<% if @error.present? %>

<%= @error.message %>

<% else %>

CRM extension card initialization <%= "card_id = #{@card_id}" if @card_id.present? %>:

    <% if @card_id.nil? %>
  1. New CRM extension card will be created (with "<%= @card_title %>" title)
  2. <% end %>
  3. "Data fetch URL" will be updated to <%= @data_fetch_url %>
  4. "Deals" in "Target record types" section will be activated with "hs_object_id", "dealname" properties sent form HubSpot
  5. "Custom actions"->"Base URL" section will be updated with <%= @base_url %>
<%= form_with(url: '/create_card', method: :post, local: true) do %> <%= submit_tag("Continue") %> <% end %> <% end %>