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@;i�;/T;
;[I"/* List options */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
;[I"e/* Unstyled keeps list items block level, just removes default browser padding and list-style */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o:Sass::Tree::MixinDefNode;I"list-unstyled;	T;<[�;>0;[o;;[I"padding-left;	T;o;2;I"0;	T;
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@;i�;/T;
;[I"4/* Inline turns list items into inline-block */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o;;[I".list-inline;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;0;[I"list-inline;	T;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[o;A;I"list-unstyled;	T;<[�;={�;>0;[�;i�;
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@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"padding-right;	T;o;2;I"5px;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
@;i�;/T;
;[I"/* Description Lists */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"dl;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"dl;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@U;i�;@U;[o;;[I"margin-bottom;	T;o;&	;I"line-height-computed;	T;'I"line_height_computed;	T;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
@o;;[I"dt,
dd;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"dt;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@lo;;[I"
;	To;
;[o;	;[I"dd;	T;0;i�;@l;0;o;;{�;i�;@l;i�;@l;[o;;[I"line-height;	T;o;&	;I"line-height-base;	T;'I"line_height_base;	T;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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@o;;[I"dt;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"dt;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"font-weight;	T;o;2;I"	bold;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
@o;;[I"dd;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"dd;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"margin-left;	T;o;2;I"0;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
;[I"/* Undo browser default */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
;[I"�/* Horizontal description lists
 * Defaults to being stacked without any of the below styles applied, until the
 * grid breakpoint is reached (default of ~768px). */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o;4;5[
I"(;	To;2	;I"min-width;	T;
;3;i�;
@I": ;	To;&	;I"grid-float-breakpoint;	T;'I"grid_float_breakpoint;	T;i�;
@I");	T;i�;I"�;	T;[o;;[I".dl-horizontal;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;0;[I"dl-horizontal;	T;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"dt;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"dt;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[
o;;[I"
float;	T;o;2;I"	left;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"
width;	T;o;$
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@;(o; ;i;![�;"@';i�;#I"20;	F;
@;);?;i�;
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@o;;[I"
clear;	T;o;2;I"	left;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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right;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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;[o;	;[I"dd;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[o;;[I"margin-left;	T;o;&	;I" component-offset-horizontal;	T;'I" component_offset_horizontal;	T;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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;[I"=/* Clear the floated `dt` if an empty `dd` is present */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
@;i�;/T;
@;i�;/T;
;[I"/* MISC
 * ---- */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
;[I"%/* Abbreviations and acronyms */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o;;[I",abbr[title],

abbr[data-original-title];	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"	abbr;	T;0;i�;I"�;	To:Sass::Selector::Attribute;[I"
title;	T;0;)0;0:@flags0;i�;@7;0;o;;{�;i�;@7o;;[I"
;	To;
;[o;	;[I"	abbr;	T;0;i�;@7o;B;[I"data-original-title;	T;0;)0;0;C0;i�;@7;0;o;;{�;i�;@7;i�;@7;[o;;[I"cursor;	T;o;2;I"	help;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"border-bottom;	T;o;	;[o; ;i;![I"px;	T;"[�;i�;#I"1px;	F;
@o;2	;I"dotted;	T;
;3;i�;
@o;&	;I"abbr-border-color;	T;'I"abbr_border_color;	T;i�;
@;+;,;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
@o;;[I"abbr.initialism;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"	abbr;	T;0;i�;I"�;	To;0;[I"initialism;	T;i�;@m;0;o;;{�;i�;@m;i�;@m;[o;;[I"font-size;	T;o;2;I"90%;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"text-transform;	T;o;2;I"uppercase;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
;[I"/* Blockquotes */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"blockquote;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"blockquote;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[
o;;[I"padding;	T;o;	;[o;$
;%o;&	;I"line-height-computed;	T;'I"line_height_computed;	T;i�;
@;(o; ;i;![�;"@';i�;#I"2;	F;
@;);*;i�;
@o;&	;I"line-height-computed;	T;'I"line_height_computed;	T;i�;
@;+;,;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"margin;	T;o;	;[o; ;i�;![�;"@';i�;#I"0;	F;
@o; ;i�;![�;"@';i�;#I"0;	F;
@o;&	;I"line-height-computed;	T;'I"line_height_computed;	T;i�;
@;+;,;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"border-left;	T;o;	;[o; ;i
;![I"px;	T;"[�;i�;#I"5px;	F;
@o;2	;I"
solid;	T;
;3;i�;
@o;&	;I"blockquote-border-color;	T;'I"blockquote_border_color;	T;i�;
@;+;,;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"p;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"p;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"font-size;	T;o;$
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@;(o; ;f	1.25;![�;"@';i�;#I"	1.25;	F;
@;);1;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"font-weight;	T;o;2;I"300;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"line-height;	T;o;2;I"	1.25;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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@o;;[I"p:last-child;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"p;	T;0;i�;I"�;	To;7
;8;9;[I"last-child;	T;:0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"margin-bottom;	T;o;2;I"0;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
@o;;[I"
small;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"
small;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@;i�;@;[	o;;[I"display;	T;o;2;I"
block;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"line-height;	T;o;&	;I"line-height-base;	T;'I"line_height_base;	T;i�;
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@o;;[I"
color;	T;o;&	;I"blockquote-small-color;	T;'I"blockquote_small_color;	T;i�;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"
&:before;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;6;i�;I"�;	To;7
;8;9;[I"before;	T;:0;i�;@2;0;o;;{�;i�;@2;i�;@2;[o;;[I"content;	T;o;2;I"'\2014 \00A0';	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
;[I"/* EM DASH, NBSP */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
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@;i�;/T;
;[I"-/* Float right with text-align: right */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"&.pull-right;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;6;i�;I"�;	To;0;[I"pull-right;	T;i�;@Q;0;o;;{�;i�;@Q;i�;@Q;[o;;[I"padding-right;	T;o;2;I"	15px;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"padding-left;	T;o;2;I"0;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@o;;[I"border-right;	T;o;	;[o; ;i
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solid;	T;
;3;i�;
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@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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;[o;	;[I"p;	T;0;i�;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I"
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@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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;[o;	;[I"
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&:before;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;6;i�;I"�;	To;7
;8;9;[I"before;	T;:0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"content;	T;o;2;I"'';	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
@;i�;/T;
@o;;[I"&:after;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;6;i�;I"�;	To;7
after;	T;:0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"content;	T;o;2;I"'\00A0 \2014';	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i�;
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;;[�;i�;
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@;i�;/T;
@;i�;/T;
@;i�;/T;
;[I"/* Quotes */;	T;
;;[�;i;
@o;;[I";q:before,
blockquote:after;	T;i�;o;;[	o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"q;	T;0;i;I"�;	To;7
;8;9;[I"before;	T;:0;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�o;;[I"
;	To;
;[o;	;[I"q;	T;0;i;@�o;7
after;	T;:0;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"blockquote;	T;0;i;@�o;7
;8;9;[I"before;	T;:0;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�o;;[I"
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;[o;	;[I"blockquote;	T;0;i;@�o;7
after;	T;:0;i;@�;0;o;;{�;i;@�;i;@�;[o;;[I"content;	T;o;2;I""";	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i	;
@;i;/T;
;[I"/* Addresses */;	T;
;;[�;i;
@o;;[I"address;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;	;[I"address;	T;0;i
;I"�;	T;0;o;;{�;i
;@0;i
;@0;[o;;[I"margin-bottom;	T;o;&	;I"line-height-computed;	T;'I"line_height_computed;	T;i;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i;
@o;;[I"font-style;	T;o;2;I"normal;	T;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i;
@o;;[I"line-height;	T;o;&	;I"line-height-base;	T;'I"line_height_base;	T;i;
@;i�;-;.;[�;i;
@;i
// Typography
// --------------------------------------------------

// Body text
// -------------------------

p {
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.lead {
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// Emphasis & misc
// -------------------------

// Ex: 14px base font * 85% = about 12px
.small  { font-size: 85%; }

// Undo browser default styling
cite    { font-style: normal; }

// Contextual emphasis
.text-muted {
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.text-primary {
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.text-warning {
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.text-danger {
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.text-success {
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.text-info {
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    color: darken($state-info-text, 10%);

// Alignment
.text-left           { text-align: left; }
.text-right          { text-align: right; }
.text-center         { text-align: center; }

// Headings
// -------------------------

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
.h1, .h2, .h3, .h4, .h5, .h6 {
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    color: $headings-small-color;

h3 {
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h6 {
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  small {
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h1, .h1 { font-size: $font-size-h1; }
h2, .h2 { font-size: $font-size-h2; }
h3, .h3 { font-size: $font-size-h3; }
h4, .h4 { font-size: $font-size-h4; }
h5, .h5 { font-size: $font-size-h5; }
h6, .h6 { font-size: $font-size-h6; }

// Page header
// -------------------------

.page-header {
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// Lists
// --------------------------------------------------

// Unordered and Ordered lists
ol {
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-bottom: ($line-height-computed / 2);
    margin-bottom: 0;

// List options

// Unstyled keeps list items block level, just removes default browser padding and list-style
@mixin list-unstyled {
  padding-left: 0;
  list-style: none;

.list-unstyled { @include list-unstyled }

// Inline turns list items into inline-block
.list-inline {
  @include list-unstyled();
  > li {
    display: inline-block;
    padding-left: 5px;
    padding-right: 5px;

// Description Lists
dl {
  margin-bottom: $line-height-computed;
dd {
  line-height: $line-height-base;
dt {
  font-weight: bold;
dd {
  margin-left: 0; // Undo browser default

// Horizontal description lists
// Defaults to being stacked without any of the below styles applied, until the
// grid breakpoint is reached (default of ~768px).

@media (min-width: $grid-float-breakpoint) {
  .dl-horizontal {
    dt {
      float: left;
      width: ($component-offset-horizontal - 20);
      clear: left;
      text-align: right;
      @include text-overflow();
    dd {
      margin-left: $component-offset-horizontal;
      @include clearfix(); // Clear the floated `dt` if an empty `dd` is present

// ----

// Abbreviations and acronyms
// Added data-* attribute to help out our tooltip plugin, per https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/5257
abbr[data-original-title] {
  cursor: help;
  border-bottom: 1px dotted $abbr-border-color;
abbr.initialism {
  font-size: 90%;
  text-transform: uppercase;

// Blockquotes
blockquote {
  padding: ($line-height-computed / 2) $line-height-computed;
  margin: 0 0 $line-height-computed;
  border-left: 5px solid $blockquote-border-color;
  p {
    font-size: ($font-size-base * 1.25);
    font-weight: 300;
    line-height: 1.25;
  p:last-child {
    margin-bottom: 0;
  small {
    display: block;
    line-height: $line-height-base;
    color: $blockquote-small-color;
    &:before {
      content: '\2014 \00A0';// EM DASH, NBSP

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    padding-right: 15px;
    padding-left: 0;
    border-right: 5px solid $blockquote-border-color;
    border-left: 0;
    small {
      text-align: right;
    small {
      &:before {
        content: '';
      &:after {
        content: '\00A0 \2014';// NBSP, EM DASH

// Quotes
blockquote:after {
  content: "";

// Addresses
address {
  margin-bottom: $line-height-computed;
  font-style: normal;
  line-height: $line-height-base;
;	T;i;/T;