# encoding: utf-8 # require 'spec_helper' describe Picky::Tokenizer do describe 'with wrong/incorrectly spelled option' do it 'informs the user nicely' do expect { described_class.new rejetcs_token_if: :blank?.to_proc }.to raise_error(<<-MESSAGE) The option "rejetcs_token_if" is not a valid option for a Picky tokenizer. Please see https://github.com/floere/picky/wiki/Indexing-configuration for valid options. A short overview: removes_characters /regexp/ stopwords /regexp/ splits_text_on /regexp/ or "String", default /\s/ normalizes_words [[/replace (this)/, 'with this \\1'], ...] rejects_token_if Proc/lambda, default :blank?.to_proc substitutes_characters_with Picky::CharacterSubstituter or responds to #substitute(String) case_sensitive true/false MESSAGE end end context 'with special instance' do let (:tokenizer) { described_class.new rejects_token_if: lambda { |token| token.to_s.length < 2 || token == :hello }, case_sensitive: true } it 'rejects tokens with length < 2' do tokenizer.reject([:'', :a, :ab, :abc]).should == [:ab, :abc] end it 'rejects tokens that are called :hello' do tokenizer.reject([:hel, :hell, :hello]).should == [:hel, :hell] end describe 'to_s' do it 'spits out the right text' do tokenizer.to_s.should == <<-EXPECTED Removes characters: - Stopwords: - Splits text on: /\\s/ Normalizes words: - Rejects tokens? Yes, see line 28 in app/application.rb Substitutes chars? - Case sensitive? Yes. EXPECTED end end end context 'with normal instance' do let(:tokenizer) { described_class.new } describe 'to_s' do it 'spits out the right text' do tokenizer.to_s.should == <<-EXPECTED Removes characters: - Stopwords: - Splits text on: /\\s/ Normalizes words: - Rejects tokens? - Substitutes chars? - Case sensitive? - EXPECTED end end describe 'rejects_token_if' do it 'rejects empty tokens by default' do tokenizer.reject(['a', nil, '', 'b']).should == ['a', 'b'] end it 'rejects tokens based on the given rejection criteria if set' do tokenizer.rejects_token_if :nil?.to_proc tokenizer.reject(['a', nil, '', 'b']).should == ['a', '', 'b'] end end describe "substitute(s)_characters*" do it "doesn't substitute if there is no substituter" do tokenizer.substitute_characters('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöü').should == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöü' end it 'raises if nothing with #substitute is given' do expect { tokenizer.substitutes_characters_with Object.new }. to raise_error(<<-ERROR) The substitutes_characters_with option needs a character substituter, which responds to #substitute(text) and returns substituted_text." ERROR end it "uses the substituter to replace characters" do tokenizer.substitutes_characters_with Picky::CharacterSubstituters::WestEuropean.new tokenizer.substitute_characters('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöü').should == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaeoeue' end it "uses the european substituter as default" do tokenizer.substitutes_characters_with tokenizer.substitute_characters('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöü').should == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaeoeue' end end describe "normalizes_words" do it 'handles broken arguments' do expect { tokenizer.normalizes_words(:not_an_array) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end context "without normalizes_words called" do it "has normalize_with_patterns" do expect { tokenizer.normalize_with_patterns('any') }.to_not raise_error end it 'should define a method normalize_with_patterns does nothing' do unchanging = stub :unchanging tokenizer.normalize_with_patterns(unchanging).should == unchanging end end context "with normalizes_words called" do before(:each) do tokenizer.normalizes_words([ [/st\./, 'sankt'], [/stras?s?e?/, 'str'], [/\+/, 'plus'], [/\&/, 'and'] ]) end it "has normalize_with_patterns" do expect { tokenizer.normalize_with_patterns('a b/c.d') }.to_not raise_error end it "normalizes, but just the first one" do tokenizer.normalize_with_patterns('st. wegstrasse').should == 'sankt wegstrasse' end it "works correctly" do tokenizer.normalize_with_patterns('camera +').should == 'camera plus' end it "works correctly" do tokenizer.normalize_with_patterns('alice & bob').should == 'alice and bob' end end end describe "splits_text_on" do it 'handles nonbroken arguments' do expect { tokenizer.splits_text_on("hello") }.to_not raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'handles broken arguments' do expect { tokenizer.splits_text_on(:gnorf) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end context "without splits_text_on called" do it "has split" do lambda { tokenizer.split('any') }.should_not raise_error end it 'should define a method split that splits by default on \s' do tokenizer.split('a b/c.d').should == ['a', 'b/c.d'] end it 'splits text on /\s/ by default' do tokenizer.split('this is a test').should == ['this', 'is', 'a', 'test'] end end context "with removes_characters called" do before(:each) do tokenizer.splits_text_on(/[\s\.\/]/) end it "has split" do expect { tokenizer.split('a b/c.d') }.to_not raise_error end it "removes illegal characters" do tokenizer.split('a b/c.d').should == ['a','b','c','d'] end end end describe "removes_characters" do it 'handles broken arguments' do expect { tokenizer.removes_characters("hello") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end context "without removes_characters called" do it "has remove_illegals" do expect { tokenizer.remove_illegals('any') }.to_not raise_error end it 'should define a method remove_illegals that does nothing' do unchanging = stub :unchanging tokenizer.remove_illegals unchanging end end context "with removes_characters called" do before(:each) do tokenizer.removes_characters(/[afo]/) end it "has remove_illegals" do expect { tokenizer.remove_illegals('abcdefghijklmnop') }.to_not raise_error end it "removes illegal characters" do tokenizer.remove_illegals('abcdefghijklmnop').should == 'bcdeghijklmnp' end end end describe 'stopwords' do it 'handles broken arguments' do expect { tokenizer.stopwords("hello") }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end context 'without stopwords given' do it 'should define a method remove_stopwords' do lambda { tokenizer.remove_stopwords('from this text') }.should_not raise_error end it 'should define a method remove_stopwords that does nothing' do tokenizer.remove_stopwords('from this text').should == 'from this text' end it 'should define a method remove_non_single_stopwords' do expect { tokenizer.remove_non_single_stopwords('from this text') }.to_not raise_error end end context 'with stopwords given' do before(:each) do tokenizer.stopwords(/r|e/) end it 'should define a method remove_stopwords' do lambda { tokenizer.remove_stopwords('from this text') }.should_not raise_error end it 'should define a method stopwords that removes stopwords' do tokenizer.remove_stopwords('from this text').should == 'fom this txt' end it 'should define a method remove_non_single_stopwords' do expect { tokenizer.remove_non_single_stopwords('from this text') }.to_not raise_error end it 'should define a method remove_non_single_stopwords that removes non-single stopwords' do tokenizer.remove_non_single_stopwords('rerere rerere').should == ' ' end it 'should define a method remove_non_single_stopwords that does not single stopwords' do tokenizer.remove_non_single_stopwords('rerere').should == 'rerere' end end context 'error case' do before(:each) do tokenizer.stopwords(/any/) end it 'should not remove non-single stopwords with a star' do tokenizer.remove_non_single_stopwords('a*').should == 'a*' end it 'should not remove non-single stopwords with a tilde' do tokenizer.remove_non_single_stopwords('a~').should == 'a~' end end end end context 'from' do context 'options hash' do it 'creates a tokenizer' do described_class.from(splits_text_on: /\t/). tokenize("hello\tworld").should == [['hello', 'world'], ['hello', 'world']] end end context 'tokenizer' do let(:tokenizer) do Class.new do def tokenize text ['unmoved', 'by', 'your', 'texts'] end end.new end it 'creates a tokenizer' do described_class.from(tokenizer). tokenize("hello\tworld").should == ['unmoved', 'by', 'your', 'texts'] end end context 'invalid tokenizer' do it 'raises with a nice error message' do expect { described_class.from Object.new }.to raise_error(<<-ERROR) indexing options should be either * a Hash or * an object that responds to #tokenize(text) => [[token1, token2, ...], [original1, original2, ...]] ERROR end it 'raises with a nice error message' do expect { described_class.from Object.new, 'some_index' }.to raise_error(<<-ERROR) indexing options for some_index should be either * a Hash or * an object that responds to #tokenize(text) => [[token1, token2, ...], [original1, original2, ...]] ERROR end it 'raises with a nice error message' do expect { described_class.from Object.new, 'some_index', 'some_category' }.to raise_error(<<-ERROR) indexing options for some_index:some_category should be either * a Hash or * an object that responds to #tokenize(text) => [[token1, token2, ...], [original1, original2, ...]] ERROR end end end end