#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # coding: utf-8 require 'webrick' require 'uri' require 'json' require 'thread' require 'monitor' require 'stringio' require 'fileutils' module Ruined RUINED_VERSION = '0.1.0' @queue = [Queue.new, Queue.new] @breakpoints = [] @monitor = Monitor.new IGNORES = [:$&, :$', :$+, :$_, :$`, :$~, :$KCODE, :$= ] @unbreakable_threads = [] @user_threads = { } class < @event, :file => @file, :line => @line, :id => @iid, :break => @break, :stdout => @stdout, :threads => Ruined.user_threads(self) } end attr_reader :tlses, :file, :line, :iid, :binding, :break attr_accessor :event, :stdout end include WEBrick svr = HTTPServer.new(:Port => 8383, :ServerType => Thread, :Logger => ($DEBUG) ? Log.new(nil, BasicLog::DEBUG) : Log.new, :DocumentRoot => File.dirname(__FILE__)) trap('INT') do svr.shutdown end class DebugServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet include WEBrick::HTMLUtils def service(req, res) if Ruined.local_call?(req.addr) @response = res @request = req super @response = nil @request = nil else bye(res) end end def do_GET(req, res) m = %r|/debug/([^/?]+)/?([^?]*).*\Z|.match(req.unparsed_uri) if m res.body = __send__(m[1].to_sym, *(m[2].split('/').map{|x|URI.decode(x)})) else bye(res) end end def do_POST(req, res) m = %r|/debug/([^/?]+)/?([^?]*).*\Z|.match(req.unparsed_uri) if m && m[1] == 'file' res.body = __send__(m[1].to_sym, *(m[2].split('/').map{|x|URI.decode(x)})) else bye(res) end end attr_reader :response, :request def break(*a) if a.size < 3 bye(response) else point = [a[1..(a.size - 2)].join('/'), a[a.size - 1].to_i] if a[0] == 'true' Ruined.breakpoints << point else Ruined.breakpoints.delete point end JSON(point) end end def run(*a) end def stop(*a) end def stepping(*a) Ruined.wait 1 JSON(Ruined.current_context) end def cont(*a) Ruined.release 0 Ruined.wait 1 JSON(Ruined.current_context) end def step(*a) cont(a) end def file(*a) file = a.join('/') if request.request_method == 'GET' request.accept.each do |accept| if accept =~ /html/i break elsif accept =~ %r|text/plain|i File.open(file) do |f| return Ruined::to_utf8(f.read) end end end to_html(file) else # TODO: newline and charset justify # wb is workaround for inhibit to put addition \r File.open("#{file}.new", 'wb') do |f| f.write(request.body) end FileUtils.cp file, "#{file}.bak", :verbose => true FileUtils.cp "#{file}.new", file, :verbose => true FileUtils.rm "#{file}.new" "save #{file}" end end def locals(*a) if a.size == 0 create_varlist Ruined.local_vars else eval_var(a) end end def globals(*a) if a.size == 0 create_varlist Ruined.global_vars else eval_var(a) end end def self(*a) if a.size == 0 create_varlist Ruined.self_vars elsif a.size < 2 bye(response) else eval_var(a) end end def start(*a) 'start' end private def create_varlist(t) s = '' t.each do |e| v = Ruined.to_utf8(e[:value].inspect) s << "" end s + '
' end def eval_var(a) if a.size < 2 bye(response) else Ruined.set(a[0], a[1..-1].join('/')).to_s end end def to_html(file) r = '' File.open(file).each_line do |line| r << "" end.close r + '
' end def bye(res) res.status = 404 res.body = 'bye' end end def self.current_context raise RuntimeException.new('bug: no context !!') unless @current @current.to_hash end def self.breakpoints @breakpoints end def self.local_vars script = < _0.to_s, :value => eval(_0.to_s) } end - [nil] EOD (@current) ? eval(script, @current.binding) : [] end def self.self_vars script = < 'class', :value => self.class.to_s }] + instance_variables.map do |v| { :name => v.to_s, :value => instance_eval(v.to_s) } end + self.class.class_variables.map do |v| { :name => v.to_s, :value => instance_eval(v.to_s) } end EOD (@current) ? eval(script, @current.binding) : [] end def self.global_vars script = < v.to_s, :value => eval(v.to_s) } end end - [nil] EOD a = eval(script) if @current 0.upto(a.size - 1) do |i| if @current.tlses.has_key?(a[i][:name]) a[i][:value] = @current.tlses[a[i][:name]] end end end a end def self.set(var, val) eval("#{var} = #{val}", @current.binding) end def self.wait(t) return unless @queue logger.debug("------------wait #{t}") o = @queue[t].pop if t == 1 @current = o end logger.debug("------------wait exit #{t}") end def self.release(t, obj = nil) return unless @queue logger.debug("------------release #{t}") @monitor.synchronize { @queue[t].push obj } logger.debug("------------release exit #{t}") end def self.output return '' unless StringIO === $stdout out = $stdout $stdout = StringIO.new out.pos = 0 ret = '' out.each_line do |x| ret << "#{HTMLUtils.escape(to_utf8(x.chomp))}
" end ret end def self.to_utf8(s) (s.encoding != Encoding::UTF_8) ? s.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) : s end def self.add_unbreakable(t) @monitor.synchronize { @unbreakable_threads << t } end def self.remove_unbreakable(t) @monitor.synchronize { @unbreakable_threads.delete t } end def self.unbreakable?(t) @monitor.synchronize { @unbreakable_threads.include? t } end def self.local_call?(addr) ['', '::1'].include?(addr[3]) end def self.user_threads(current) r = [] @monitor.synchronize { @user_threads.each do |t, c| r << [:file => File.basename(c.file), :line => c.line, :self => (c == current), :status => status_to_s(t.status)] end r } end def self.status_to_s(s) if s.nil? 'aborted' elsif s == false 'dead' else s end end svr.mount('/debug', DebugServlet) svr.mount_proc('/quit') do |req, res| if local_call?(req.addr) set_trace_func(nil) c = 0 if req.path =~ %r|/(\d+)| c = $1.to_i end res.body = 'bye' Thread.start do @monitor.synchronize { @queue = nil } Thread.pass svr.shutdown exit(c) end else res.status = 404 end end define_method(:logger) do return svr.logger end module_function(:logger) svr.start set_trace_func Proc.new {|event, file, line, id, binding, klass| unless file =~ %r#(lib/ruby|ruinmain|webrick|internal)# || unbreakable?(Thread.current) if event.index('c-') != 0 if file == $0 && !$stdout.instance_of?(StringIO) $stdout = StringIO.new end b = breakpoints.include? [file, line] ctxt = @monitor.synchronize { @user_threads[Thread.current] = Context.new(event, file, line, id, binding, b, output) } svr.logger.debug(ctxt.inspect) release 1, ctxt wait 0 svr.logger.debug('continue...') end end } at_exit { if @current @current.event = 'exit' @current.stdout = output release 1, @current #reschedule wait 0 end } end