groonga - An open-source fulltext search engine and column store.

7.3.25. plugin_register

New in version 5.0.1. Summary

plugin_register command registers a plugin. You need to register a plugin before you use a plugin.

You need just one plugin_register command for a plugin in the same database because registered plugin information is written into the database. When you restart your groonga process, groonga process loads all registered plugins without plugin_register command.

You can unregister a registered plugin by plugin_unregister. Syntax

plugin_register has a parameter name. It is required parameter:

plugin_register name Usage

Here is a sample that registers QueryExpanderTSV query expander that is included in ${PREFIX}/lib/groonga/plugins/query_expanders/

Execution example:

plugin_register query_expanders/tsv
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

You can omit ${PREFIX}/lib/groonga/plugins/ and suffix (.so). They are completed automatically.

You can specify absolute path such as plugin_register /usr/lib/groonga/plugins/query_expanders/ Return value

plugin_register returns true as body on success such as:

[HEADER, true]

If plugin_register fails, error details are in HEADER.

See Output format for HEADER. See also

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7.3.26. plugin_unregister

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