module ActiveScaffold::Bridges class DatePicker module Helper DATE_FORMAT_CONVERSION = { /%a/ => 'D', /%A/ => 'DD', /%b/ => 'M', /%B/ => 'MM', /%d/ => 'dd', /%e/ => 'd', /%j/ => 'oo', /%m/ => 'mm', /%y/ => 'y', /%Y/ => 'yy', /%H/ => 'HH', # options ampm => false /%I/ => 'hh', # options ampm => true /%M/ => 'mm', /%p/ => 'tt', /%S/ => 'ss', /%[cUWwxXZz]/ => '' } def self.date_options_for_locales I18n.available_locales.collect do |locale| locale_date_options = date_options(locale) if locale_date_options "$.datepicker.regional['#{locale}'] = #{locale_date_options.to_json};" end end.compact.join('') end def self.date_options(locale) date_picker_options = { :closeText => as_(:close), :prevText => as_(:previous), :nextText => as_(:next), :currentText => as_(:today), :monthNames => I18n.translate!('date.month_names', :locale => locale)[1..-1], :monthNamesShort => I18n.translate!('date.abbr_month_names', :locale => locale)[1..-1], :dayNames => I18n.translate!('date.day_names', :locale => locale), :dayNamesShort => I18n.translate!('date.abbr_day_names', :locale => locale), :dayNamesMin => I18n.translate!('date.abbr_day_names', :locale => locale), :changeYear => true, :changeMonth => true } as_date_picker_options = I18n.translate! :date_picker_options, :scope => :active_scaffold, :locale => locale, :default => '' date_picker_options.merge!(as_date_picker_options) if as_date_picker_options.is_a? Hash Rails.logger.warn "ActiveScaffold: Missing date picker localization for your locale: #{locale}" if as_date_picker_options.blank? js_format = to_datepicker_format(I18n.translate!('date.formats.default', :locale => locale, :default => '')) date_picker_options[:dateFormat] = js_format unless js_format.blank? date_picker_options rescue raise if locale == I18n.locale end def self.datetime_options_for_locales I18n.available_locales.collect do |locale| locale_datetime_options = datetime_options(locale) if locale_datetime_options "$.timepicker.regional['#{locale}'] = #{locale_datetime_options.to_json};" end end.compact.join('') end def self.datetime_options(locale) rails_time_format = I18n.translate! 'time.formats.picker', :locale => locale, :default => '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' datetime_picker_options = { :ampm => false, :hourText => I18n.translate!('datetime.prompts.hour', :locale => locale), :minuteText => I18n.translate!('datetime.prompts.minute', :locale => locale), :secondText => I18n.translate!('datetime.prompts.second', :locale => locale) } as_datetime_picker_options = I18n.translate! :datetime_picker_options, :scope => :active_scaffold, :locale => locale, :default => '' datetime_picker_options.merge!(as_datetime_picker_options) if as_datetime_picker_options.is_a? Hash Rails.logger.warn "ActiveScaffold: Missing datetime picker localization for your locale: #{locale}" if as_datetime_picker_options.blank? date_format, time_format = split_datetime_format(to_datepicker_format(rails_time_format)) datetime_picker_options[:dateFormat] = date_format unless date_format.nil? unless time_format.nil? datetime_picker_options[:timeFormat] = time_format datetime_picker_options[:ampm] = true if rails_time_format.include?('%I') end datetime_picker_options rescue raise if locale == I18n.locale end def self.to_datepicker_format(rails_format) return nil if rails_format.nil? if rails_format =~ /%[cUWwxXZz]/ Rails.logger.warn("AS DatePicker::Helper: rails date format #{rails_format} includes options which can't be converted to jquery datepicker format. Options %c, %U, %W, %w, %x %X, %z, %Z are not supported by datepicker and will be removed") nil end js_format = rails_format.dup js_format.gsub! /([ ]|^)([^% ]\S*)/, " '\\2'" DATE_FORMAT_CONVERSION.each do |key, value| js_format.gsub!(key, value) end js_format end def self.split_datetime_format(datetime_format) date_format = datetime_format time_format = nil time_start_indicators = %w(HH hh mm tt ss) unless datetime_format.nil? start_indicator = time_start_indicators.detect { |indicator| datetime_format.include?(indicator) } unless start_indicator.nil? pos_time_format = datetime_format.index(start_indicator) date_format = - 1).strip time_format = datetime_format.from(pos_time_format).strip end end [date_format, time_format] end module DatepickerColumnHelpers def datepicker_split_datetime_format(datetime_format) ActiveScaffold::Bridges::DatePicker::Helper.split_datetime_format(datetime_format) end def to_datepicker_format(rails_format) ActiveScaffold::Bridges::DatePicker::Helper.to_datepicker_format(rails_format) end def datepicker_format_options(column, format, options) if column.form_ui == :date_picker js_format = to_datepicker_format(I18n.translate!("date.formats.#{format}")) options['data-dateFormat'] = js_format unless js_format.nil? else rails_time_format = I18n.translate!("time.formats.#{format}") date_format, time_format = datepicker_split_datetime_format(to_datepicker_format(rails_time_format)) options['data-dateFormat'] = date_format unless date_format.nil? unless time_format.nil? options['data-timeFormat'] = time_format options['data-ampm'] = true if rails_time_format.include?('%I') end end unless format == :default end end module SearchColumnHelpers def active_scaffold_search_date_bridge_calendar_control(column, options, current_search, name) if current_search.is_a? Hash value = controller.class.condition_value_for_datetime(column, current_search[name], column.search_ui == :date_picker ? :to_date : :to_time) else value = current_search end options = column.options.merge(options).except!(:include_blank, :discard_time, :discard_date, :value) options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options.merge(column.options)) options[:class] << " #{column.search_ui}" options[:style] = (options[:show].nil? || options[:show]) ? nil : 'display: none' format = options.delete(:format) || (column.search_ui == :date_picker ? :default : :picker) datepicker_format_options(column, format, options) text_field_tag("#{options[:name]}[#{name}]", value ? l(value, :format => format) : nil, options.merge(:id => "#{options[:id]}_#{name}", :name => "#{options[:name]}[#{name}]", :object => nil)) end end module FormColumnHelpers def active_scaffold_input_date_picker(column, options) record = options[:object] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'Relying on @record is deprecated, include :object in html_options with record.', caller if record.nil? # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed record ||= @record # TODO: Remove when relying on @record is removed options = active_scaffold_input_text_options(options.merge(column.options)) options[:class] << " #{column.form_ui}" value = controller.class.condition_value_for_datetime(column, record.send(, column.form_ui == :date_picker ? :to_date : :to_time) format = options.delete(:format) || (column.form_ui == :date_picker ? :default : :picker) datepicker_format_options(column, format, options) options[:value] = (value ? l(value, :format => format) : nil) text_field(:record,, options) end end end end end