require File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helper' ) describe Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser do it 'should respond to .parse' do Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.should respond_to(:parse) end it 'should respond to .parse_file' do Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.should respond_to(:parse_file) end it 'should respond to #parse' do Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.public_instance_methods.should include('parse') end # -------------- # Event parsing. describe 'parse_event!' do before(:all) do @event = Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/header_only.ini' ) end it 'should set the game' do == 'RACE 07' end it 'should correctly set the game version' do # @event.game_version.should == '' end it 'should correctly set the event time' do # 2008/09/13 23:00:50 @event.time.should == Time.local(2008, 9, 13, 23, 00, 50) end it 'should correctly set the track' do @event.track.should == 'Anderstorp 2007' end it 'should not set the track if one could not be discerned' do event = Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/header_no_track.ini' ) event.track.should be_nil end it 'should whine loudly if there is no "Header" section' do lambda { Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/no_header_section.ini' ) }.should raise_error(Dyno::MalformedInputError) end end # ------------------- # Competitor parsing. describe 'parse_competitors!' do before(:all) do @event = Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/single_driver.ini' ) end it 'should set the driver name correctly' do == 'Gabriel Lloyd' end it 'should set the vehicle correctly' do @event.competitors.first.vehicle.should == 'Chevrolet Lacetti 2007' end it 'should set the steam id (uid) correctly' do @event.competitors.first.uid.should == 635 end it 'should not set the steam id if one is not present' do event = Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/no_steam_id.ini' ) event.competitors.first.uid.should be_nil end it 'should set the lap count correctly' do @event.competitors.first.laps.should == 13 end it 'should convert the race time to a float' do @event.competitors.first.race_time.should == 1296.73 end it 'should convert the best lap time to a float' do @event.competitors.first.best_lap.should == 97.825 end it "should correctly set the competitors lap times" do @event.competitors.first.lap_times.should == [ 110.816, # Lap=(0, -1.000, 1:50.816) 98.835, # Lap=(1, 89.397, 1:38.835) 98.082, # Lap=(2, 200.213, 1:38.082) 98.367, # Lap=(3, 299.048, 1:38.367) 97.825, # Lap=(4, 397.131, 1:37.825) 98.757, # Lap=(5, 495.497, 1:38.757) 98.718, # Lap=(6, 593.322, 1:38.718) 98.478, # Lap=(7, 692.080, 1:38.478) 99.347, # Lap=(8, 790.797, 1:39.347) 98.713, # Lap=(9, 889.275, 1:38.713) 98.952, # Lap=(10, 988.622, 1:38.952) 99.285, # Lap=(11, 1087.336, 1:39.285) 100.555 # Lap=(12, 1186.288, 1:40.555) ] end it 'should correctly sort drivers by their finishing time, and assign their position' do event = Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/full.ini' ) event.competitors[0].name.should == 'Gabriel Lloyd' event.competitors[0].position.should == 1 event.competitors[1].name.should == 'Jerry Lalich' event.competitors[1].position.should == 2 event.competitors[2].name.should == 'Mark Voss' event.competitors[2].position.should == 3 event.competitors[3].name.should == 'Corey Ball' event.competitors[3].position.should == 4 event.competitors[4].name.should == 'Reino Lintula' event.competitors[4].position.should == 5 end it 'should set a competitor as "did not finish" when necessary' do Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/single_driver_dnf.ini' ).competitors[0].should be_dnf end it 'should set a competitor as "disqualified" when necessary' do Dyno::Parsers::Race07Parser.parse_file( 'spec/fixtures/race07/single_driver_dsq.ini' ).competitors[0].should be_dsq end end end