## This is the rakegem gemspec template ## Look at the Rakefile for additional information on packaging, building and validation Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.specification_version = 2 if s.respond_to? :specification_version= s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version= s.rubygems_version = '1.3.5' ## Leave these as is they will be modified for you by the rake gemspec task. ## If your rubyforge_project name is different, then edit it and comment out ## the sub! line in the Rakefile s.name = 'papertrail' s.version = '0.11.2' s.date = '2023-05-24' s.rubyforge_project = 'papertrail' ## Make sure your summary is short. The description may be as long ## as you like. s.summary = "Command-line client for Papertrail hosted log management service." s.description = "Command-line client for Papertrail hosted log management service. Tails and searches app server logs and system syslog. Supports Boolean search and works with grep and pipe output (Unix)." ## List the primary authors. If there are a bunch of authors, it's probably ## better to set the email to an email list or something. If you don't have ## a custom homepage, consider using your GitHub URL or the like. s.authors = ['Papertrail'] s.email = 'troy@sevenscale.com' s.homepage = 'http://github.com/papertrail/papertrail-cli' s.license = 'MIT' ## This gets added to the $LOAD_PATH so that 'lib/NAME.rb' can be required as ## require 'NAME.rb' or'/lib/NAME/file.rb' can be as require 'NAME/file.rb' s.require_paths = %w[lib] ## This sections is only necessary if you have C extensions. # s.require_paths << 'ext' # s.extensions = %w[ext/extconf.rb] ## If your gem includes any executables, list them here. s.executables = ["papertrail", "papertrail-add-system", "papertrail-remove-system", "papertrail-add-group", "papertrail-join-group", "papertrail-leave-group"] s.default_executable = 'papertrail' ## Specify any RDoc options here. You'll want to add your README and ## LICENSE files to the extra_rdoc_files list. s.rdoc_options = ["--charset=UTF-8"] # s.extra_rdoc_files = %w[README LICENSE] s.extra_rdoc_files = [] ## List your runtime dependencies here. Runtime dependencies are those ## that are needed for an end user to actually USE your code. s.add_dependency('chronic', '~> 0.10') s.add_dependency('ansi', '~> 1.5') ## List your development dependencies here. Development dependencies are ## those that are only needed during development s.add_development_dependency('rake', '~> 10.4') s.add_development_dependency('minitest') s.add_development_dependency('mocha') if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' s.add_development_dependency('addressable', '~> 2.4.0') s.add_development_dependency('webmock', '~> 1.24.6') end if RUBY_VERSION > '2.2.4' # ruby_dep dependency s.add_development_dependency('guard', '~> 2.14.0') s.add_development_dependency('guard-minitest', '~> 2.4.6') end ## Leave this section as-is. It will be automatically generated from the ## contents of your Git repository via the gemspec task. DO NOT REMOVE ## THE MANIFEST COMMENTS, they are used as delimiters by the task. # = MANIFEST = s.files = %w[ Gemfile Guardfile LICENSE README.md Rakefile bin/papertrail bin/papertrail-add-group bin/papertrail-add-system bin/papertrail-join-group bin/papertrail-leave-group bin/papertrail-remove-system examples/papertrail.yml.example lib/papertrail.rb lib/papertrail/cli.rb lib/papertrail/cli_add_group.rb lib/papertrail/cli_add_system.rb lib/papertrail/cli_helpers.rb lib/papertrail/cli_join_group.rb lib/papertrail/cli_leave_group.rb lib/papertrail/cli_remove_system.rb lib/papertrail/connection.rb lib/papertrail/event.rb lib/papertrail/http_client.rb lib/papertrail/okjson.rb lib/papertrail/search_query.rb lib/papertrail/search_result.rb papertrail.gemspec test/connection_test.rb test/http_client_test.rb test/search_query_test.rb test/test_helper.rb ] # = MANIFEST = ## Test files will be grabbed from the file list. Make sure the path glob ## matches what you actually use. s.test_files = s.files.select { |path| path =~ /^test\/test_.*\.rb/ } end