class LHC::Error < StandardError attr_accessor :response, :_message def { 400 => LHC::BadRequest, 401 => LHC::Unauthorized, 402 => LHC::PaymentRequired, 403 => LHC::Forbidden, 404 => LHC::NotFound, 405 => LHC::MethodNotAllowed, 406 => LHC::NotAcceptable, 407 => LHC::ProxyAuthenticationRequired, 408 => LHC::RequestTimeout, 409 => LHC::Conflict, 410 => LHC::Gone, 411 => LHC::LengthRequired, 412 => LHC::PreconditionFailed, 413 => LHC::RequestEntityTooLarge, 414 => LHC::RequestUriToLong, 415 => LHC::UnsupportedMediaType, 416 => LHC::RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, 417 => LHC::ExpectationFailed, 422 => LHC::UnprocessableEntity, 423 => LHC::Locked, 424 => LHC::FailedDependency, 426 => LHC::UpgradeRequired, 500 => LHC::InternalServerError, 501 => LHC::NotImplemented, 502 => LHC::BadGateway, 503 => LHC::ServiceUnavailable, 504 => LHC::GatewayTimeout, 505 => LHC::HttpVersionNotSupported, 507 => LHC::InsufficientStorage, 510 => LHC::NotExtended } end def self.find(response) return LHC::Timeout if response.timeout? status_code = response.code.to_s[0..2].to_i error = map[status_code] error ||= LHC::UnknownError error end def initialize(message, response) super(message) self._message = message self.response = response end def to_s request = response.request debug = [] debug << [request.method, request.url].map { |str| fix_invalid_encoding(str) }.join(' ') debug << "Options: #{request.options}" debug << "Headers: #{request.headers}" debug << "Response Code: #{response.code} (#{response.options[:return_code]})" debug << "Repsonse Options: #{response.options}" debug << response.body debug << _message { |str| fix_invalid_encoding(str) }.join("\n") end private # fix strings that contain non-UTF8 encoding in a forceful way # should none of the fix-attempts be successful, # an empty string is returned instead def fix_invalid_encoding(string) return string unless string.is_a?(String) result = string.dup # we assume it's ISO-8859-1 first if !result.valid_encoding? || !utf8?(result) result.encode!('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') end # if it's still an issue, try with BINARY if !result.valid_encoding? || !utf8?(result) result.encode!('UTF-8', 'BINARY', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') end # if its STILL an issue, return an empty string :( if !result.valid_encoding? || !utf8?(result) result = "" end result end def utf8?(string) string.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 end end