# fluent-plugin-sentry [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-plugin-sentry.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/y-ken/fluent-plugin-sentry)
## Overview
Fluentd output plugin to send aggregated errors/exception events to Sentry which are a realtime event logging and aggregation platform.
If you have sent events to Sentry directory from front webpage without aggregation, you may got down response time and performance problem (e.g. PHP).
To use Sentry and Fluentd together, it will got best perfomance because Fluentd acts messege queue for Sentry.
* [Sentry Official web](https://getsentry.com/welcome/)
* [Sentry Documents](http://sentry.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) [Screenshots](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry#screenshots)
## Installation
install with gem or fluent-gem command as:
### native gem
gem install fluent-plugin-sentry
### td-agent gem
/usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-gem install fluent-plugin-sentry
## Preparation
create sentry dashboard first. It could start with cost free!!
* Create an account at https://getsentry.com/pricing/
* Launch Sentry at the self manager server with https://github.com/getsentry/sentry
## Usage
type sentry
# Set endpoint API URL
endpoint_url https://${api_key}:${api_password}@app.getsentry.com/${project_id}
# Set default events value of 'server_name'
hostname_command hostname -s
# rewrite shown tag name for Sentry dashboard
remove_tag_prefix notify.
## Parameters
* endpoint_url (Required)
Set endpoint API URL which shows at Sentry dashboard. (it is not sentry account information)
* default_level
[default] error
* defalut_logger
[default] flunetd
* hostname_command
Set default frontend value of 'server_name'
* flush_interval
[default] 0sec
It also support rewriting Tag with SetTagKeyMixin.
* remove_tag_prefix
* remove_tag_suffix
* add_tag_prefix
* add_tag_suffix
## Blog Articles
Pull requests are very welcome!!
## Copyright
Copyright © 2014- Kentaro Yoshida ([@yoshi_ken](https://twitter.com/yoshi_ken))
## License
Apache License, Version 2.0