# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 AMEE UK Ltd. - http://www.amee.com # Released as Open Source Software under the BSD 3-Clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details. require 'spec_helper.rb' describe AMEE::Connection do before :each do @c = AMEE::Connection.new('server.example.com', 'username', 'password', :ssl => false) end it "should have a connection to meta server" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances.should_receive(:start => nil) @c.v3_connection.should_not be_nil end it "should login and know the path to the server" do flexmock(Net::HTTP::Get).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:basic_auth).with('username','password').once end flexmock(Net::HTTP).should_receive(:new).with('platform-api-server.example.com', 80).once.and_return { mock=flexmock mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:started? => true) mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => '200', :body => "OK")) mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) mock } @c.v3_get("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory").should == "OK" end it "should be able to get from meta server" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => '200', :body => "OK")) mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end @c.v3_get("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory").should == "OK" end it "should be able to handle failed gets from meta server" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => '404')) mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end lambda { @c.v3_get("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory").should == nil }.should raise_error(AMEE::NotFound, "The URL was not found on the server.\nRequest: GET /#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory") end it "should be able to post to meta server" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => '200', :body => "OK")) mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end @c.v3_put("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory", {:arg => "test"}).should == "OK" end it "should be able to handle failed gets from meta server" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => '404')) mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end lambda { @c.v3_put("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory", {:arg => "test"}).should == "OK" }.should raise_error end it "should generate correct hostname for platform-dev.amee.com" do c = AMEE::Connection.new('platform-dev.amee.com', 'username', 'password') c.send(:v3_hostname).should eql 'platform-api-dev.amee.com' end it "should generate correct hostname for platform-science.amee.com" do c = AMEE::Connection.new('platform-science.amee.com', 'username', 'password') c.send(:v3_hostname).should eql 'platform-api-science.amee.com' end it "should generate correct hostname for stage.amee.com" do c = AMEE::Connection.new('stage.amee.com', 'username', 'password') c.send(:v3_hostname).should eql 'platform-api-stage.amee.com' end it "should generate correct hostname for live.amee.com" do c = AMEE::Connection.new('live.amee.com', 'username', 'password') c.send(:v3_hostname).should eql 'platform-api-live.amee.com' end it "should not change modern hostnames" do c = AMEE::Connection.new('platform-api-test.amee.com', 'username', 'password') c.send(:v3_hostname).should eql 'platform-api-test.amee.com' end end describe AMEE::Connection, "with retry enabled" do before :each do @c = AMEE::Connection.new('server.example.com', 'username', 'password', :ssl => false, :retries => 2) end [ Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError ].each do |e| it "should retry after #{e.name} the correct number of times" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_raise(e.new).twice mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => '200', :body => '{}')).once mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end lambda { @c.v3_get("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory") }.should_not raise_error end it "should retry #{e.name} the correct number of times and raise error on failure" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_raise(e.new).times(3) mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end lambda { @c.v3_get("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory") }.should raise_error(e) end end [ '502', '503', '504' ].each do |e| it "should retry after #{e} the correct number of times" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => e, :body => '{}')).twice mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => '200', :body => '{}')).once mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end lambda { @c.v3_get("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory") }.should_not raise_error end it "should retry #{e} the correct number of times and raise error on failure" do flexmock(Net::HTTP).new_instances do |mock| mock.should_receive(:start => nil) mock.should_receive(:request).and_return(flexmock(:code => e, :body => '{}')).times(3) mock.should_receive(:finish => nil) end lambda { @c.v3_get("/#{AMEE_API_VERSION}/categories/SomeCategory") }.should raise_error(AMEE::ConnectionFailed) end end end