The TaskJuggler III User Manual

Project Management beyond Gantt Chart Drawing

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Keyword taskroot

Only tasks below the specified root-level tasks are exported. The exported tasks will have the ID of the root-level task stripped from their ID, so that the sub-tasks of the root-level task become top-level tasks in the report file.
Syntax taskroot (<ABSOLUTE_ID> | <ID>)
Arguments none
Context report

project "Taskroot Example" 2005-07-22 - 2005-08-26 {
  timezone "America/Denver"

task items "Project breakdown" {
  start 2005-07-22

  task plan "Plan work" {
    length 3d

  task implementation "Implement work" {
    task phase1 "Phase 1" {
      length 5d
      depends !!plan
    task phase2 "Phase 2" {
      length 3d
      depends !phase1
    task phase3 "Phase 3" {
      length 4d
      depends !phase2

  task acceptance "Customer acceptance" {
    duration 5d
    depends !implementation

taskreport tasks "My Tasks" {
  formats html
  taskroot items.implementation

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Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by Chris Schlaeger <>.TaskJuggler is a trademark of Chris Schlaeger.