# encoding: utf-8 module Shelly module Helpers def echo_disabled system "stty -echo" value = yield system "stty echo" value end def say_new_line say "\n" end # FIXME: errors should be printed on STDERR def say_error(message, options = {}) options = {:with_exit => true}.merge(options) say message, :red exit 1 if options[:with_exit] end def say_warning(message) say message, :yellow end # Extracted into a helper so can be used when adding cloud Main#add and # Organization#add def create_new_organization(options = {}) organization = Shelly::Organization.new organization.name = ask_for_organization_name organization.redeem_code = options["redeem-code"] organization.create say "Organization '#{organization.name}' created", :green organization.name end def ask_for_email(options = {}) options = {:guess_email => true}.merge(options) email_question = options[:guess_email] && !User.guess_email.blank? ? "Email (#{User.guess_email} - default):" : "Email:" email = ask(email_question) email = email.blank? ? User.guess_email : email return email if email.present? say_error "Email can't be blank, please try again" end def ask_to_delete_application(app) code_name = ask "Please confirm with the name of the cloud:" unless code_name == app.code_name say_error "The name does not match. Operation aborted." exit 1 end end def ask_for_acceptance_of_terms acceptance_question = "Do you accept the Terms of Service of Shelly Cloud (https://shellycloud.com/terms_of_service) (yes/no)" unless yes?(acceptance_question) say_error "You must accept the Terms of Service to use Shelly Cloud" end end def ask_to_reset_database reset_database_question = "I want to reset the database (yes/no):" exit 1 unless yes?(reset_database_question) end def ask_for_organization_name default_name = default_name_from_dir_name name = ask("Organization name (#{default_name} - default):") name.blank? ? default_name : name end def default_name_from_dir_name "#{File.basename(Dir.pwd)}".downcase.dasherize end def inside_git_repository? unless App.inside_git_repository? say_error %q{Current directory is not a git repository. You need to initialize repository with `git init`. More info at http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics-Getting-a-Git-Repository} end end def cloudfile_present? say_error "No Cloudfile found" unless Cloudfile.new.present? end def ask_to_restore_database question = "I want to restore the database (yes/no):" say_new_line say_error "Canceled" unless yes?(question) end def logged_in? user = Shelly::User.new user.authorize! rescue Client::UnauthorizedException say_error "You are not logged in. To log in use: `shelly login`" end def command_exists?(cmd) exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : [''] ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each { |ext| exe = "#{path}/#{cmd}#{ext}" return exe if File.executable? exe } end return false end def multiple_clouds(cloud, action) clouds = Cloudfile.new.clouds if clouds && clouds.count > 1 && cloud.nil? say_error "You have multiple clouds in Cloudfile.", :with_exit => false say "Select cloud using `shelly #{action} --cloud #{clouds.first}`" say "Available clouds:" clouds.each do |cloud| say " * #{cloud}" end exit 1 end unless Cloudfile.new.present? || cloud say_error "You have to specify cloud.", :with_exit => false say "Select cloud using `shelly #{action} --cloud CLOUD_NAME`" Shelly::CLI::Main.new.list exit 1 end cloud ? Shelly::App.new(cloud) : clouds.first end def print_logs(logs) logs['entries'].each do |entry| say "%s %s" % entry end end def green(string) "\e[32m#{string}\e[0m" end def red(string) "\e[31m#{string}\e[0m" end def yellow(string) "\e[33m#{string}\e[0m" end def print_check(check, success_message, failure_message, options = {}) return if check && !options[:show_fulfilled] message = check ? success_message : failure_message indicator = if check green("✓") else options[:failure_level] == :warning ? yellow("ϟ") : red("✗") end say " #{indicator} #{message}" end def deployment_progress(app, deployment_id, action_name) printed_messages = [] loop do @deployment = app.deployment(deployment_id) new_messages = @deployment["messages"] - printed_messages new_messages.each do |message| color = (message =~ /failed/) ? :red : :green say " ---> #{message}", color printed_messages << message end break if @deployment["state"] != "running" sleep 5 end say_new_line if @deployment["result"] == "success" say "#{action_name} successful", :green else say "#{action_name} failed. See logs with `shelly deploy show last --cloud #{app}`", :red end end def apps_table(apps) apps.map do |app| msg = info_show_last_deploy_logs(app) [app.code_name, "| #{app.state_description}#{msg}"] end end def info_show_last_deploy_logs(app) if app.in_deploy_failed_state? && !app.maintenance? " (deployment log: `shelly deploys show last -c #{app}`)" end end end end