def assign_attributes args={} if args args = args.stringify_keys @set_specific = {} Card.set_specific_attributes.each do |key| @set_specific[key] = args.delete(key) if args[key] end new_type_id = extract_type_id! args unless args.delete('skip_type_lookup') subcard_args = extract_subcard_args! args args['type_id'] = new_type_id if new_type_id reset_patterns end params = params.permit! super params return unless args && subcard_args.present? # name= must come before process subcards subcards.add subcard_args end def assign_set_specific_attributes return unless @set_specific.present? @set_specific.each_pair do |name, value| send "#{name}=", value end end protected def extract_subcard_args! args subcards = args.delete('subcards') || {} if (subfields = args.delete('subfields')) subfields.each_pair do |key, value| subcards[cardname.field(key)] = value end end args.keys.each do |key| subcards[key] = args.delete(key) if key =~ /^\+/ end subcards end def extract_type_id! args={} type_id = case when args['type_id'] id = args.delete('type_id').to_i # type_id can come in as 0,'' or nil id == 0 ? nil : id when args['type_code'] Card.fetch_id args.delete('type_code').to_sym when args['type'] Card.fetch_id args.delete('type') else return nil end unless type_id errors.add :type, "#{args[:type] || args[:type_code]} is not a known type." end type_id end event :set_content, :store, on: :save do self.db_content = content || '' # necessary? self.db_content = Card::Content.clean!(db_content) if clean_html? @selected_action_id = @selected_content = nil clear_drafts reset_patterns_if_rule true end # FIXME: the following don't really belong here, but they have to come after # the reference stuff. we need to organize a bit! event :update_ruled_cards, :finalize do if is_rule? # warn "updating ruled cards for #{name}" self.class.clear_rule_cache set = rule_set if right_id == Card::ReadID && (name_changed? || trash_changed?) update_read_ruled_cards set end end end def update_read_rules_of_set_members_not_governed_by_narrower_rules set return {} if trash || !set || !(set_class = set.tag) || !(class_id = in_set = {} rule_class_ids = Auth.as_bot do cur_index = rule_class_ids.index Card[read_rule_class].id if (rule_class_index = rule_class_ids.index(class_id)) set.item_cards(limit: 0).each do |item_card| in_set[item_card.key] = true next if cur_index < rule_class_index item_card.update_read_rule if cur_index >= rule_class_index end else warn "No current rule index #{class_id}, #{rule_class_ids.inspect}" end end in_set end def update_read_ruled_cards set self.class.clear_read_rule_cache Card.cache.reset # maybe be more surgical, just Auth.user related expire # probably shouldn't be necessary, # but was sometimes getting cached version when card should be in the # trash. could be related to other bugs? updated = update_read_rules_of_set_members_not_governed_by_narrower_rules set # then find all cards with me as read_rule_id that were not just updated # and regenerate their read_rules return if new_card? id) do |card| card.update_read_rule unless updated[card.key] end end event :process_read_rule_update_queue, :finalize do Array.wrap(@read_rule_update_queue).each(&:update_read_rule) @read_rule_update_queue = [] end event :expire_related, :finalize do subcards.keys.each do |key| Card.cache.soft.delete key end expire # FIXME: where do we put this. Here it deletes @stage reset_patterns if is_structure? structuree_names.each do |name| Card.expire name end end end event :expire_related_names, before: :expire_related, changed: :name do # FIXME: look for opportunities to avoid instantiating the following descendants.each(&:expire) name_referers.each(&:expire) end