = parseInt( dateA[ 2 ], 10 ),
yearB = parseInt( dateB[ 2 ], 10 );
if( ascending ) {
return yearA >= yearB ? 1 : -1;
} else { // descending
return yearA < yearB ? 1 : -1;
## Kitchen ~~Table~~ Sink
* [Kitchen Sink Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/kitchensink.html)
All of the above options combined into a single table.
## Check All
_Added in 3.0.1._ Add the `data-tablesaw-checkall` to a checkbox in a `thead` cell to enable that checkbox to toggle the other checkboxes in the same column.
* [Check All Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/checkall.html)
## Internationalization i18n
_Added in 3.0.2._ Use the `TablesawConfig` global on your page to override internationalization strings. It doesn’t matter if it’s declared before or after the Tablesaw JavaScript library.
## Getting Started
Available through npm:
npm install tablesaw
### The Full Tablesaw
Tablesaw (no dependencies)
or Tablesaw (jQuery Plugin)
Don’t forget to add your table markup! For a stack table, this is how it’d look:
The demos above include full markup examples for all of the Tablesaw types.
#### Manual initialization of Tablesaw Components
If you want to initialize your Tablesaw tables manually, don’t include `');
Following that, tables may be initialized manually as they are created.
### Using Stack-Only Tablesaw
* [Stack-Only Demo](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/demo/stackonly.html)
As shown above, we provide a Stack-mode-only package of Tablesaw. It’s a barebones version that doesn’t include any of the other features above.
Stack-only Tablesaw (no dependencies)
or just Stack-only Tablesaw (jQuery Plugin)
And then:
### Using Stack-Only Tablesaw SCSS Mixin
To easily customize the breakpoint at which the stack table switches, use the SCSS mixin. First, include the `tablesaw.stackonly.scss` file instead of `tablesaw.stackonly.css` in your SASS. Then, use a parent selector on your table.
Include the mixin like so:
.my-parent-selector {
@include tablesaw-stack( 50em );
The argument to `tablesaw-stack` is the breakpoint at which the table will switch from columns to stacked.
### Default Styles
_Starting with Tablesaw 3.0, the “Bare”, or stripped down style version of Tablesaw has been made the default._
Some of the more intrusive default styles have instead moved to opt-in classes you can add to the `
` element:
* `tablesaw-row-border`: Adds a bottom border to each table row.
* `tablesaw-row-zebra`: Adds a light background color to every other table row.
* `tablesaw-swipe-shadow`: Adds the light shadow to the right of persistant columns to make them stand out a little more.
## Limitations
* Simple `colspan` and `rowspan` are supported, in part thanks to a [lovely PR](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/pull/225) from @jgibson.
| | Stack | Column Toggle | Swipe | Sortable |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `rowspan` | _Not yet supported_ ([#247](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/issues/247)) | Supported | Supported | _Not yet supported_ ([#268](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/issues/268)) |
| `colspan` | Supported | Supported | Supported | Supported |
## [Tests](http://filamentgroup.github.io/tablesaw/test-qunit/tablesaw.html)
## Browser Support
All major browsers (evergreens are not listed, but supported). Notably this project cuts the mustard for A-grade support with:
* Internet Explorer 9+
* Android Browser 2.3+
* Blackberry OS 6+
Other legacy browsers and Opera Mini receive unenhanced table markup.
## Bundler Compatibility
* Added in `v3.0.6`: [tested to work in Webpack](./demo/webpack/).
## Building the Project Locally
Run `npm install` to install dependencies and then `grunt` to build the project files into the `dist` folder.
## Release Names
* [3.1.0: Acacia](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v3.1.0)
* [3.0.6: Wonderboom](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v3.0.6)
* [3.0.3: Cucumbertree](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v3.0.3)
* [3.0.2: Bald Cypress](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v3.0.2)
* [3.0.1: Cypress](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v3.0.1)
* [3.0.0: Rosewood](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v3.0.0)
* [2.0.1: Mountain Hemlock](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v2.0.1)
* [2.0.0: Hemlock](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v2.0.0)
* [1.0.5: Hickory](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v1.0.5)
* [1.0.4: Ironwood](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v1.0.4)
* [1.0.3: Red Mahogany](https://github.com/filamentgroup/tablesaw/releases/tag/v1.0.3)
_Previous versions didn’t have names._