require "i18n" en = { starting: "Starting", capified: "Capified", start: "Start", update: "Update", finalize: "Finalise", finishing: "Finishing", finished: "Finished", stage_not_set: "Stage not set, please call something such as `cap production deploy`, where production is a stage you have defined.", written_file: "create %{file}", question: "Please enter %{key} (%{default_value}): ", keeping_releases: "Keeping %{keep_releases} of %{releases} deployed releases on %{host}", skip_cleanup: "Skipping cleanup of old releases on %{host}; unexpected foldername found (should be timestamp)", no_old_releases: "No old releases (keeping newest %{keep_releases}) on %{host}", linked_file_does_not_exist: "linked file %{file} does not exist on %{host}", cannot_rollback: "There are no older releases to rollback to", cannot_found_rollback_release: "Cannot rollback because release %{release} does not exist", mirror_exists: "The repository mirror is at %{at}", revision_log_message: "Branch %{branch} (at %{sha}) deployed as release %{release} by %{user}", rollback_log_message: "%{user} rolled back to release %{release}", deploy_failed: "The deploy has failed with an error: %{ex}", console: { welcome: "capistrano console - enter command to execute on %{stage}", bye: "bye" }, error: { invalid_stage_name: '"%{name}" is a reserved word and cannot be used as a stage. Rename "%{path}" to something else.', user: { does_not_exist: "User %{user} does not exists", cannot_switch: "Cannot switch to user %{user}" } } } I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, capistrano: en) if I18n.respond_to?(:enforce_available_locales=) I18n.enforce_available_locales = true end