// The Console handles all of the Admin interaction with the active workers // and job queue. // // Think about pulling in the DCJS framework, instead of just raw jQuery here. // Leaving it hacked together like this just cries out for templates, dunnit? window.Console = { // Maximum number of data points to record and graph. MAX_DATA_POINTS : 100, // Milliseconds between polling the central server for updates to Job progress. POLL_INTERVAL : 6000, // Default speed for all animations. ANIMATION_SPEED : 300, // Keep this in sync with the map in cloud-crowd.rb DISPLAY_STATUS_MAP : ['unknown', 'processing', 'succeeded', 'failed', 'splitting', 'merging'], // Images to preload PRELOAD_IMAGES : ['images/server_error.png'], // All options for drawing the system graphs. GRAPH_OPTIONS : { xaxis : {mode : 'time', timeformat : '%M:%S'}, yaxis : {tickDecimals : 0}, legend : {show : false}, grid : {backgroundColor : '#7f7f7f', color : '#555', tickColor : '#666', borderWidth : 2} }, JOBS_COLOR : '#db3a0f', NODES_COLOR : '#1870ab', WORKERS_COLOR : '#45a4e5', WORK_UNITS_COLOR : '#ffba14', // Starting the console begins polling the server. initialize : function() { this._jobsHistory = []; this._nodesHistory = []; this._workersHistory = []; this._workUnitsHistory = []; this._histories = [this._jobsHistory, this._nodesHistory, this._workersHistory, this._workUnitsHistory]; this._workerInfo = $('#worker_info'); this._jobCountEl = $('#job_count'); this._workUnitCountEl = $('#work_unit_count'); this._nodeCountEl = $('#node_count'); this._workerCountEl = $('#worker_count'); this._disconnected = $('#disconnected'); $(window).bind('resize', Console.renderGraphs); $('#nodes .worker').live('click', Console.getWorkerInfo); $('#tail_log').bind('click', Console.tailLog); $('#workers_legend').css({background : this.WORKERS_COLOR}); $('#nodes_legend').css({background : this.NODES_COLOR}); this.getStatus(); $.each(this.PRELOAD_IMAGES, function(){ var i = new Image(); i.src = this; }); }, // Request the lastest status of all jobs and workers, re-render or update // the DOM to reflect. getStatus : function() { $.ajax({url : 'status', dataType : 'json', success : function(resp) { Console._jobCount = resp.job_count; Console._nodes = resp.nodes; Console._workUnitCount = resp.work_unit_count; Console._workerCount = Console.countWorkers(); Console.recordDataPoint(); if (Console._disconnected.is(':visible')) Console._disconnected.fadeOut(Console.ANIMATION_SPEED); Console.renderStats(); Console.renderNodes(); Console.renderGraphs(); setTimeout(Console.getStatus, Console.POLL_INTERVAL); }, error : function(request, status, errorThrown) { if (!Console._disconnected.is(':visible')) Console._disconnected.fadeIn(Console.ANIMATION_SPEED); setTimeout(Console.getStatus, Console.POLL_INTERVAL); }}); }, // Fetch the last 100 lines of log from the server. tailLog : function() { $.ajax({url : 'log', success : function(resp) { var win = window.open(''); win.document.open(); win.document.write('
' + resp + ''); win.document.close(); }}); }, // Count the total number of workers in the current list of nodes. countWorkers : function() { var sum = 0; for (var i=0; i < this._nodes.length; i++) sum += this._nodes[i].workers.length; return sum; }, // Render the numeric statistic counts. renderStats : function() { this._jobCountEl.text(this._jobCount); this._workUnitCountEl.text(this._workUnitCount); this._nodeCountEl.text(this._nodes.length); this._workerCountEl.text(this._workerCount); }, // Re-render all workers from scratch each time. // This method is desperately in need of Javascript templates... renderNodes : function() { var header = $('#sidebar_header'); var nc = this._nodes.length, wc = this._workerCount; $('.has_nodes', header).html(nc + " Node" + (nc != 1 ? 's' : '') + " / " + wc + " Worker" + (wc != 1 ? 's' : '')); header.toggleClass('no_nodes', this._nodes.length <= 0); $('#nodes').html($.map(this._nodes, function(node) { var html = ""; var extra = node.status == 'busy' ? ' [busy]' : ''; html += '