Screw.Unit(function() { describe("core", function() { var anonymous_function = function() { return arguments }; describe("printArguments", function() { it("should return '()' is the arguments are empty", function() { expect(Smoke.printArguments(arguments)).to(equal, '()'); }); it("should return '()' is the arguments are undefined", function() { expect(Smoke.printArguments()).to(equal, '()'); }); it("should return the arguments comma seperated wrapped in parenthesis", function() { var args = anonymous_function(1,2); expect(Smoke.printArguments(args)).to(equal, '(1, 2)'); }); it("should handle being passed something other than an array or arguments object", function() { expect(Smoke.printArguments(false)).to(equal, '(false)'); }); }); describe("argumentsToArray", function() { it("should return an array", function() { expect(Smoke.argumentsToArray(anonymous_function(1,2)) instanceof Array).to(equal, true); }); it("should return the arguments in an array", function() { expect(Smoke.argumentsToArray(anonymous_function(1,2))).to(equal, [1,2]); }); }); describe("compare", function() { describe("with arrays", function() { var array = [1,2,3], nested_array = [[1,2], [3,4]]; it("should return true if the two arrays are equal", function() { expect(, [1,2,3])).to(equal, true); }); it("should return true if the two nested arrays are equal", function() { expect(, [[1,2], [3,4]])).to(equal, true); }); it("should return false if the two arrays are not equal", function() { expect(, [1,2,3,4])).to(equal, false); }) it("should return false if the two nested arrays are not equal", function() { expect(, [[1,2],[3]])).to(equal, false); }) }); describe("with objects", function() { var object = { foo: 'bar' }, nested_object = { foo: { a: 'b' }, bar: { c: 'd'} }; it("should return true if the two objects are equal", function() { expect(, { foo: 'bar' })).to(equal, true); }); it("should return true if the two nested objects are equal", function() { expect(, { foo: { a: 'b' }, bar: { c: 'd'} })).to(equal, true); }); it("should return false if the two objects are not equal", function() { expect(, {bar: 'foo'})).to(equal, false); }); it("should return false if the two nested objects are not equal", function() { expect(, { foo: { c: 'd' }, bar: { a: 'b' } })).to(equal, false); }); it("should return false if an one of the objects has an additional property", function() { expect(, { foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo' })).to(equal, false); }) }); describe('with value types', function() { var string = 'foo', number = 1; it("should return true if the two strings are equal", function() { expect(, 'foo')).to(equal, true); }); it("should return true if the two numbers are equal", function() { expect(, 1)).to(equal, true); }); it("should return false if the two strings are not equal", function() { expect(, 'bar')).to(equal, false); }); it("should return false if the two number are not equal", function() { expect(, 2)).to(equal, false); }); }) describe("with mixed types", function() { var array = [1, { foo: 'bar'}, '2'], object = { foo: [1,2,3], bar: 'foo', one: 1 }; it("should return true if the two arrays with mixed types are equal", function() { expect(, [1, { foo: 'bar'}, '2'])).to(equal, true); }); it("should return false if the two arrays with mixed types are not equal", function() { expect(, [1, { foo: 'bar'}, 3])).to(equal, false); }); it("should return true if the two objects with mixed types are equal", function() { expect(, { foo: [1,2,3], bar: 'foo', one: 1 })).to(equal, true); }); it("should return false if the two objects with mixed types are not equal", function() { expect(, { foo: [1,2,3], bar: 'foo', two: 3 })).to(equal, false); }); }) }); }); });