module Superbara; module DSL def self.included(includer) #puts "Superbara::DSL included in #{includer.inspect}" end def type(*inputs) Superbara::Helpers.type *inputs end def assert(message=nil, &block) failed = if block ! else true end return unless failed if message Superbara.output ("FAIL: ".colorize(:red) + message.inspect) else Superbara.output "FAIL".colorize(:red) end exit 1 end def screenshot(name=nil) name = "#{}-#{}-#{}-#{}-#{}-#{}" unless name filename = if name.end_with? ".png" name else "#{name}.png" end target_path = File.join(Superbara.project_path, filename) sleep 0.1 #magically prevents hangs save_screenshot(target_path) end def back Superbara.toast "back", duration: 0.7, delay: 0 Capybara.go_back end def forward Superbara.toast "forward", duration: 0.7, delay: 0 Capybara.go_forward end def reload Superbara.toast "reload", duration: 0.7, delay: 0 Capybara.refresh end def find(*args) value = super *args value&.show if Superbara.visual? value end def all(*args) elements = super *args if elements && Superbara.visual? for elem in elements[0..4] styles: [{ "border" => "10px dashed Red" }] end if elements.size > 5 Superbara.toast "and #{elements.size-5} more" end end elements end def find_text(text) text.downcase! js = """ return Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('*') ).filter(function(e) { return e.textContent.toLowerCase().match('#{text}') ? true : false }).pop() """ element = Capybara.execute_script js element&.show if Superbara.visual? element end def click_text(text) Superbara.output "clicking text '#{text}'" find_text(text)&.click end def click(selector, options={}) Superbara.output "clicking '#{selector}' with #{options.inspect}" e = find selector, options end @@once_runs = [] def run(what, params={}, args={}, &block) Superbara.last_context_return_value = nil if args[:once] == true if @@once_runs.include? what if block value = return value else Superbara.output "run #{what} skip" return nil end else @@once_runs << what end end Superbara.output "run #{what}" Superbara.toast "run #{what}" if Superbara.visual? what_expanded = File.expand_path(File.join(Superbara.project_path, what)) better_what = if Dir.exist? what_expanded File.join what_expanded, "main.rb" elsif what_expanded.end_with? ".rb" what_expanded else "#{what_expanded}.rb" end old_project_path = Superbara.project_path unless Superbara.project_path == File.dirname(better_what) Superbara.project_path = File.dirname(better_what) end begin better_what, params rescue Superbara::Errors::NotDesiredTagError rescue => ex if ENV["SUPERBARA_ON_ERROR"] == "continue" colored_output = " ERROR: ".colorize(:red) colored_output << ex.message #TODO: output to support "colored tags" and nesting Superbara.output colored_output Superbara.errored_runs << what error_happened = true else raise ex end end Superbara.project_path = old_project_path Superbara.last_context_return_value end def visit(visit_uri_or_domain_or_path) uri = ::Addressable::URI.parse(visit_uri_or_domain_or_path) current_uri = ::Addressable::URI.parse(Capybara.current_url) url_for_capybara = if visit_uri_or_domain_or_path.start_with? "/" [current_uri.scheme, "://",, (current_uri.port ? ":#{current_uri.port}" : ""), visit_uri_or_domain_or_path].join("") elsif ["http", "https", "about"].include? uri.scheme visit_uri_or_domain_or_path else "http://#{visit_uri_or_domain_or_path}" end Superbara.output "visit #{url_for_capybara}" Superbara.toast "#{url_for_capybara}", delay: 1 if Superbara.visual? Capybara.visit url_for_capybara true # capybara returns nil end def atleast(range) min = range.to_a.first add = rand(range.to_a.last) min+add end def think(range) duration = atleast(range) Superbara.output "think #{duration}s" if Superbara.visual? Superbara.toast "hmm...", delay: duration else sleep duration end end @@focused_once = false def focus(once: false) if once return false if @@focused_once @@focused_once = true end Capybara.current_window end def scroll(percentage, duration: 0.4) begin outer_height = Capybara.current_session.current_window.session.execute_script "return document.body.scrollHeight" rescue Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError => ex sleep 0.1 retry end scroll_y = outer_height / 100 * percentage scrolls = (duration / 0.1).floor amount = (scroll_y / scrolls).ceil Superbara.output "scrolling #{percentage}%" scrolls.times do Capybara.current_session.current_window.session.execute_script "window.scrollBy(0,#{amount})" sleep 0.09 end true end def tag(*tags, &block) tags.flatten! desired = if Superbara.config.tags.empty? true else found = false for tag in tags do if Superbara.config.tags.include? tag found = true break end end found end if desired if block.nil? return else value = return value end else raise Superbara::Errors::NotDesiredTagError, Marshal.dump(tags) end end def wait(seconds=5, &block) raise "block not given" unless block def wait_formatted_output(status, took_delta) word, color = if status ["ok", :green] else ["FAIL", :red] end Superbara.output " #{word.colorize(color)} (took #{(took_delta)}s)" end seconds = seconds.to_f source_path, source_line = block.source_location Superbara.output "waiting max #{seconds}s for:" case source_path when "(pry)" Superbara.output " [dynamic code]".colorize(:light_black) else open(source_path).each_with_index do |line, i| next if i < source_line break if line.start_with? "end" formatted_line = line.gsub("\n", "").lstrip Superbara.output " #{formatted_line}".colorize(:light_black) end end started_at = previous_capybara_default_max_wait_time = Capybara.default_max_wait_time block_value = nil exception = nil timed_out = false begin Capybara.default_max_wait_time = seconds Timeout::timeout (seconds+0.1) do loop do block_value = case block_value when false, nil, [] sleep 0.1 else break end end end rescue Timeout::Error => ex timed_out = true rescue Exception => ex exception = ex end took_delta = ( - started_at).floor(2) Capybara.default_max_wait_time = previous_capybara_default_max_wait_time if exception || timed_out wait_formatted_output false, took_delta additional_started_at = additional_block_value = nil additional_exception = nil previous_default_max_wait_time = Capybara.default_max_wait_time puts " testing if waiting for 2 seconds more would help.." begin Timeout::timeout(2.1) do Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 2 additional_block_value = end rescue Exception => ex additional_exception = ex ensure Capybara.default_max_wait_time = previous_default_max_wait_time end additional_took_delta = ( - additional_started_at).floor(2) suggested_wait_value = (seconds + additional_took_delta).floor(2) if additional_exception || additional_block_value.nil? puts " ..did not help." else puts " ..setting wait to >#{suggested_wait_value} would help here?" end if exception raise exception else raise "capybara timed out" end end if block_value == false wait_formatted_output false, took_delta raise "wait condition was falsy" end if block_value == nil wait_formatted_output false, took_delta raise "wait condition was nil" end self.wait_formatted_output true, took_delta return block_value end def debug(exception_occurred:false, disable_whereami: false, help: true) return if ENV['SUPERBARA_FRONTEND'] == "noninteractive" Superbara.shell_enable! Superbara.visual_enable! debug_help = """ c - continue to the next debug breakpoint s - step to the next line r - retry running h - help on commands available q - exit to shell""" debug_header_prefix = "== DEBUG " debug_header_suffix = "=" * (IO.console.winsize.last - debug_header_prefix.size).abs if help puts """ #{debug_header_prefix}#{debug_header_suffix} #{debug_help} """.colorize(:light_green) end $__superbara_supress_pry_whereami = true if exception_occurred || disable_whereami Superbara.start_did_open_debug=true Pry.start(binding.of_caller(1)) end end; end