{%-comment-%} inputs: item_type [post, project, page, author] - the type of item to render dependencies: site.show.authors to determine whether to show authors or not article the item of item_type for which to render local: image the image to render as the article image alt_text the alt text to use for the image, for screen readers img_title the image title to use for the image NOTE: liquid append-remove trick (`-@$remove@me`) inspired by https://vsoch.github.io/2019/jekyll-lists/ {%-endcomment-%} {%-assign item_type = include.item_type | default: 'post'-%}
{% include item_image.html-%}
{%-assign modified_date = item.modified_date | default: item.last_modified_at-%} {%-if modified_date-%} {% include date_modified.html item_date=modified_date lead_in='last modified: '-%} {%-endif %}
{% include item_date.html date_class='dateline float-right' %} {% include categories.html list_class='smaller' %}


{%-if site.show.authors %} {%-include item_authors.html %} {%-endif %}
{%-if item.series %}
{{ item.series | replace: '-',' ' | capitalize-}}
{%-endif %}
{%-include tags.html %}
{%-if site.show.more_button %} {%-endif %}