// os/language safe font stacks // these are core font definitions, these will be extended with whatever is in $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS $CORE_SAFE_FONTS: ( sans-serif: ( default: ( default: (sans-serif), ko_KR: ('Malgun Gothic', default), zh_TW: (SimSun, default), zh_CN: (SimSun, default), ar_AE: (Tahoma, Arial, 'Times New Roman', default) ), win: ( default: (Arial, sans-serif), ja_JP: (メイリオ, Meiryo, 'MS Pゴシック', 'MS PGothic', default), zh_TW: (default, '微軟正黑體', 'Microsoft JhengHei', PMingLiu, '宋体', SimSun), zh_CN: (default, '华文细黑', 'STHeiti Light', '微软雅黑体', 'Microsoft Yahei', '新宋体', NSimSun, '宋体', SimSun), ko_KR: null, ar_AE: null ), mac: ( default: (Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif), zh_TW: (default, '黑體-繁', 'Heiti TC', '儷黑Pro', 'LiHei Pro', PMingLiu, '宋体', SimSun), zh_CN: (default, '黑体-简', 'Heiti SC', '华文细黑', 'STHeiti Light', '华文黑体', STHeiti), ja_JP: ('Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', 'MS Pゴシック', 'MS PGothic', default), ko_KR: null, ar_AE: null ), linux: ( default: (Helvetica, FreeSans, 'Liberation Sans', Helmet, Arial, sans-serif), zh_TW: (default, PMingLiu, '宋体', SimSun), zh_CN: (default, '新宋体', NSimSun, '宋体', SimSun), ja_JP: null, ko_KR: null, ar_AE: null ) ), serif: ( default: ( default: (Georgia, serif), CJK: null // dont use any serif fonts in CJK langs ) ), monospace: ( default: ( default: (Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace) ) ), headline: ( default: ( default: null, // by default, dont style headlines differently ar_AE: ('Droid Arabic Naskh') // TODO: need to include the webfont ) ) ); // note that this declaration isn't a `default`, but rather is enforced everytime. this can be modified (via extending $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS) $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS: () !default; $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS: map-merge($CORE_SAFE_FONTS, $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS);