module Hashicorptools class Terraform < Thor TERRAFORM_VERSION = '0.9.1' include Ec2Utilities include Variables desc 'bootstrap', 'terraform a new infrastructure from scratch' option :environment, :required => true def bootstrap apply end [:apply, :plan, :destroy, :pull, :refresh].each do |cmd| desc cmd, "terraform #{cmd}" option :environment, :required => true option :debug, :required => false define_method cmd do send("_#{cmd}") end no_commands do define_method "_#{cmd}" do |settings_overrides = {}| enforce_version! raise 'invalid environment' unless ['staging', 'production'].include?(options[:environment]) execute(state_path, var_file_path) do settings_overrides .merge!({ app_environment: options[:environment] } .merge(env_variable_keys) .merge(settings) .merge(shared_plan_variables)) send("before_#{cmd}") terraform_command = "terraform #{cmd} #{variables(settings_overrides)} -state #{state_path} #{var_file_param} #{config_directory}" if (options[:debug]) puts "[DEBUG] running command: '#{terraform_command}" end result = system terraform_command if result send("after_#{cmd}") end end end define_method "before_#{cmd}" do # no-op end end no_commands do define_method "before_shared_#{cmd}" do # no-op end define_method "after_#{cmd}" do # no-op end define_method "after_shared_#{cmd}" do # no-op end end desc cmd, "terraform #{cmd} for shared plan" option :debug, :required => false define_method "shared_#{cmd}" do enforce_version! execute(shared_state_path) do send("before_shared_#{cmd}") terraform_command = "terraform #{cmd} #{variables(env_variable_keys.merge(settings))} -state #{shared_state_path} #{shared_config_directory}" if (options[:debug]) puts "[DEBUG] running command: '#{terraform_command}" end result = system terraform_command if result send("after_shared_#{cmd}") end end end end desc 'output', 'terraform output' option :environment, :required => true option :name, :required => true def output execute(state_path) do system output_cmd(state_path, options[:name]) end end desc 'shared_output', 'terraform output for shared plan' option :name, :required => true def shared_output execute(shared_state_path) do system output_cmd(shared_state_path, options[:name]) end end desc 'taint', 'terraform taint' option :environment, :required => true option :name, :required => true option :module, :required => false def taint execute(state_path) do if options[:module].present? system "terraform taint -module #{options[:module]} -state #{state_path} #{options[:name]}" else system "terraform taint -state #{state_path} #{options[:name]}" end end end desc 'shared_taint', 'terraform taint for shared plan' option :name, :required => true option :module, :required => false def shared_taint execute(shared_state_path) do if options[:module].present? system "terraform taint -module #{options[:module]} -state #{shared_state_path} #{options[:name]}" else system "terraform taint -state #{shared_state_path} #{options[:name]}" end end end desc 'show', 'terraform show' option :environment, :required => true def show execute(state_path) do system "terraform show #{state_path}" end end desc 'shared_show', 'terraform show for shared plan' def shared_show execute(shared_state_path) do system "terraform show #{shared_state_path}" end end desc "console", "interactive session" def console require 'pry-byebug' binding.pry end protected def var_file_param File.exist?(var_file_path) ? "-var-file #{var_file_path}" : "" end def execute(state_file_path, var_file_path=nil) begin yield rescue StandardError => e puts e.message puts e.backtrace end end def state_path "#{config_environment_path}/#{options[:environment]}.tfstate" end def shared_state_path "#{shared_config_directory}/shared.tfstate" end def var_file_path "#{config_environment_path}/variables.tfvars" end def config_directory "config/infrastructure/#{infrastructure}" end def shared_config_directory "config/infrastructure/#{infrastructure}/shared" end def config_environment_path "#{config_directory}/environments/#{options[:environment]}" end def infrastructure raise 'implement me' end def output_cmd(state_file_path, name=nil) "terraform output -state=#{state_file_path} #{name}" end def output_variable(state_file_path, name) `#{output_cmd(state_file_path, name)}`.chomp end def output_variables(state_file_path) raw_plan_output = `#{output_cmd(state_file_path)}` parse_key_value_variables(raw_plan_output) end def var_file_variables raise "Vars file #{var_file_path} does not exist" unless File.exist?(var_file_path) raw_var_file_variables = parse_key_value_variables(raw_var_file_variables) end def terraform_version version_string = `terraform version`.chomp version = /(\d+.\d+.\d+)/.match(version_string) version[0] end def enforce_version! if < raise "Terraform #{terraform_version} is out of date, please upgrade" end end def settings {} # override me to pass more variables into the terraform plan. end def asg_launch_config_name(asg_name) asg_client = 'us-east-1') group = asg_client.describe_auto_scaling_groups(auto_scaling_group_names: [asg_name]).auto_scaling_groups.first group.try(:launch_configuration_name) end def env_variable_keys {} # override me to pass environmental variables into the terraform plan end def shared_plan_variables if File.exist?(shared_state_path) output_variables(shared_state_path) else {} end end def fetch_terraform_modules system "terraform get -update=true #{config_directory}" end def current_tfstate return @current_tfstate if defined?(@current_tfstate) raw_conf = @current_tfstate = JSON.parse(raw_conf) end def read_config_file(path)'config/' + path).read template ="config/#{path}").read, nil, "%" template.result( { binding }) end def dynect @dynect ||="controlshiftlabs", ENV['DYNECT_USERNAME'], ENV['DYNECT_PASSWORD'], "") end def dns_record_exists?(parent_node_fqdn, record) dynect.node_list(nil, parent_node_fqdn).include?(record.fqdn) end private def parse_key_value_variables(vars_string) vars = {} vars_string.split("\n").each do |string_var| next if string_var.blank? key, value = string_var.split("=") vars[key.strip] = value.strip.gsub('"', '') end vars end end end