# Ar2gostruct Automatically generate Golang Struct from your activerecord models. Installation --- Install GMO as a gem: ```bash gem install ar2gostruct ``` or add to your Gemfile: ```ruby # Gemfile gem "ar2gostruct" ``` and run bundle install to install the dependency. Usage --- On your rails directory. ```bash bundle exec ar2gostruct ``` this will returns ```bash // app/models/users.rb // Table name: users type Users struct { Id int32 'json:"id"' Email string 'json:"email"' EncryptedPassword string 'json:"encrypted_password"' ResetPasswordToken string 'json:"reset_password_token"' ResetPasswordSentAt time.Time 'json:"reset_password_sent_at"' RememberCreatedAt time.Time 'json:"remember_created_at"' SignInCount int32 'json:"sign_in_count"' CurrentSignInAt time.Time 'json:"current_sign_in_at"' LastSignInAt time.Time 'json:"last_sign_in_at"' CurrentSignInIp string 'json:"current_sign_in_ip"' LastSignInIp string 'json:"last_sign_in_ip"' CreatedAt time.Time 'json:"created_at"' UpdatedAt time.Time 'json:"updated_at"' } ``` If you're using [qbs](https://github.com/coocood/qbs#), Additional options are available. ```bash bundle exec ar2gostruct -o qbs // app/models/users.rb // Table name: users type Users struct { Id int32 'json:"id" qbs:"pk,notnull"' Email string 'json:"email" qbs:"notnull,default:''"' EncryptedPassword string 'json:"encrypted_password" qbs:"notnull,default:''"' ResetPasswordToken string 'json:"reset_password_token"' ResetPasswordSentAt time.Time 'json:"reset_password_sent_at"' RememberCreatedAt time.Time 'json:"remember_created_at"' SignInCount int32 'json:"sign_in_count" qbs:"default:'0'"' CurrentSignInAt time.Time 'json:"current_sign_in_at"' LastSignInAt time.Time 'json:"last_sign_in_at"' CurrentSignInIp string 'json:"current_sign_in_ip"' LastSignInIp string 'json:"last_sign_in_ip"' CreatedAt time.Time 'json:"created_at"' UpdatedAt time.Time 'json:"updated_at"' } ``` Contributing --- 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request