class Redis class PipeMigrator include Redis::Helper def initialize(old_hosts) Thread.current[:redis] = end def redis Thread.current[:redis] end def migrate(node_options, keys, options) host, port, db = node_options[:host], node_options[:port], node_options[:db] pipe = IO.popen("redis-cli -h #{host} -p #{port} -n #{db} --pipe", IO::RDWR) keys.each {|key| copy_key(pipe, key) #remove key from old node redis.node_for(key).del(key) unless options[:do_not_remove] } pipe.close end # Copy a given Redis key to a Redis pipe # @param pipe [IO] a pipe opened redis-cli --pipe # @param key [String] a Redis key that needs to be copied def copy_key(pipe, key) key_type = redis.type(key) return false unless ['list', 'hash', 'string', 'set', 'zset'].include?(key_type) self.send("copy_#{key_type}", pipe, key) end def copy_string(pipe, key) value = redis.get(key) pipe << to_redis_proto('SET', key, value) end def copy_hash(pipe, key) redis.hgetall(key).each do |field, value| pipe << to_redis_proto('HSET', key, field, value) end end def copy_list(pipe, key) redis.lrange(key, 0, -1).each do |value| pipe << to_redis_proto('RPUSH', key, value) end end def copy_set(pipe, key) redis.smembers(key).reverse.each do |member| pipe << to_redis_proto('SADD', key, member) end end def copy_zset(pipe, key) redis.zrange(key, 0, -1, with_scores: true).each do |member, score| pipe << to_redis_proto('ZADD', key, score, member) end end end end