class ServoSetup < ArduinoPlugin # RAD plugins are c methods, directives, external variables and assignments and calls # that may be added to the main setup method # function prototypes not needed since we generate them automatically # directives, external variables and setup assignments and calls can be added rails style (not c style) # add to directives #plugin_directives "#define EXAMPLE 10" # add to external variables # external_variables "int foo, bar" # add the following to the setup method # add_to_setup "foo = 1";, "bar = 1;" "sub_setup();" # one or more methods may be added and prototypes are generated automatically with rake make:upload # one line servo control # # move_servo my_servo, amount # # example: # # class MoveServo < ArduinoSketch # # external_vars :sensor_position => "int, 0", :servo_amount => "int, 0" # # output_pin 4, :as => :my_servo, :min => 700, :max => 2200 # input_pin 1, :as => :sensor # def loop # sensor_position = analogRead(sensor) # servo_amount = (sensor_position*2 + 500) # move_servo my_servo, servo_amount # end # end # # # supports multiple servos by storing variables in the serv struc array that is constructed when # the :min and :max options are added to the output_pin method add_servo_struct void move_servo(int servo_num, int pulse_width) { struct servo servo_name = serv[servo_num]; int pw = pulse_width; /* apply the servo limits */ if (pw > servo_name.max) pw = servo_name.max; if (pw < servo_name.min) pw = servo_name.min; if (millis() - servo_name.lastPulse >= servo_name.refreshTime) { pulse_servo(, pw); servo_name.lastPulse = millis(); // if (find_total_loop_time() < 10) // for debug: // digitalWrite( 5, HIGH ); // 18 seems optimal, but we should let the users adjust with a servo option delay(18); } } void pulse_servo(int pin, int us) { digitalWrite( pin, HIGH ); // pulseWidth delayMicroseconds( us ); digitalWrite( pin, LOW ); serv[pin].pulseWidth = us; } end