# Top level module for holding ThirdBase classes. module ThirdBase # ThirdBase's date class, a simple class which, unlike the standard # Date class, does not include any time information. # # This class is significantly faster than the standard Date class # for two reasons. First, it does not depend on the Rational class # (which is slow). Second, it doesn't convert all dates to julian # dates unless it is necessary. class Date include Comparable MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(January February March April May June July August September October November December) ABBR_MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec) MONTH_NUM_MAP = {} MONTHNAMES.each_with_index{|x, i| MONTH_NUM_MAP[x.downcase] = i if x} ABBR_MONTHNAMES.each_with_index{|x, i| MONTH_NUM_MAP[x.downcase] = i if x} DAYNAMES = %w(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday) ABBR_DAYNAMES = %w(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat) DAY_NUM_MAP = {} DAYNAMES.each_with_index{|x, i| DAY_NUM_MAP[x.downcase] = i} ABBR_DAYNAMES.each_with_index{|x, i| DAY_NUM_MAP[x.downcase] = i} CUMMULATIVE_MONTH_DAYS = {1=>0, 2=>31, 3=>59, 4=>90, 5=>120, 6=>151, 7=>181, 8=>212, 9=>243, 10=>273, 11=>304, 12=>334} LEAP_CUMMULATIVE_MONTH_DAYS = {1=>0, 2=>31, 3=>60, 4=>91, 5=>121, 6=>152, 7=>182, 8=>213, 9=>244, 10=>274, 11=>305, 12=>335} DAYS_IN_MONTH = {1=>30, 2=>28, 3=>31, 4=>30, 5=>31, 6=>30, 7=>31, 8=>31, 9=>30, 10=>31, 11=>30, 12=>31} LEAP_DAYS_IN_MONTH = {1=>30, 2=>29, 3=>31, 4=>30, 5=>31, 6=>30, 7=>31, 8=>31, 9=>30, 10=>31, 11=>30, 12=>31} MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN = "(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec|january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)" FULL_MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN = "(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)" ABBR_MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN = "(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)" FULL_DAYNAME_RE_PATTERN = "(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)" ABBR_DAYNAME_RE_PATTERN = "(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)" PARSER_LIST = [] DEFAULT_PARSER_LIST = [:iso, :us, :num] PARSERS = {} DEFAULT_PARSERS = {} DEFAULT_PARSERS[:iso] = [[%r{\A(-?\d{4})[-./ ](\d\d)[-./ ](\d\d)\z}o, proc{|m| {:civil=>[m[1].to_i, m[2].to_i, m[3].to_i]}}]] DEFAULT_PARSERS[:us] = [[%r{\A(\d\d?)[-./ ](\d\d?)[-./ ](\d\d(?:\d\d)?)\z}o, proc{|m| {:civil=>[two_digit_year(m[3]), m[1].to_i, m[2].to_i]}}], [%r{\A(\d\d?)/(\d?\d)\z}o, proc{|m| {:civil=>[Time.now.year, m[1].to_i, m[2].to_i]}}], [%r{\A#{MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN}[-./ ](\d\d?)(?:st|nd|rd|th)?,?(?:[-./ ](-?(?:\d\d(?:\d\d)?)))?\z}io, proc{|m| {:civil=>[m[3] ? two_digit_year(m[3]) : Time.now.year, MONTH_NUM_MAP[m[1].downcase], m[2].to_i]}}], [%r{\A(\d\d?)(?:st|nd|rd|th)?[-./ ]#{MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN}[-./ ](-?\d{4})\z}io, proc{|m| {:civil=>[m[3].to_i, MONTH_NUM_MAP[m[2].downcase], m[1].to_i]}}], [%r{\A(-?\d{4})[-./ ]#{MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN}[-./ ](\d\d?)(?:st|nd|rd|th)?\z}io, proc{|m| {:civil=>[m[1].to_i, MONTH_NUM_MAP[m[2].downcase], m[3].to_i]}}], [%r{\A#{MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN}[-./ ](-?\d{4})\z}io, proc{|m| {:civil=>[m[2].to_i, MONTH_NUM_MAP[m[1].downcase], 1]}}]] DEFAULT_PARSERS[:eu] = [[%r{\A(\d\d?)[-./ ](\d\d?)[-./ ](\d\d\d\d)\z}o, proc{|m| {:civil=>[m[3].to_i, m[2].to_i, m[1].to_i]}}], [%r{\A(\d\d?)[-./ ](\d?\d)[-./ ](\d?\d)\z}o, proc{|m| {:civil=>[two_digit_year(m[1]), m[2].to_i, m[3].to_i]}}]] DEFAULT_PARSERS[:num] = [[%r{\A\d{2,8}\z}o, proc do |m| m = m[0] case m.length when 2 t = Time.now {:civil=>[t.year, t.mon, m.to_i]} when 3 {:ordinal=>[Time.now.year, m.to_i]} when 4 {:civil=>[Time.now.year, m[0..1].to_i, m[2..3].to_i]} when 5 {:ordinal=>[two_digit_year(m[0..1]), m[2..4].to_i]} when 6 {:civil=>[two_digit_year(m[0..1]), m[2..3].to_i, m[4..5].to_i]} when 7 {:ordinal=>[m[0..3].to_i, m[4..6].to_i]} when 8 {:civil=>[m[0..3].to_i, m[4..5].to_i, m[6..7].to_i]} end end ]] STRFTIME_RE = /%./o STRPTIME_PROC_A = proc{|h,x| h[:cwday] = DAY_NUM_MAP[x.downcase]} STRPTIME_PROC_B = proc{|h,x| h[:month] = MONTH_NUM_MAP[x.downcase]} STRPTIME_PROC_C = proc{|h,x| h[:year] ||= x.to_i*100} STRPTIME_PROC_d = proc{|h,x| h[:day] = x.to_i} STRPTIME_PROC_G = proc{|h,x| h[:cwyear] = x.to_i} STRPTIME_PROC_g = proc{|h,x| h[:cwyear] = two_digit_year(x)} STRPTIME_PROC_j = proc{|h,x| h[:yday] = x.to_i} STRPTIME_PROC_m = proc{|h,x| h[:month] = x.to_i} STRPTIME_PROC_u = proc{|h,x| h[:cwday] = x.to_i} STRPTIME_PROC_V = proc{|h,x| h[:cweek] = x.to_i} STRPTIME_PROC_y = proc{|h,x| h[:year] = two_digit_year(x)} STRPTIME_PROC_Y = proc{|h,x| h[:year] = x.to_i} UNIXEPOCH = 2440588 # Public Class Methods class << self alias new! new end # Add a parser to the parser type. re should be # a Regexp, and a block must be provided. The block # should take a single MatchData argument, a return # either nil specifying it could not parse the string, # or a hash of values to be passed to new!. def self.add_parser(type, re, &block) parser_hash[type].unshift([re, block]) end # Add a parser type to the list of parser types. # Should be used if you want to add your own parser # types. def self.add_parser_type(type) parser_hash[type] ||= [] end # Returns a new Date with the given year, month, and day. def self.civil(year, mon, day) new!(:civil=>[year, mon, day]) end # Returns a new Date with the given commercial week year, # commercial week, and commercial week day. def self.commercial(cwyear, cweek, cwday=5) new!(:commercial=>[cwyear, cweek, cwday]) end # Returns a new Date with the given julian date. def self.jd(j) new!(:jd=>j) end # Calls civil with the given arguments. def self.new(*args) civil(*args) end # Returns a new Date with the given year and day of year. def self.ordinal(year, yday) new!(:ordinal=>[year, yday]) end # Parses the given string and returns a Date. Raises an ArgumentError if no # parser can correctly parse the date. Takes the following options: # # * :parser_types : an array of parser types to use, # overriding the default or the ones specified by # use_parsers. def self.parse(str, opts={}) s = str.strip parsers(opts[:parser_types]) do |pattern, block| if m = pattern.match(s) if res = block.call(m) return new!(res) end end end raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' end # Reset the parsers, parser types, and order of parsers used to the default. def self.reset_parsers! parser_hash.clear default_parser_hash.each do |type, parsers| add_parser_type(type) parsers.reverse.each do |re, parser| add_parser(type, re, &parser) end end use_parsers(*default_parser_list) end # Parse the string using the provided format (or the default format). # Raises an ArgumentError if the format does not match the string. def self.strptime(str, fmt=strptime_default) blocks = [] s = str.strip date_hash = {} pattern = Regexp.escape(expand_strptime_format(fmt)).gsub(STRFTIME_RE) do |x| pat, *blks = _strptime_part(x[1..1]) blocks += blks pat end if m = /#{pattern}/i.match(s) m.to_a[1..-1].zip(blocks) do |x, blk| blk.call(date_hash, x) end new_from_parts(date_hash) else raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' end end # Returns a date with the current year, month, and date. def self.today t = Time.now civil(t.year, t.mon, t.day) end # Set the order of parser types to use to the given parser types. def self.use_parsers(*parsers) parser_list.replace(parsers) end # Private Class Methods def self._expand_strptime_format(v) case v when '%D', '%x' then '%m/%d/%y' when '%F' then '%Y-%m-%d' when '%v' then '%e-%b-%Y' else v end end def self._strptime_part(v) case v when 'A' then [FULL_DAYNAME_RE_PATTERN, STRPTIME_PROC_A] when 'a' then [ABBR_DAYNAME_RE_PATTERN, STRPTIME_PROC_A] when 'B' then [FULL_MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN, STRPTIME_PROC_B] when 'b', 'h' then [ABBR_MONTHNAME_RE_PATTERN, STRPTIME_PROC_B] when 'C' then ['([+-]?\d\d?)', STRPTIME_PROC_C] when 'd' then ['([0-3]?\d)', STRPTIME_PROC_d] when 'e' then ['([1-3 ]?\d)', STRPTIME_PROC_d] when 'G' then ['(\d{4})', STRPTIME_PROC_G] when 'g' then ['(\d\d)', STRPTIME_PROC_g] when 'j' then ['(\d{1,3})', STRPTIME_PROC_j] when 'm' then ['(\d\d?)', STRPTIME_PROC_m] when 'n' then ['\n'] when 't' then ['\t'] when 'u' then ['(\d)', STRPTIME_PROC_u] when 'V' then ['(\d\d?)', STRPTIME_PROC_V] when 'y' then ['(\d\d)', STRPTIME_PROC_y] when 'Y' then ['([+-]?\d{4})', STRPTIME_PROC_Y] when '%' then ['%'] else ["%#{v}"] end end def self.default_parser_hash DEFAULT_PARSERS end def self.default_parser_list DEFAULT_PARSER_LIST end def self.expand_strptime_format(fmt) fmt.gsub(STRFTIME_RE){|x| _expand_strptime_format(x)} end def self.new_from_parts(date_hash) d = today if date_hash[:year] || date_hash[:yday] || date_hash[:month] || date_hash[:day] if date_hash[:yday] ordinal(date_hash[:year]||d.year, date_hash[:yday]) else civil(date_hash[:year]||d.year, date_hash[:month]||(date_hash[:day] ? d.mon : 1), date_hash[:day]||1) end elsif date_hash[:cwyear] || date_hash[:cweek] || date_hash[:cwday] commercial(date_hash[:cwyear]||d.cwyear, date_hash[:cweek]||(date_hash[:cwday] ? d.cweek : 1), date_hash[:cwday]||1) else raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' end end def self.parser_hash PARSERS end def self.parser_list PARSER_LIST end def self.parsers(parser_families=nil) (parser_families||parser_list).each do |parser_family| parsers_for_family(parser_family) do |pattern, block| yield(pattern, block) end end end def self.parsers_for_family(parser_family) parser_hash[parser_family].each do |pattern, block| yield(pattern, block) end end def self.strptime_default '%Y-%m-%d' end def self.two_digit_year(y) y = if y.length == 2 y = y.to_i (y < 69 ? 2000 : 1900) + y else y.to_i end end private_class_method :_expand_strptime_format, :_strptime_part, :default_parser_hash, :default_parser_list, :expand_strptime_format, :new_from_parts, :parser_hash, :parser_list, :parsers, :parsers_for_family, :strptime_default, :two_digit_year reset_parsers! # Public Instance Methods # Called by Date.new!, Takes a hash with one of the following keys: # # * :civil : should be an array with 3 elements, a year, month, and day # * :commercial : should be an array with 3 elements, a commercial week year, commercial week, and commercial week day # * :jd : should be an integer specifying the julian date # * :ordinal : should be an array with 2 elements, a year and day of year. # # An ArgumentError is raised if the date is invalid. All Date objects are immutable once created. def initialize(opts) if opts[:civil] @year, @mon, @day = opts[:civil] raise(ArgumentError, "invalid date") unless @year.is_a?(Integer) && @mon.is_a?(Integer) && @day.is_a?(Integer) && valid_civil? elsif opts[:ordinal] @year, @yday = opts[:ordinal] raise(ArgumentError, "invalid date") unless @year.is_a?(Integer) && @yday.is_a?(Integer) && valid_ordinal? elsif opts[:jd] @jd = opts[:jd] raise(ArgumentError, "invalid date") unless @jd.is_a?(Integer) elsif opts[:commercial] @cwyear, @cweek, @cwday = opts[:commercial] raise(ArgumentError, "invalid date") unless @cwyear.is_a?(Integer) && @cweek.is_a?(Integer) && @cwday.is_a?(Integer) && valid_commercial? else raise(ArgumentError, "invalid date format") end end # Returns a new date with d number of days added to this date. def +(d) raise(TypeError, "d must be an integer") unless d.is_a?(Integer) jd_to_civil(jd + d) end # Returns a new date with d number of days subtracted from this date. # If d is a Date, returns the number of days between the two dates. def -(d) if d.is_a?(self.class) jd - d.jd elsif d.is_a?(Integer) self + -d else raise TypeError, "d should be #{self.class} or Integer" end end # Returns a new date with m number of months added to this date. # If the day of self does not exist in the new month, set the # new day to be the last day of the new month. def >>(m) raise(TypeError, "m must be an integer") unless m.is_a?(Integer) y = year n = mon + m if n > 12 or n <= 0 a, n = n.divmod(12) if n == 0 n = 12 y += a - 1 else y += a end end ndays = days_in_month(n, y) d = day > ndays ? ndays : day new_civil(y, n, d) end # Returns a new date with m number of months subtracted from this date. def <<(m) self >> -m end # Compare two dates. If the given date is greater than self, return -1, if it is less, # return 1, and if it is equal, return 0. If given date is a number, compare this date's julian # date to it. def <=>(date) if date.is_a?(Numeric) jd <=> date else ((d = (year <=> date.year)) == 0) && ((d = (mon <=> date.mon)) == 0) && ((d = (day <=> date.day)) == 0) d end end # Dates are equel only if their year, month, and day match. def ==(date) return false unless Date === date year == date.year and mon == date.mon and day == date.day end alias_method :eql?, :== # If d is a date, only true if it is equal to this date. If d is Numeric, only true if it equals this date's julian date. def ===(d) case d when Numeric then jd == d when Date then self == d else false end end # The commercial week day for this date. def cwday @cwday || commercial[2] end # The commercial week for this date. def cweek @cweek || commercial[1] end # The commercial week year for this date. def cwyear @cwyear || commercial[0] end # The day of the month for this date. def day @day || civil[2] end alias mday day # Yield every date between this date and given date to the block. The # given date should be less than this date. def downto(d, &block) step(d, -1, &block) end # Unique value for this date, based on it's year, month, and day of month. def hash civil.hash end # Programmer friendly readable string, much more friendly than the one # in the standard date class. def inspect "#<#{self.class} #{self}>" end # This date's julian date. def jd @jd ||= ( y = year m = mon d = day if m <= 2 y -= 1 m += 12 end a = (y / 100.0).floor jd = (365.25 * (y + 4716)).floor + (30.6001 * (m + 1)).floor + d - 1524 + (2 - a + (a / 4.0).floor) ) end # Whether this date is in a leap year. def leap? _leap?(year) end # The month number for this date (January is 1, December is 12). def mon @mon || civil[1] end alias month mon # Yield each date between this date and limit, adding step number # of days in each iteration. Returns current date. def step(limit, step=1) da = self op = %w(== <= >=)[step <=> 0] while da.__send__(op, limit) yield da da += step end self end # Format the time using a format string, or the default format string. def strftime(fmt=strftime_default) fmt.gsub(STRFTIME_RE){|x| _strftime(x[1..1])} end # Return the day after this date. def succ self + 1 end alias next succ # Alias for strftime with the default format def to_s strftime end # Yield every date between this date and the given date to the block. The given date # should be greater than this date. def upto(d, &block) step(d, &block) end # Return the day of the week for this date. Sunday is 0, Saturday is 6. def wday (jd + 1) % 7 end # Return the day of the year for this date. January 1 is 1. def yday h = leap? ? LEAP_CUMMULATIVE_MONTH_DAYS : CUMMULATIVE_MONTH_DAYS @yday ||= h[mon] + day end # Return the year for this date. def year @year || civil[0] end protected def civil unless @year && @mon && @day if @year && @yday @mon, @day = month_day_from_yday else date = jd_to_civil(@jd || commercial_to_jd(*commercial)) @year = date.year @mon = date.mon @day = date.day end end [@year, @mon, @day] end def commercial unless @cwyear && @cweek && @cwday a = jd_to_civil(jd - 3).year @cwyear = if jd >= commercial_to_jd(a + 1, 1, 1) then a + 1 else a end @cweek = 1 + ((jd - commercial_to_jd(@cwyear, 1, 1)) / 7).floor @cwday = (jd + 1) % 7 @cwday = 7 if @cwday == 0 end [@cwyear, @cweek, @cwday] end def ordinal [year, yday] end private def _leap?(year) if year % 400 == 0 true elsif year % 100 == 0 false elsif year % 4 == 0 true else false end end def _strftime(v) case v when '%' then '%' when 'A' then DAYNAMES[wday] when 'a' then ABBR_DAYNAMES[wday] when 'B' then MONTHNAMES[mon] when 'b', 'h' then ABBR_MONTHNAMES[mon] when 'C' then '%02d' % (year / 100.0).floor when 'D', 'x' then strftime('%m/%d/%y') when 'd' then '%02d' % day when 'e' then '%2d' % day when 'F' then strftime('%Y-%m-%d') when 'G' then '%.4d' % cwyear when 'g' then '%02d' % (cwyear % 100) when 'j' then '%03d' % yday when 'm' then '%02d' % mon when 'n' then "\n" when 't' then "\t" when 'U', 'W' firstday = self - ((v == 'W' and wday == 0) ? 6 : wday) y = firstday.year '%02d' % (y != year ? 0 : ((firstday - new_civil(y, 1, 1))/7 + 1)) when 'u' then '%d' % cwday when 'V' then '%02d' % cweek when 'v' then strftime('%e-%b-%Y') when 'w' then '%d' % wday when 'Y' then '%04d' % year when 'y' then '%02d' % (year % 100) else "%#{v}" end end def commercial_to_jd(y, w, d) jd = new_civil(y, 1, 4).jd jd - (jd % 7) + 7 * (w - 1) + (d - 1) end def days_in_month(m=nil, y=nil) (_leap?(y||year) ? LEAP_DAYS_IN_MONTH : DAYS_IN_MONTH)[m||mon] end def jd_to_civil(jd) new_civil(*jd_to_ymd(jd)) end def jd_to_ymd(jd) x = ((jd - 1867216.25) / 36524.25).floor a = jd + 1 + x - (x / 4.0).floor b = a + 1524 c = ((b - 122.1) / 365.25).floor d = (365.25 * c).floor e = ((b - d) / 30.6001).floor dom = b - d - (30.6001 * e).floor if e <= 13 m = e - 1 y = c - 4716 else m = e - 13 y = c - 4715 end [y, m, dom] end def julian_jd?(jd) jd < 2299161 end def last_yday leap? ? 366 : 365 end def month_day_from_yday yday = @yday y = @year h = leap? ? LEAP_CUMMULATIVE_MONTH_DAYS : CUMMULATIVE_MONTH_DAYS 12.downto(0) do |i| if (c = h[i]) < yday return [i, yday - c] end end end def new_civil(y, m, d) self.class.new(y, m, d) end def new_jd(j) self.class.jd(jd) end def strftime_default '%Y-%m-%d' end def valid_civil? day >= 1 and day <= days_in_month(mon) and mon >= 1 and mon <= 12 end def valid_commercial? if cwday >= 1 and cwday <= 7 and cweek >= 1 and cweek <= 53 new_jd(jd).commercial == commercial else false end end def valid_ordinal? yday >= 1 and yday <= (_leap?(year) ? 366 : 365) end def yday_from_month_day CUMMULATIVE_MONTH_DAYS[mon] + day + ((month > 2 and leap?) ? 1 : 0) end end end