module Impressionist module Impressionable extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods attr_accessor :impressionist_cache_options DEFAULT_CACHE ||= { :counter_cache => false, :column_name => :impressions_count, :unique => all } def impressionist_counter_cache_options @impressionist_cache_options ||= {} @impressionist_cache_options.reverse_merge!(DEFAULT_CACHE) end # asks impressionable entity whether or not it is counter_caching def impressionist_counter_caching? impressionist_counter_cache_options[:counter_cache] end def counter_caching? ::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("#counter_caching? is deprecated; please use #impressionist_counter_caching? instead") impressionist_counter_caching? end end # end of ClassMethods def impressionist_count(options={}) # Uses these options as defaults unless overridden in options hash options.reverse_merge!(:filter => :request_hash, :start_date => nil, :end_date => # If a start_date is provided, finds impressions between then and the end_date. Otherwise returns all impressions imps = options[:start_date].blank? ? impressions : impressions.where("created_at >= ? and created_at <= ?", options[:start_date], options[:end_date]) if options[:message] imps = imps.where("impressions.message = ?", options[:message]) end # Count all distinct impressions unless the :all filter is provided. distinct = options[:filter] != :all if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 4 distinct ?[:filter]).distinct.count : imps.count else distinct ? imps.count(options[:filter], :distinct => true) : imps.count end end def update_impressionist_counter_cache slave = slave.update end def impressionable? true end end end