en: date: formats: ddyy: "%d, %Y" mmdd: "%b %d" mmddyy: "%b %d, %Y" wwmmdd: "%a, %b %d" wwmmddyy: "%a, %b %d, %Y" yymm: "%Y-%m" time: formats: ddyy: "%d, %Y" mmdd: "%b %d" mmddyy: "%b %d, %Y" wwmmdd: "%a, %b %d" wwmmddyy: "%a, %b %d, %Y" hhmmpp: "%I:%M %p" english: "English" core: next_page: "Next " prev_page: " Previous" login: Login logout: Logout account: My Account errors_below: Please review the problems below login_required: Please login to your account first resource_invalid: Requested page is not available in your account create_account: Create Account confirmation_email_1: 'Thank you for registering for an account on %{value}' confirmation_email_2: 'Please click on the following link to complete your registration:' confirmation_email_3: 'Thank you!' confirmation_email_link: Confirm my account reset_password_email_1: 'Hello %{value}' reset_password_email_2: 'Someone has requested a link to change your password, and you can do this through the link below.' reset_password_email_3: "If you didn't request this, please ignore this email." reset_password_email_4: "Your password won't change until you access the link above and create a new one." reset_password_email_link: Change my password unlock_email_1: 'Hello %{value}' unlock_email_2: 'Your account has been locked due to an excessive amount of unsuccessful sign in attempts.' unlock_email_3: "Click the link below to unlock your account" unlock_email_link: Unlock my account profile_full_name: "%{firstname} %{lastname}" profile_email: Email profile_password: Password profile_password_confirmation: Password Confirmation profile_current_password: Current Password profile_first_name: First Name profile_last_name: Last Name profile_address: Address profile_address2: Address profile_city: City profile_state: State profile_country: Country profile_zipcode: Zipcode profile_public_name: Public Name profile_update_btn: Update profile_account_settings: Account Settings profile_details_settings: 'Public / Private Profile' profile_public_title: Public Profile profile_public_explanation: 'The following information will be visible to other people, such as posts in the forum or comments in the blog.' profile_public_upload: Photo profile_public_upload_help: 'Upload a photo for use in your public profile (gif, jpg, png)' profile_private_title: Private Profile profile_private_explanation: 'This information will be kept private and not shared with anyone.' profile_account_title: "Update Email / Account Login" profile_account_explanation: "Remember: next time you login, you will use your updated email address." profile_account_password_title: Change Your Password profile_account_password_current_title: Current Password profile_account_password_current_explanation: Your current password is required to make any changes. profile_profile_updated: Your profile has been updated profile_email_confirmation: An email has been sent to the new email address - you must click on the confirmation link before you can login using the new email address profile_password_updated: Your password has been updated profile_email_needs_confirmation: 'Your email address has already been changed to' profile_email_needs_confirmation_2: 'An email was sent to that address for confirmation. If you did not receive the confirmation email, simply update the email again to re-send the confirmation.' email: salutation: "Dear %{value}," thank_you: Thank you