# Note: # For includes to work with namespaces other than the root namespace, the # full namespaced class_name has to be set in the model on the association # being included. For example: # # class Animals::Dog # has_many :friends, :class_name => 'Animals::Dog' # end # module Caboose class PageBarGenerator # # Parameters: # params: array of key/value pairs that must include the following: # base_url: url without querystring onto which the parameters are added. # itemCount: Total number of items. # # In addition, the following parameters are not required but may be # included in the array: # itemsPerPage: Number of items you want to show per page. Defaults to 10 if not present. # page: Current page number. Defaults to 0 if not present. # attr_accessor :original_params, :params, :options, :custom_url_vars #def initialize(post_get, params = nil, options = nil, &custom_url_vars = nil) def initialize(post_get, params = nil, options = nil) params = {} if params.nil? options = {} if options.nil? # Note: a few keys are required: # base_url, page, itemCount, itemsPerPage @original_params = {} @params = {} @options = { 'model' => '', 'sort' => '', 'desc' => 0, 'base_url' => '', 'page' => 1, 'item_count' => 0, 'items_per_page' => 10, 'abbreviations' => {}, 'skip' => [], # params to skip when printing the page bar 'additional_where' => [], 'includes' => nil # Hash of association includes # { # search_field_1 => [association_name, join_table, column_name], # search_field_2 => [association_name, join_table, column_name] # } } params.each do |key, val| @original_params[key] = val @params[key] = val end options.each { |key, val| @options[key] = val } #@params.each { |key, val| # k = @options['abbreviations'].include?(key) ? @options['abbreviations'][key] : nil # @params[key] = post_get[key].nil? ? (k && !post_get[k].nil? ? post_get[k] : val) : post_get[key] #} new_params = {} keys_to_delete = [] @params.each { |key, val| next if !@options['abbreviations'].has_key?(key) long_key = @options['abbreviations'][key] new_params[long_key] = post_get[key] ? post_get[key] : val keys_to_delete << key } keys_to_delete.each { |k| @params.delete(k) } new_params.each { |k,v| @params[k] = v } @original_params.each { |k,v| @original_params[k] = post_get[k] ? post_get[k] : v } @params.each { |k,v| @params[k] = post_get[k] ? post_get[k] : v } @options.each { |k,v| @options[k] = post_get[k] ? post_get[k] : v } #@custom_url_vars = custom_url_vars if !custom_url_vars.nil? @use_url_params = @options['use_url_params'].nil? ? Caboose.use_url_params : @options['use_url_params'] fix_desc set_item_count end def set_item_count @options['item_count'] = model_with_includes.where(where).count end def model_with_includes m = @options['model'].constantize return m if @options['includes'].nil? associations = [] # See if any fields that we know have includes have values @params.each do |k,v| next if v.nil? || (v.kind_of?(String) && k.length == 0) k.split('_concat_').each do |k2| next if !@options['includes'].has_key?(k2) associations << @options['includes'][k2][0] end end # See if any fields in the sort option are listed in a table_name.column_name format if @options['sort'] @options['sort'].split(',').each do |col| tbl_col = col.split('.') associations << association_for_table_name(tbl_col[0]) if tbl_col && tbl_col.count > 1 end end associations.uniq.each { |assoc| m = m.includes(assoc) } return m end def association_for_table_name(table_name) @options['includes'].each do |field, arr| return arr[0] if table_name_of_association(arr[0]) == table_name end return false end def table_name_of_association(assoc) ap assoc return @options['model'].constantize.reflect_on_association(assoc.to_sym).class_name.constantize.table_name end def fix_desc @options['desc'] = 0 and return if @options['desc'].nil? return if @options['desc'] == 1 return if @options['desc'] == 0 @options['desc'] = 1 and return if @options['desc'] == 'true' || @options['desc'].is_a?(TrueClass) @options['desc'] = 0 and return if @options['desc'] == 'false' || @options['desc'].is_a?(FalseClass) @options['desc'] = @options['desc'].to_i end def ok(val) return false if val.nil? return true if val.is_a? Array return true if val.is_a? Hash return true if val.is_a? Integer return true if val.is_a? Fixnum return true if val.is_a? Float return true if val.is_a? Bignum return true if val.is_a? TrueClass return true if val.is_a? FalseClass return false if val == "" return true end def items assoc = model_with_includes.where(where) if @options['items_per_page'] != -1 assoc = assoc.limit(limit).offset(offset) end return assoc.reorder(reorder).all end def all_items return model_with_includes.where(where).all end def item_values(attribute) arr = [] model_with_includes.where(where).all.each do |m| arr << m[attribute] end return arr.uniq end def generate(summary = true) # Check for necessary parameter values return false if !ok(@options['base_url']) # Error: base_url is required for the page bar generator to work. return false if !ok(@options['item_count']) # Error: itemCount is required for the page bar generator to work. # Set default parameter values if not present @options['items_per_page'] = 10 if @options["items_per_page"].nil? @options['page'] = 1 if @options["page"].nil? page = @options["page"].to_i # Max links to show (must be odd) total_links = 5 prev_page = page - 1 next_page = page + 1 total_pages = (@options['item_count'].to_f / @options['items_per_page'].to_f).ceil if (total_pages < total_links) start = 1 stop = total_pages else start = page - (total_links/2).floor start = 1 if start < 1 stop = start + total_links - 1 if (stop > total_pages) stop = total_pages start = stop - total_links start = 1 if start < 1 end end base_url = url_with_vars base_url << (@use_url_params ? "/" : (base_url.include?("?") ? "&" : "?")) keyval_delim = @use_url_params ? "/" : "=" var_delim = @use_url_params ? "/" : "&" str = '' str << "

Results: showing page #{page} of #{total_pages}

\n" if summary if (total_pages > 1) str << "\n" end return str end def url_with_vars() if !@custom_url_vars.nil? return @custom_url_vars.call @options['base_url'], @params end vars = [] @original_params.each do |k,v| next if @options['skip'].include?(k) k = @options['abbreviations'].include?(k) ? @options['abbreviations'][k] : k if v.kind_of?(Array) v.each do |v2| if @use_url_params vars.push("#{k}/#{v2}") if !v2.nil? else vars.push("#{k}[]=#{v2}") if !v2.nil? end end else next if v.nil? || (v.kind_of?(String) && v.length == 0) if @use_url_params vars.push("#{k}/#{v}") else vars.push("#{k}=#{v}") end end end if @use_url_params vars.push("sort/#{@options['sort']}") vars.push("desc/#{@options['desc']}") #vars.push("page/#{@options['page']}") else vars.push("sort=#{@options['sort']}") vars.push("desc=#{@options['desc']}") #vars.push("page=#{@options['page']}") end return "#{@options['base_url']}" if vars.length == 0 if @use_url_params vars = URI.escape(vars.join('/')) return "#{@options['base_url']}/#{vars}" end vars = URI.escape(vars.join('&')) return "#{@options['base_url']}?#{vars}" end def sortable_table_headings(cols) base_url = url_with_vars base_url << (base_url.include?("?") ? "&" : "?") str = '' # key = sort field, value = text to display cols.each do |sort, text| arrow = @options['sort'] == sort ? (@options['desc'] == 1 ? ' ↑' : ' ↓') : '' #link = @options['base_url'] + "?#{vars}&sort=#{sort}&desc=" + (@options['desc'] == 1 ? "0" : "1") link = "#{base_url}sort=#{sort}&desc=" + (@options['desc'] == 1 ? "0" : "1") str += "#{text}#{arrow}\n" end return str end def sortable_links(cols) base_url = url_with_vars base_url << (base_url.include?("?") ? "&" : "?") h = {} # key = sort field, value = text to display cols.each do |sort, text| arrow = @options['sort'] == sort ? (@options['desc'] == 1 ? ' ↑' : ' ↓') : '' link = "#{base_url}sort=#{sort}&desc=" + (@options['desc'] == 1 ? "0" : "1") h[sort] = [link, "#{text}#{arrow}"] end return h end def where sql = [] values = [] table = @options['model'].constantize.table_name @params.each do |k,v| next if v.nil? || (v.kind_of?(String) && v.length == 0) col = nil if @options['includes'] && @options['includes'].include?(k) arr = @options['includes'][k] col = "#{table_name_of_association(arr[0])}.#{arr[1]}" end if k.include?('_concat_') #arr = k.split('_concat_') #col1 = arr[0] #col2 = arr[1] # #col2 = col2[0..-5] if col2.ends_with?('_gte') #col2 = col2[0..-4] if col2.ends_with?('_gt') #col2 = col2[0..-5] if col2.ends_with?('_lte') #col2 = col2[0..-4] if col2.ends_with?('_lt') #col2 = col2[0..-4] if col2.ends_with?('_bw') #col2 = col2[0..-4] if col2.ends_with?('_ew') #col2 = col2[0..-6] if col2.ends_with?('_like') # #col = "concat(#{col1},' ', #{col2})" arr = k.split('_concat_') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-5] if k.ends_with?('_gte') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-4] if k.ends_with?('_gt') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-5] if k.ends_with?('_lte') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-4] if k.ends_with?('_lt') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-4] if k.ends_with?('_bw') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-4] if k.ends_with?('_ew') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-6] if k.ends_with?('_like') arr[arr.count-1] = arr[arr.count-1][0..-6] if k.ends_with?('_null') arr2 = [] arr.each do |col| if @options['includes'] && @options['includes'].include?(col) arr3 = @options['includes'][col] arr2 << "#{table_name_of_association(arr3[0])}.#{arr3[1]}" else arr2 << col end end col = "concat(#{arr2.join(",' ',")})" end sql2 = "" if k.ends_with?('_gte') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-5]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "#{col} >= ?" elsif k.ends_with?('_gt') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-4]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "#{col} > ?" elsif k.ends_with?('_lte') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-5]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "#{col} <= ?" elsif k.ends_with?('_lt') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-4]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "#{col} < ?" elsif k.ends_with?('_bw') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-4]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "upper(#{col}) like ?" v = v.kind_of?(Array) ? v.collect{ |v2| "#{v2}%".upcase } : "#{v}%".upcase elsif k.ends_with?('_ew') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-4]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "upper(#{col}) like ?" v = v.kind_of?(Array) ? v.collect{ |v2| "%#{v2}".upcase } : "%#{v}".upcase elsif k.ends_with?('_like') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-6]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "upper(#{col}) like ?" v = v.kind_of?(Array) ? v.collect{ |v2| "%#{v2}%".upcase } : "%#{v}%".upcase elsif k.ends_with?('_null') col = "#{table}.#{k[0..-6]}" if col.nil? sql2 = "#{col} ? null" v = v == true ? 'is' : 'is not' else col = "#{table}.#{k}" if col.nil? sql2 = "#{col} = ?" end if v.kind_of?(Array) sql2 = "(" + v.collect{ |v2| "#{sql2}" }.join(" or ") + ")" v.each { |v2| values << v2 } else values << v end sql << sql2 end @options['additional_where'].each { |x| sql << x } sql_str = sql.join(' and ') sql = [sql_str] values.each { |v| sql << v } return sql end def limit return @options['items_per_page'].to_i end def offset return (@options['page'].to_i - 1) * @options['items_per_page'].to_i end def reorder str = "id" if (!@options['sort'].nil? && @options['sort'].length > 0) str = "#{@options['sort']}" end str << " desc" if @options['desc'] == 1 return str end end end