require 'bundler/gem_tasks' task :default => [:compile, :spec] require 'rake/extensiontask''attribute_builder') do |ext| ext.lib_dir = 'lib/faml' end require 'rspec/core/rake_task' task :benchmark => ['benchmark:rendering', 'benchmark:compiling'] namespace :benchmark do task :rendering => ['benchmark:rendering:haml', 'benchmark:rendering:attributes', 'benchmark:rendering:slim'] namespace :rendering do desc "Run rendering benchmark with Haml's standard template" task :haml do haml_gem = Gem::Specification.find_by_name('haml') standard_haml_path = File.join(haml_gem.gem_dir, 'test', 'templates', 'standard.haml') sh 'ruby', 'benchmark/rendering.rb', standard_haml_path end desc 'Run rendering benchmark for attribute builder' task :attributes do sh 'ruby', 'benchmark/rendering.rb', 'benchmark/attribute_builder.haml', 'benchmark/attribute_builder.slim' end desc "Run slim's rendering benchmark" task :slim do sh 'ruby', 'benchmark/slim.rb' end end task :compiling => ['benchmark:compiling:haml', 'benchmark:compiling:slim'] namespace :compiling do desc "Run compiling benchmark with Haml's standard template" task :haml do haml_gem = Gem::Specification.find_by_name('haml') standard_haml_path = File.join(haml_gem.gem_dir, 'test', 'templates', 'standard.haml') sh 'ruby', 'benchmark/compiling.rb', standard_haml_path end desc "Run slim's compiling benchmark" task :slim do sh 'ruby', 'benchmark/compiling.rb', 'benchmark/view.haml', 'benchmark/view.slim' end end end