# po-file for gettext
# Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Masao Mutoh
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gettext.
# Masao Mutoh, 2004-2008
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ruby-gettext 2.2.2\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-31 14:37+0900\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-31 14:32+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Masao Mutoh\n"
"Language-Team: Japanese\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: lib/gettext/tools.rb:70
msgid "Failed to merge with %{defpo}"
msgstr "%{defpo}のマージに失敗しました。"

#: lib/gettext/tools.rb:71
msgid "New .pot was copied to %{failed_filename}"
msgstr "新しい.potファイルを%{failed_filename}にコピーしました。"

#: lib/gettext/tools.rb:72
msgid "Check these po/pot-files. It may have syntax errors or something wrong."
msgstr ""

#: lib/gettext/tools.rb:175
msgid ""
"`%{cmd}' can not be found. \n"
"Install GNU Gettext then set PATH or MSGMERGE_PATH correctly."
msgstr ""
"GNU Gettextをインストールし、環境変数PATHかMSGMERGE_PATHを正しく設定してくだ"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:40
msgid "'%{klass}' is ignored."
msgstr "'%{klass}' は無視されました。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:161
msgid "Error parsing %{path}"
msgstr "%{path}をパース時にエラーが発生しました。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:172
msgid "Usage: %s input.rb [-r parser.rb] [-o output.pot]"
msgstr "使い方: %s input.rb [-r parser.rb] [-o output.pot]"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:174
msgid "Extract translatable strings from given input files."
msgstr "翻訳可能な文字列を入力ファイルから抜き出します。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:176 lib/gettext/tools/rmsgmerge.rb:416
#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:70 lib/gettext/tools/rmsgfmt.rb:52
msgid "Specific options:"
msgstr "オプション:"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:178 lib/gettext/tools/rmsgmerge.rb:418
#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:82 lib/gettext/tools/rmsgfmt.rb:54
msgid "write output to specified file"
msgstr "出力ファイルを指定します"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:182
msgid "File '%s' already exists."
msgstr "ファイル '%s' はすでに存在します。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:187
msgid "require the library before executing rgettext"
msgstr "rgettextを実行する前に指定したライブラリを読み込みます。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:191
msgid "run in debugging mode"
msgstr "デバッグモードで実行する"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:195 lib/gettext/tools/rmsgmerge.rb:429
#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:101 lib/gettext/tools/rmsgfmt.rb:58
msgid "display version information and exit"
msgstr "バージョンを表示します"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rgettext.rb:218 lib/gettext/tools/rmsgfmt.rb:31
msgid "no input files"
msgstr "入力ファイルがありません"

#: lib/gettext/tools/parser/glade.rb:75
msgid "`%{file}' is not glade-2.0 format."
msgstr "`%{file}'はglade-2.0フォーマットではありません。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsgmerge.rb:411
msgid "Usage: %s def.po ref.pot [-o output.pot]"
msgstr "使い方: %s def.po ref.pot [-o output.pot]"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsgmerge.rb:414
msgid ""
"Merges two Uniforum style .po files together. The def.po file is an existing "
"PO file with translations. The ref.pot file is the last created PO file with "
"up-to-date source references. ref.pot is generally created by rgettext."
msgstr ""

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsgmerge.rb:455
msgid "definition po is not given."
msgstr "翻訳済みの.poファイルが与えられていません。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsgmerge.rb:457
msgid "reference pot is not given."
msgstr "最新の.potファイルが与えられていません。"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:58
msgid ""
"Initialize a .pot file with user's environment and input and create a .po\n"
"file from an initialized .pot file.\n"
"A .pot file is specified as input_file. If input_file is not\n"
"specified, a .pot file existing current directory is used. A .po file is\n"
"created from initialized input_file as output_file. if output_file\n"
"isn't specified, output_file is \"locale.po\". If locale is not\n"
"specified, 'ja' is used as locale.\n"
msgstr ""

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:73
msgid "read input from specified file"
msgstr "出力ファイルを指定します"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:91
msgid "locale used with .po file"
msgstr ".poファイルで使用するロケールを指定します"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:96
msgid "dispray this help and exit"
msgstr "ヘルプを表示します"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsginit.rb:123
msgid ""
"rmsginit: input file is not specified, but no .pot file exists in current "
msgstr ""
"rmsginit: 入力ファイルが指定されていませんが、現在のディレクトリに.potファイ"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsgfmt.rb:48
msgid "Usage: %s input.po [-o output.mo]"
msgstr "使い方: %s input.po [-o output.mo]"

#: lib/gettext/tools/rmsgfmt.rb:50
msgid "Generate binary message catalog from textual translation description."
msgstr ""

#: lib/gettext/runtime/textdomain_manager.rb:149
msgid "ngettext: 3rd parmeter is wrong: value = %{number}"
msgstr "ngettext: 3番目のパラメータが不正です。: value = %{number}"

#: lib/gettext/runtime/textdomain_manager.rb:155
msgid "ngettext: 3rd parameter should be a number, not nil."
msgstr "ngettext: 3番目のパラメータがnilです。数値にしてください。"

#: src/poparser.ry:46 src/poparser.ry:64
msgid "Warning: fuzzy message was ignored.\n"
msgstr "Warning: fuzzyメッセージは無視されました。\n"

#: src/poparser.ry:48
msgid "Warning: fuzzy message was used.\n"
msgstr "Warning: fuzzyメッセージは無視されました。\n"

#: src/poparser.ry:185
msgid "Warning: obsolete msgid exists.\n"
msgstr "Warning: 使用されていないメッセージ(obsolete msgid)が存在します。\n"