// ========================================================================== // Project: Greenhouse.targetsController // Copyright: ©2010 Mike Ball // ========================================================================== /*globals Greenhouse */ /** @class The full set of targets available in the application. This is populated automatically when you call loadTargets(). This Class comes from SproutCore's test runner @extends SC.ArrayController */ Greenhouse.targetsController = SC.ArrayController.create( /** @scope Greenhouse.targetsController.prototype */ { /** Call this method whenever you want to relaod the targets from the server. */ reload: function() { var targets = Greenhouse.store.find(Greenhouse.TARGETS_QUERY); this.set('content', targets); }, /** Generates the Array of Apps in this project */ applications: function() { var apps = []; this.forEach(function(target) { if(target.get('sortKind') === "app") apps.pushObject(target); }, this); return apps; }.property('[]').cacheable() }) ;